1,913 research outputs found

    Lefschetz thimble structure in one-dimensional lattice Thirring model at finite density

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    We investigate Lefschetz thimble structure of the complexified path-integration in the one-dimensional lattice massive Thirring model with finite chemical potential. The lattice model is formulated with staggered fermions and a compact auxiliary vector boson (a link field), and the whole set of the critical points (the complex saddle points) are sorted out, where each critical point turns out to be in a one-to-one correspondence with a singular point of the effective action (or a zero point of the fermion determinant). For a subset of critical point solutions in the uniform-field subspace, we examine the upward and downward cycles and the Stokes phenomenon with varying the chemical potential, and we identify the intersection numbers to determine the thimbles contributing to the path-integration of the partition function. We show that the original integration path becomes equivalent to a single Lefschetz thimble at small and large chemical potentials, while in the crossover region multi thimbles must contribute to the path integration. Finally, reducing the model to a uniform field space, we study the relative importance of multiple thimble contributions and their behavior toward continuum and low-temperature limits quantitatively, and see how the rapid crossover behavior is recovered by adding the multi thimble contributions at low temperatures. Those findings will be useful for performing Monte-Carlo simulations on the Lefschetz thimbles.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures (typo etc. corrected

    Time-resolved charge fractionalization in inhomogeneous Luttinger liquids

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    The recent observation of charge fractionalization in single Tomanga-Luttinger liquids (TLLs) [Kamata et al., Nature Nanotech., 9 177 (2014)] opens new routes for a systematic investigation of this exotic quantum phenomenon. In this Letter we perform measurements on two adjacent TLLs and put forward an accurate theoretical framework to address the experiments. The theory is based on the plasmon scattering approach and can deal with injected charge pulses of arbitrary shape in TLL regions. We accurately reproduce and interpret the time-resolved multiple fractionalization events in both single and double TLLs. The effect of inter-correlations between the two TLLs is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages + Supplementary Material. To appear in Phys. Rev. B: Rapid. Com

    Voltage-controlled Group Velocity of Edge Magnetoplasmon in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    We investigate the group velocity of edge magnetoplasmons (EMPs) in the quantum Hall regime by means of time-of-flight measurement. The EMPs are injected from an Ohmic contact by applying a voltage pulse, and detected at a quantum point contact by applying another voltage pulse to its gate. We find that the group velocity of the EMPs traveling along the edge channel defined by a metallic gate electrode strongly depends on the voltage applied to the gate. The observed variation of the velocity can be understood to reflect the degree of screening caused by the metallic gate, which damps the in-plane electric field and hence reduces the velocity. The degree of screening can be controlled by changing the distance between the gate and the edge channel with the gate voltage.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Intraoperative Tissue Staining of Invaded Oral Carcinoma

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    PATHOLOGY & ONCOLOGY RESEARCH. 14(4):461-465 (2008)journal articl

    Measurement of energy muons in EAS at energy region larger thean 10(17) eV

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    A measurement of low energy muons in extensive air showers (EAS) (threshold energies are 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.38 GeV) was carried out. The density under the concrete shielding equivalent to 0.25 GeV at core distance less than 500 m and 0.5 GeV less than 150 m suffers contamination of electromagnetic components. Therefore the thickness of concrete shielding for muon detectors for the giant air shower array is determined to be 0.5 GeV equivalence. Effects of photoproduced muons are found to be negligible in the examined ranges of shower sizes and core distances. The fluctuation of the muon density in 90 sq m is at most 25% between 200 m and 600 m from the core around 10 to the 17th power eV

    Accuracy of intraoperative tissue staining in delineating deep surgical margins in oral carcinoma surgery

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    ArticleORAL ONCOLOGY. 44(10):935-940 (2008)journal articl

    Akeno 20 km (2) air shower array (Akeno Branch)

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    As the first stage of the future huge array, the Akeno air shower array was expanded to about 20 sq. km. by adding 19 scintillation detectors of 2.25 sq m area outside the present 1 sq. km. Akeno array with a new data collection system. These detectors are spaced about 1km from each other and connected by two optical fiber cables. This array has been in partial operation from 8th, Sep. 1984 and full operation from 20th, Dec. 1984. 20 sq m muon stations are planned to be set with 2km separation and one of them is now under construction. The origin of the highest energy cosmic rays is studied