538 research outputs found

    RS5M: A Large Scale Vision-Language Dataset for Remote Sensing Vision-Language Foundation Model

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    Pre-trained Vision-Language Foundation Models utilizing extensive image-text paired data have demonstrated unprecedented image-text association capabilities, achieving remarkable results across various downstream tasks. A critical challenge is how to make use of existing large-scale pre-trained VLMs, which are trained on common objects, to perform the domain-specific transfer for accomplishing domain-related downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a new framework that includes the Domain Foundation Model (DFM), bridging the gap between the General Foundation Model (GFM) and domain-specific downstream tasks. Moreover, we present an image-text paired dataset in the field of remote sensing (RS), RS5M, which has 5 million RS images with English descriptions. The dataset is obtained from filtering publicly available image-text paired datasets and captioning label-only RS datasets with pre-trained VLM. These constitute the first large-scale RS image-text paired dataset. Additionally, we tried several Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning methods on RS5M to implement the DFM. Experimental results show that our proposed dataset are highly effective for various tasks, improving upon the baseline by 8%16%8 \% \sim 16 \% in zero-shot classification tasks, and obtaining good results in both Vision-Language Retrieval and Semantic Localization tasks. \url{https://github.com/om-ai-lab/RS5M}Comment: RS5M dataset v

    New Development of Air and Gas Drilling Technology

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    Gas drilling technology has been widely promoted and applied in recent years. Known for being capable of discovering and protecting reservoirs, improving the penetration rate and avoiding loss circulation, two key issues of gas drilling still need to be addressed. First, a more accurate way of determining the gas injection rate is needful. In this text, we present a modified mathematical model for predicting the optimum range of gas injection rate required to balance the borehole cleaning and well-integrity issues. The optimum gas injection rate should be sought between the minimum value required for hole cleaning and the maximum permissible value to avoid hole erosion. Good consistency between the model prediction and field problem-free nitrogen gas injection rate indicates the reliability of the proposed model. Second, the problem of environmental pollution and wasting of resources caused by direct discharging or combustion of the returned gas is to be solved. To address the latter issue, we introduce a new technology of gas recycling system (GRS). Our research group has carried out a comprehensive investigation, including integration design, technological process, cuttings transport analysis, separation and filter equipment selection, and control system design. The feasibility of GRS has been verified through an open-loop pilot test

    Relativistic superfluidity and vorticity from the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation

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    We investigate superfluidity, and the mechanism for creation of quantized vortices, in the relativistic regime.The general framework is a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in curved spacetime for a complex scalar field, whose phase dynamics gives rise to superfluidity. The mechanisms discussed are local inertial forces (Coriolis and centrifugal), and current-current interaction with an external source. The primary application is to cosmology, but we also discuss the reduction to the non-relativistic nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation, which is widely used in describing superfluidity and vorticity in liquid helium and cold-trapped atomic gase

    Relativistic superfluidity and vorticity from the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation

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    We investigate superfluidity, and the mechanism for creation of quantized vortices, in the relativistic regime. The general framework is a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in curved spacetime for a complex scalar field, whose phase dynamics gives rise to superfluidity. The mechanisms discussed are local inertial forces (Coriolis and centrifugal), and current-current interaction with an external source. The primary application is to cosmology, but we also discuss the reduction to the nonrelativistic nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which is widely used in describing superfluidity and vorticity in liquid helium and cold-trapped atomic gases

    Size- and speed-dependent mechanical behavior in living mammalian cytoplasm

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    Active transport in the cytoplasm plays critical roles in living cell physiology. However, the mechanical resistance that intracellular compartments experience, which is governed by the cytoplasmic material property, remains elusive, especially its dependence on size and speed. Here we use optical tweezers to drag a bead in the cytoplasm and directly probe the mechanical resistance with varying size a and speed V. We introduce a method, combining the direct measurement and a simple scaling analysis, to reveal different origins of the size- and speed-dependent resistance in living mammalian cytoplasm. We show that the cytoplasm exhibits size-independent viscoelasticity as long as the effective strain rate V/a is maintained in a relatively low range (0.1 s −1 < V/a < 2 s −1 ) and exhibits size-dependent poroelasticity at a high effective strain rate regime (5 s −1 < V/a < 80 s −1 ). Moreover, the cytoplasmic modulus is found to be positively correlated with only V/a in the viscoelastic regime but also increases with the bead size at a constant V/a in the poroelastic regime. Based on our measurements, we obtain a full-scale state diagram of the living mammalian cytoplasm, which shows that the cytoplasm changes from a viscous fluid to an elastic solid, as well as from compressible material to incompressible material, with increases in the values of two dimensionless parameters, respectively. This state diagram is useful to understand the underlying mechanical nature of the cytoplasm in a variety of cellular processes over a broad range of speed and size scales. Keywords: cell mechanics; poroelasticity; viscoelasticity; cytoplasmic state diagra