56 research outputs found
Prognosmodell för behovsanpassad bekÀmpning av Alternaria
Alternariasvampens betydelse som skadegörare i potatis har ökat i takt med att dithiocarbamatpreparaten (Mancozeb/Maneb) fasats ut som bladmögelpreparat. Odlarna efterfrÄgar verktyg för att ÄrsmÄnsanpassa alternariabekÀmpningen och i projektet provades en prognosmodell.
BÄde de odlare och rÄdgivare som provade var i princip positiva till modellen men man ifrÄgasatte om den inte rekommenderar för mycket bekÀmpning. NÄgra viktiga frÄgor
identifierades varav vissa i efterhand besvarats
av modellutvecklarna. Trots det kvarstÄr ett visst behov av uppföljda experiment
Ny modell för utveckling inom svensk potatisproduktion
Syftet med projektet var att fÄ till stÄnd en regional Erfa-DDU-grupp i VÀstskÄne dÀr Erfa stÄr för erfarenhetsutbyte och DDU stÄr för DeltagarDrivenUtveckling. Syftet med sÄdana grupper Àr att effektivisera svensk potatisodling
genom att öka kopplingen mellan forskning, utveckling, odling och rÄdgivning. MÄlen formulerades som fem punkter innefattande lÄngsiktighet, gemenskap,förbÀttrad kontroll över informationsflöden, ökad sjÀlvtillit, ökad grad av
tillĂ€mpning, vidareutveckling och/eller bortsĂ„llning av ny teknik, ökad effekt av allmĂ€nrĂ„dgivning och massinformation. Ett antal mĂ€tbara indikatorer formulerades för att följa upp mĂ„len. En grupp med industripotatisodlare har arbetat inom ramen för detta projekt under 2013 och 2014. TrĂ€ffarna har följt faserna för kontinuerligt lĂ€rande med Ă„terkommande cykler av sök-, planerings-, genomförande och utvĂ€rderingsfaser. Enkla odlarexperiment genomfördes i 15 fĂ€lt (rörande K-gödsling, djupluckring, radmyllning och mellangrödor). DĂ€rtill provades markfuktssensorer och en prognosmodell för bevattningsbehov samt bladskaftsanalys för att skapa en tidsserie av N- och K-innehĂ„llet i bladsaften. Resultat frĂ„n odlarexperiment har tillsammans med âvanligaâ erfarenheter frĂ„n Ă„rets odling legat till grund för dialog inom gruppen vid Ă„rets sista trĂ€ff. I en
utvĂ€rdering uppgav deltagarna att de i medeltal hade funnit 2,8 Ă„tgĂ€rder/gĂ„rd som de provat och 2,9 som de börjat reflektera över sedan de gick med i Erfa-DDU â alltsĂ„ sammanlagt 5,7 Ă„tgĂ€rder per gĂ„rd. Av Ă„tgĂ€rderna klassades 51 % som en Ă„tgĂ€rd som sĂ€kert eller troligen skulle komma att tillĂ€mpas fortsĂ€ttningsvis eller inom nĂ„gra Ă„r, 31 % behövde utvĂ€rderas mera, 9 % utvecklas mera och 9 % klassades som âĂ„tgĂ€rden Ă€r inte intressant för migâ.
Andelen deltagare som provade nÄgot nytt var 80 % och ökade frÄn 2013 till 2014. Det deltagarna vÀrdesatte mest i projektet var: utbyte av erfarenheter; hjÀlp att utvÀrdera experiment; utbyte med HushÄllningssÀllskapet, Lyckeby
Starch och SLU; att det görs nÄgot i fÀlt med följande Äterkoppling; att hela biten Àr med frÄn teori till praktik; att fÄ reda pÄ om ny teknik (t ex om markfuktsmÀtning etc.); erfarenhetsutbyte pÄ detaljnivÄ; att fÄ materialet i skrift: bÄde odlingsjournaler och experimentresultat; att ge forskare möjlighet att vara med ibland: inte bara för att dela med sig av sin kunskap utan Àven för att fÄ möjlighet att vara med i gruppdialogen kring sitt intresseomrÄde. Flera punkter i deltagarnas listning av vad som var de viktigaste komponenterna i
arbetssÀttet pekar pÄ att arbetssÀttet gett en ökad kÀnsla av kontroll över informationsflödet. Erfa-DDU-verksamheten tycks genom sin metodologi med en kombination av teori och praktiska enkla odlarexperiment pÄ deltagarnas villkor, ha verkat i önskad riktning dvs. stimulerat till att öka graden av tillÀmpning, sÄllat bort förslag som inte var relevanta för det enskilda företaget samt stimulerat till vidareutveckling av idéer. Projektets mÄl har i huvudsak
uppnÄtts och det finns ett intresse bland deltagarna att fortsÀtta verksamheten. Vi hoppas att Erfa-DDU som arbetsÀtt i framtiden ska ses som en naturlig plattform för kontinuerlig kunskapsutveckling kring potatisodling. Om detta ska bli möjligt krÀvs en hÄllbar finansiering - finansering genom odlaravgifter Àr inte tillrÀcklig. Projektet Àr kopplat till det större SLF-finansierade
forskningsprojektet BoT-A (Biologi och Biologi och Teknik för förbĂ€ttrad markanvĂ€ndning i potatisodling â Aktörssamverkan â för hĂ„llbar kunskapsutveckling). Lyckeby Starch har varit föregĂ„ngare genom att vĂ„ga satsa pĂ„ det nya arbetssĂ€ttet och har haft fem Erfa-DDU-grupper igĂ„ng sedan 2009-2010. Hela verksamheten kommer att utvĂ€rderas ur ett samhĂ€llsvetenskapligt perspektiv av SLUâs nya kompetenscentrum för rĂ„dgivning (KCR) i Skara
Long-term effects of liming on crop yield, plant diseases, soil structure and risk of phosphorus leaching
