4,540 research outputs found
Anomalous Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Heavy-Fermion PrFe4P12
We have investigated the anisotropy of the magnetoresistance in the Pr-based
HF compound PrFe4P12. The large anisotropy of effective mass and its strong
field dependence have been confirmed by resistivity measurements. Particularly
for H||[111], where the effective mass is most strongly enhanced, the non-Fermi
liquid behavior has been observed. Also, we have found the angular dependence
of the magnetoresistance sharply enhanced at H||[111], which is evidently
correlated with both the non-Fermi liquid behavior and the high-field ordered
state (B-phase).Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.77, No.8, in pres
Superconducting phase diagram of the filled skuterrudite PrOs4Sb12
We present new measurements of the specific heat of the heavy fermion
superconductor PrOs4Sb12, on a sample which exhibits two sharp distinct
anomalies at Tc1= 1.89K and Tc2= 1.72K. They are used to draw a precise
magnetic field-temperature superconducting phase diagram of PrOs4Sb12 down to
350 mK.
We discuss the superconducting phase diagram of PrOs4Sb12 and its possible
relation with an unconventional superconducting order parameter. We give a
detailed analysis of Hc2(T), which shows paramagnetic limitation (a support for
even parity pairing) and multiband effects
Drastic change in transport of entropy with quadrupolar ordering in PrFeP
The antiferroquadrupolar ordering of PrFeP is explored by
probing thermal and thermoelectric transport. The lattice thermal conductivity
drastically increases with the ordering, as a consequence of a large drop in
carrier concentration and a strong electron-phonon coupling. The low level of
carrier density in the ordered state is confirmed by the anomalously large
values of the Seebeck and Nernst coefficients. The results are reminiscent of
URuSi and suggest that both belong to the same class of aborted
metal-insulator transitions. The magnitude of the Nernst coefficient, larger
than in any other metal, indicates a new route for Ettingshaussen cooling at
Kelvin temperatures.Comment: final published versio
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