68,039 research outputs found
Finding Exponential Product Formulas of Higher Orders
In the present article, we review a continual effort on generalization of the
Trotter formula to higher-order exponential product formulas. The exponential
product formula is a good and useful approximant, particularly because it
conserves important symmetries of the system dynamics. We focuse on two
algorithms of constructing higher-order exponential product formulas. The first
is the fractal decomposition, where we construct higher-order formulas
recursively. The second is to make use of the quantum analysis, where we
compute higher-order correction terms directly. As interludes, we also have
described the decomposition of symplectic integrators, the approximation of
time-ordered exponentials, and the perturbational composition.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. To be published in the conference proceedings
''Quantum Annealing and Other Optimization Methods," eds. B.K.Chakrabarti and
A.Das (Springer, Heidelberg
Recent trends and theoretical background in sintering of silicon carbide ceramics
This article gives an outline of sintering techniques of silicon carbide and refers to recent developments. These techniques are also applicable to other oxides with a high melting point and particularly high sinterability, namely MgO and BeO
Absorption Probability of De Sitter Horizon for Massless Fields with Spin
The evaluation of the absorption coefficients are important for particle
emission caused by Hawking radiation. In the case of cosmological particle
emission from the event horizon in De Sitter space, it is known that the scalar
wave functions are solved in terms of Legendre functions. For fields with
higher spin, the solution has been examined with low frequency approximation.
We shows that the radial equations of the fields with spin and
can be solved analytically in terms of the hypergeometric functions. We
calculate the absorption probability using asymptotic expansion for high
frequency limit. It turns out that the absorption coefficients are universal to
all bosonic fields; They depend only on the angular momentum and not spin. In
the case of spin fermions, we can also find non-vanishing absorption
probability in contrast to the previously known result.Comment: 7 pages, Late
QCD Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
We study the pure-gauge QCD phase transition at finite temperatures in the
dual Ginzburg-Landau theory, an effective theory of QCD based on the dual Higgs
mechanism. We formulate the effective potential at various temperatures by
introducing the quadratic source term, which is a new useful method to obtain
the effective potential in the negative-curvature region. Thermal effects
reduce the QCD-monopole condensate and bring a first-order deconfinement phase
transition. We find a large reduction of the self-interaction among
QCD-monopoles and the glueball masses near the critical temperature by
considering the temperature dependence of the self-interaction. We also
calculate the string tension at finite temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, uses PHYZZX ( 5 figures - available on request from
[email protected]
Fast and stable method for simulating quantum electron dynamics
A fast and stable method is formulated to compute the time evolution of a
wavefunction by numerically solving the time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger
equation. This method is a real space/real time evolution method implemented by
several computational techniques such as Suzuki's exponential product, Cayley's
form, the finite differential method and an operator named adhesive operator.
This method conserves the norm of the wavefunction, manages periodic conditions
and adaptive mesh refinement technique, and is suitable for vector- and
parallel-type supercomputers. Applying this method to some simple electron
dynamics, we confirmed the efficiency and accuracy of the method for simulating
fast time-dependent quantum phenomena.Comment: 10 pages, 35 eps figure
Ab initio approach to s-shell hypernuclei 3H_Lambda, 4H_Lambda, 4He_Lambda and 5He_Lambda with a Lambda N-Sigma N interaction
Variational calculations for s-shell hypernuclei are performed by explicitly
including degrees of freedom. Four sets of YN interactions (SC97d(S),
SC97e(S), SC97f(S) and SC89(S)) are used. The bound-state solution of
He is obtained and a large energy expectation value of the tensor
transition part is found. The internal energy of the
He subsystem is strongly affected by the presence of a particle
with the strong tensor transition potential.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 142504 (2002
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