1,561 research outputs found
The Carath\'eodory-Fej\'er Interpolation Problems and the von-Neumann Inequality
The validity of the von-Neumann inequality for commuting - tuples of
matrices remains open for . We give a partial answer to
this question, which is used to obtain a necessary condition for the
Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem on the polydisc
In the special case of (which follows from Ando's theorem as well), this
necessary condition is made explicit. An alternative approach to the
Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem, in the special case of
adapting a theorem of Kor\'{a}nyi and Puk\'{a}nzsky is given. As a consequence,
a class of polynomials are isolated for which a complete solution to the
Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem is easily obtained. A natural
generalization of the Hankel operators on the Hardy space of
then becomes apparent. Many of our results remain valid for any however, the computations are somewhat cumbersome for and are
omitted. The inequality , where
is the complex Grothendieck constant and
is due to Varopoulos. Here the
supremum is taken over all complex polynomials in variables of degree
at most and commuting - tuples of
contractions. We show that obtaining a slight improvement in the inequality of Varopoulos.
We show that the normed linear space has no isometric
embedding into complex matrices for any and
discuss several infinite dimensional operator space structures on it.Comment: This is my thesis submitted to Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
on 20th July, 201
Origin of the unusual dependence of Raman D band on excitation wavelength in graphite-like materials
We have revisited the still unresolved puzzle of the dispersion of the Raman
disordered-induced D band as a function of laser excitation photon energy E
in graphite-like materials. We propose that the D-mode is a combination of an
optic phonon at the K-point in the Brillioun zone and an acoustic phonon whose
momentum is determined uniquely by the double resonance condition. The fit of
the experimental data with the double-resonance model yields the reduced
effective mass of 0.025m for the electron-hole pairs corresponding to the
A transition, in agreement with other experiments. The model can also
explain the difference between and for D and
D modes, and predicts its dependence on the Raman excitation
frequency.Comment: 4 figures in eps forma
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