333,348 research outputs found
Approximation algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Penalties
In this paper, we address the problem of capacitated facility location
problem with penalties (CapFLPP) paid per unit of unserved demand. In case of
uncapacitated FLP with penalties demands of a client are either entirely met or
are entirely rejected and penalty is paid. In the uncapacitated case, there is
no reason to serve a client partially. Whereas, in case of CapFLPP, it may be
beneficial to serve a client partially instead of not serving at all and, pay
the penalty for the unmet demand. Charikar et. al.
\cite{charikar2001algorithms}, Jain et. al. \cite{jain2003greedy} and Xu- Xu
\cite{xu2009improved} gave , and approximation, respectively,
for the uncapacitated case . We present factor for the case
of uniform capacities and factor for non-uniform
B-parameters of 4-fermion operators from lattice QCD
This talk summarizes the status of the calculations of , , ,
and , done in collaboration with T. Bhattacharya, G. Kilcup, and S.
Sharpe. Results for staggered, Wilson, and Clover fermions are presented.Comment: 3 pages. Package submitted in uufiles format: unpack and latex
paper.tex. Talk presented at LATTICE97 (Light Hadron Phenomenology
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