153 research outputs found
MegaPipe: the MegaCam image stacking pipeline at the Canadian Astronomical Data Centre
This paper describes the MegaPipe image processing pipeline at the Canadian
Astronomical Data Centre. The pipeline combines multiple images from the
MegaCam mosaic camera on CFHT and combines them into a single output image.
MegaPipe takes as input detrended MegaCam images and does a careful astrometric
and photometric calibration on them. The calibrated images are then resampled
and combined into image stacks. The astrometric calibration of the output
images is accurate to within 0.15 arcseconds relative to external reference
frames and 0.04 arcseconds internally. The photometric calibration is good to
within 0.03 magnitudes. The stacked images and catalogues derived from these
images are available through the CADC website:Comment: Data available at
SSOS: A Moving Object Image Search Tool for Asteroid Precovery
It is very difficult to find archival images of solar system objects. While
regular archive searches can find images at a fixed location, they cannot find
images of moving targets. Archival images have become increasingly useful to
galactic and stellar astronomers the last few years but, until now, solar
system researchers have been at a disadvantage in this respect. The Solar
System Object Search (SSOS) at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre allows users
to search for images of moving objects. SSOS accepts as input either a list of
observations, an object designation, a set of orbital elements, or a
user-generated ephemeris for an object. It then searches for images containing
that object over a range of dates. The user is then presented with a list of
images containing that object from a variety of archives. Initially created to
search the CFHT MegaCam archive, SSOS has been extended to other telescope
archives including Gemini, Subaru/SuprimeCam, HST, several ESO instruments and
the SDSS for a total of 6.5 million images. The SSOS tool is located on the web
at: http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/ssosComment: Accepted for publication in PASP. Service available at:
Extended Photometry for the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: A Testbed for Photometric Redshift Experiments
This paper describes a new catalog that supplements the existing DEEP2 Galaxy
Redshift Survey photometric and spectroscopic catalogs with ugriz photometry
from two other surveys; the Canada-France-Hawaii Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) and the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Each catalog is cross-matched by position on
the sky in order to assign ugriz photometry to objects in the DEEP2 catalogs.
We have recalibrated the CFHTLS photometry where it overlaps DEEP2 in order to
provide a more uniform dataset. We have also used this improved photometry to
predict DEEP2 BRI photometry in regions where only poorer measurements were
available previously. In addition, we have included improved astrometry tied to
SDSS rather than USNO-A2.0 for all DEEP2 objects. In total this catalog
contains ~27,000 objects with full ugriz photometry as well as robust
spectroscopic redshift measurements, 64% of which have r > 23. By combining the
secure and accurate redshifts of the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey with ugriz
photometry, we have created a catalog that can be used as an excellent testbed
for future photo-z studies, including tests of algorithms for surveys such as
LSST and DES.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures and 5 tables. Accepted to The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement. Catalogs are publicly available at
Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in the Hubble Deep Field: The Halo Tully-Fisher Relation at Intermediate Redshift
A tangential distortion of background source galaxies around foreground lens
galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field is detected at the 99.3% confidence level. An
important element of our analysis is the use of photometric redshifts to
determine distances of lens and source galaxies and rest-frame B-band
luminosities of the lens galaxies. The lens galaxy halos obey a Tully-Fisher
relation between halo circular velocity and luminosity; the typical lens
galaxy, at a redshift z = 0.6, has a circular velocity of 210 +/-40 km/s at M_B
= -18.5, if q_0 = 0.5. Control tests, in which lens and source positions and
source ellipticities are randomized, confirm the significance level of the
detection quoted above. Furthermore, a marginal signal is also detected from an
independent, fainter sample of source galaxies without photometric redshifts.
