50,761 research outputs found
An Efficient Analytical Solution to Thwart DDoS Attacks in Public Domain
In this paper, an analytical model for DDoS attacks detection is proposed, in
which propagation of abrupt traffic changes inside public domain is monitored
to detect a wide range of DDoS attacks. Although, various statistical measures
can be used to construct profile of the traffic normally seen in the network to
identify anomalies whenever traffic goes out of profile, we have selected
volume and flow measure. Consideration of varying tolerance factors make
proposed detection system scalable to the varying network conditions and attack
loads in real time. NS-2 network simulator on Linux platform is used as
simulation testbed. Simulation results show that our proposed solution gives a
drastic improvement in terms of detection rate and false positive rate.
However, the mammoth volume generated by DDoS attacks pose the biggest
challenge in terms of memory and computational overheads as far as monitoring
and analysis of traffic at single point connecting victim is concerned. To
address this problem, a distributed cooperative technique is proposed that
distributes memory and computational overheads to all edge routers for
detecting a wide range of DDoS attacks at early stage.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1203.240
Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presence of evanescent modes
It is known that differential magnetoconductance of a normal metal loop
connected to reservoirs by ideal wires is always negative when an electron
travels as an evanescent modes in the loop. This is in contrast to the fact
that the magnetoconductance for propagating modes is very sensitive to small
changes in geometric details and the Fermi energy and moreover it can be
positive as well as negative. Here we explore the role of impurities in the
leads in determining the magnetoconductance of the loop. We find that the
change in magnetoconductance is negative and can be made large provided the
impurities do not create resonant states in the systems. This theoretical
finding may play an useful role in quantum switch operations.Comment: 9 figures available on reques
Comparison of Canonical and Grand Canonical Models for selected multifragmentation data
Calculations for a set of nuclear multifragmentation data are made using a
Canonical and a Grand Canonical Model. The physics assumptions are identical
but the Canonical Model has an exact number of particles, whereas, the Grand
Canonical Model has a varying number of particles, hence, is less exact.
Interesting differences are found.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, and 3 postscript figure
Controlling hysteresis in superconducting constrictions with a resistive shunt
We demonstrate control of the thermal hysteresis in superconducting
constrictions by adding a resistive shunt. In order to prevent thermal
relaxation oscillations, the shunt resistor is placed in close vicinity of the
constriction, making the inductive current-switching time smaller than the
thermal equilibration time. We investigate the current-voltage characteristics
of the same constriction with and without the shunt-resistor. The widening of
the hysteresis-free temperature range is explained on the basis of a simple
model.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, including Supplementary Informatio
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