36 research outputs found

    Classification tree of ING4, Cul1, BRG1 and Bim biomarkers for dysplastic nevi and melanoma.

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    <p>Nevi, dysplastic nevi; PM+MM, primary and metastatic melanoma.</p

    Architecture and performance of ANN. (a)

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    <p>ANN architecture. The network consisted of three layers: Input (boxes 1–12), hidden (circles 1–6) and output (group 1: dysplastic nevi, group 2: melanoma) layer, respectively. (b) ANN predicted-by-observed performance chart. The box plots represent the predicted-pseudo-probabilities for the output category; dysplastic nevi (blue) and melanoma (green) plotted against the known clinical status for dysplastic nevi and melanoma. (c) The ROC curve for dysplastic nevi and melanoma separately.</p

    Discrimination of melanoma from dysplastic nevi via multiple logistic regressions.

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    <p>Discrimination of melanoma from dysplastic nevi via multiple logistic regressions.</p

    Diagnostic accuracy for melanoma via sensitivity and specificity of each individual marker.

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    <p>Diagnostic accuracy for melanoma via sensitivity and specificity of each individual marker.</p

    ROC curve for 4-markers (ING4-Cul1-BRG1-Bim, purple curve), 3-markers (ING4-Cul1- BRG1, green curve) and 2-marker (ING4-Cul1, blue curve).

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    <p>ROC curve for 4-markers (ING4-Cul1-BRG1-Bim, purple curve), 3-markers (ING4-Cul1- BRG1, green curve) and 2-marker (ING4-Cul1, blue curve).</p

    The risk management and control effect of the Vatti shares promotion plan based on option hedging transactions under the condition of maximum implicit income, <i>d</i> = 1820.

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    The risk management and control effect of the Vatti shares promotion plan based on option hedging transactions under the condition of maximum implicit income, d = 1820.</p

    Schematic diagram of the promotion plan of Vatti shares in the 2018 World Cup under two different decision goals.

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    Schematic diagram of the promotion plan of Vatti shares in the 2018 World Cup under two different decision goals.</p

    Schematic diagram of refund rate decision of the enterprise promotion scheme under two different decision goals.

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    Schematic diagram of refund rate decision of the enterprise promotion scheme under two different decision goals.</p