Potential systematic effects, such as contamination by aligned satellite
galaxies, the distortion of source shapes by the light of the foreground
galaxies, PSF anisotropies, and contributions from mass distributed on the
scale of galaxy groups are shown to be negligible. A comparison of our result
with the local Tully-Fisher relation indicates that intermediate-redshift
galaxies are fainter than local spirals by 1.0 +/- 0.6 B mag at a fixed
circular velocity. This is consistent with some spectroscopic studies of the
rotation curves of intermediate-redshift galaxies. This result suggests that
the strong increase in the global luminosity density with redshift is dominated
by evolution in the galaxy number density.Comment: Revised version with minor changes. 13 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX2e,
uses emulateapj and multicol styles (included). Accepted by Ap
An Ultrasoft X-ray Flare from 3XMM J152130.7+074916: a Tidal Disruption Event Candidate
We report on the discovery of an ultrasoft X-ray transient source, 3XMM
J152130.7+074916. It was serendipitously detected in an XMM-Newton observation
on 2000 August 23, and its location is consistent with the center of the galaxy
SDSS J152130.72+074916.5 (z=0.17901 and d_L=866 Mpc). The high-quality X-ray
spectrum can be fitted with a thermal disk with an apparent inner disk
temperature of 0.17 keV and a rest-frame 0.24-11.8 keV unabsorbed luminosity of
~5e43 erg/s, subject to a fast-moving warm absorber. Short-term variability was
also clearly observed, with the spectrum being softer at lower flux. The source
was covered but not detected in a Chandra observation on 2000 April 3, a Swift
observation on 2005 September 10, and a second XMM-Newton observation on 2014
January 19, implying a large variability (>260) of the X-ray flux. The optical
spectrum of the candidate host galaxy, taken ~11 yrs after the XMM-Newton
detection, shows no sign of nuclear activity. This, combined with its transient
and ultrasoft properties, leads us to explain the source as tidal disruption of
a star by the supermassive black hole in the galactic center. We attribute the
fast-moving warm absorber detected in the first XMM-Newton observation to the
super-Eddington outflow associated with the event and the short-term
variability to a disk instability that caused fast change of the inner disk
radius at a constant mass accretion rate.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. ApJ, in pres
The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS) III. The Ultraviolet Source Catalogs
In this paper we introduce the deepest and most extensive ultraviolet
extragalactic source catalogs of the Virgo Cluster area to date. Archival and
targeted GALEX imaging is compiled and combined to provide the deepest possible
coverage over ~120 deg^2 in the NUV (lambda_eff=2316 angstroms) and ~40 deg^2
in the FUV (lambda_eff=1539 angstroms) between 180 deg <= R.A. <= 195 deg and 0
deg <= Decl. <= 20 deg. We measure the integrated photometry of 1770 extended
UV sources of all galaxy types and use GALEX pipeline photometry for 1,230,855
point-like sources in the foreground, within, and behind the cluster. Extended
source magnitudes are reliable to m_UV ~22, showing ~0.01 sigma difference from
their asymptotic magnitudes. Point-like source magnitudes have a 1 sigma
standard deviation within ~0.2 mag down to m_uv ~23. The point-like source
catalog is cross-matched with large optical databases and surveys including the
SDSS DR9 (> 1 million Virgo Cluster sources), the Next Generation Virgo Cluster
Survey (NGVS; >13 million Virgo Cluster sources), and the NED (~30,000 sources
in the Virgo Cluster). We find 69% of the entire UV point-like source catalog
has a unique optical counterpart, 11% of which are stars and 129 are Virgo
cluster members neither in the VCC nor part of the bright CGCG galaxy catalog
(i.e., m_pg < 14.5). These data are collected in four catalogs containing the
UV extended sources, the UV point-like sources, and two catalogs each
containing the most relevant optical parameters of UV-optically matched
point-like sources for further studies from SDSS and NGVS. The GUViCS catalogs
provide a unique set of data for future works on UV and multiwavelength studies
in the cluster and background environments.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures, 15 tables, Accepted for publication in A&
Col-OSSOS: The Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey
The Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (Col-OSSOS) is acquiring
near-simultaneous , , and photometry of unprecedented precision with
the Gemini North Telescope, targeting nearly a hundred trans-Neptunian objects
(TNOs) brighter than mag discovered in the Outer Solar System
Origins Survey. Combining the optical and near-infrared photometry with the
well-characterized detection efficiency of the Col-OSSOS target sample will
provide the first flux-limited compositional dynamical map of the outer Solar
System. In this paper, we describe our observing strategy and detail the data
reduction processes we employ, including techniques to mitigate the impact of
rotational variability. We present optical and near-infrared colors for 35
TNOs. We find two taxonomic groups for the dynamically excited TNOs, the
neutral and red classes, which divide at . Based on simple
albedo and orbital distribution assumptions, we find that the neutral class
outnumbers the red class, with a ratio of 4:1 and potentially as high as 11:1.
Including in our analysis constraints from the cold classical objects, which
are known to exhibit unique albedos and colors, we find that within our
measurement uncertainty, our observations are consistent with the primordial
Solar System protoplanetesimal disk being neutral-class-dominated, with two
major compositional divisions in color space.Comment: Accepted to ApJS; on-line supplemental files will be available with
the AJS published version of the pape
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