This study examined the long-term effects of applying structure lime (mixture of ~80% CaCO3 and 20% Ca(OH)2) and ground limestone (CaCO3) on soil aggregate stability and risk of phosphorus (P) losses 5â7 years after liming, incidence of soil-borne diseases and yield in winter wheat (Tritium aestivum), oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Lime was applied in 13 field trials in Sweden 2013â2015 and soil characteristics and crop yield were monitored until 2021. Seedbed (0â4 cm depth) aggregate (2â5 mm size) stability was improved to the same extent with both lime treatments compared to the untreated control, sampled 5â7 years after liming. Analyses and estimations of different P fractions (total P, PO4-P, and particulate P) in leachate following simulated rainfall events on undisturbed topsoil cores sampled 6â8 years after liming revealed lower total P and particulate P concentrations in both lime treatments compared to the untreated control. Two sugar beet trial sites with soil pH â€7.2 before liming showed an increase in sugar yield for structure lime and ground limestone as an effect of increased concentration of soil potassium (K-AL) and/or lower Aphanomyces root rot potential compared to the untreated control. The yield of winter wheat was not affected by the application of either type of lime at sites with pH >7.2 but the yield of oilseed rape decreased after the application of structure lime
Liming alkaline clay soils: effects on soil structure, nutrients, barley growth and yield
Liming before cultivation of sugar beets is favourable even on alkaline soils but knowledge of response in other crops is lacking. Therefore, effects of ground limestone (GL) and structure lime (SL1 slaked lime or SL2 mix of ground limestone and slaked lime) were evaluated in southern Sweden on soil structure, growth and nutrient concentration in barley under four fertilisation strategies 1.5â2 years after application. All lime products increased aggregate stability, but with variations between locations. A lower proportion of large aggregates was found in both limed treatments, and a higher proportion of small aggregates in SL. In barley, grain yield was unaffected while shoot numbers and biomass in first node stage increased for GL and biomass increased further for SL. Structure lime increased potassium concentration in plants in first node stage, due to more potassium in the product. Both lime types increased molybdenum concentration. Ground limestone reduced zinc concentration compared with no liming. Finer seedbed tilth and increased aggregate stability may explain increased biomass for GL. Higher potassium content in SL might be a further explanation. No interactions between liming and fertilisation were found. In conclusion, on the soil types studied, no change of fertilisation strategy is needed due to liming
Icelandic community pharmacists' and pharmacy students' expectations of future role extensions and education requirements: a cross sectional survey.
Aim: To explore the expectations of Icelandic community pharmacists and final year pharmacy students on future role extensions and associated education needs. Methods: All community pharmacists across Iceland registered with the Pharmaceutical Society of Iceland (LFI) (n=136) and all fourth- and fifth-year pharmacy students enrolled at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Iceland (n=69). An online cross-sectional questionnaire was designed, validated, piloted and analysed using descriptive statistics, logistic regression and content analysis. Results: The response rate was 27.9% (n=38) for community pharmacists and 33.3% (n=23) for fourth- and fifth-year pharmacy students respectively. Of these, 90.2% (n=55) saw the need for community pharmacistsâ role extensions and most (n=60, 98.4%) were willing to accept additional education to make role extensions in Iceland possible. Logistic regression identified that students identified the need for pharmacists to be making prescribing recommendations to medical healthcare professionals (p=0.023); for example 'Pharmacists should use their knowledge to give advice and collaborate with physicians and other healthcare professionals about drug therapies'. Conclusion: Both community pharmacists and pharmacy students showed a strong willingness to extend their roles in the future. It will require government support to overcome perceived barriers and to develop further education programmes
Temporal and Spatial Positioning of Service Crops in Cereals Affects Yield and Weed Control
Leguminous service crops (SCs) can provide multiple services to cropping systems, reducing the reliance on external resources if sufficient biomass is produced. However, rapid light and temperature reductions limit post-harvest cultivation of SCs in Northern Europe. A novel practice of intercropping SCs in two consecutive crops (spring-winter cereal) to extend the period of SCs growth, and hence improve yield and reduce weeds, was tested. Three spatial and temporal arrangements of SCs and cash crops were investigated, as well as three SC mixtures, characterized by their longevity and frost sensitivity. Compared to no SC, the best performing mixture, frost-tolerant annuals, increased grain and N yield of winter wheat by 10% and 19%, respectively, and reduced weed biomass by 15% and 26% in oats and winter wheat, respectively. These effects were attributed to high biomass production and winter survival. However, this SC reduced oat yields by 15% compared to no SC. Furthermore, SC growth and service provision varied largely between experiments, driven by the weather conditions. Extending the SC's growth period by intercropping in two consecutive cereal crops has potential, but locally adapted species choices and establishment strategies are needed to ensure SC vitality until termination
Long-term effects of liming on crop yield, plant diseases, soil structure and risk of phosphorus leaching
This study examined the long-term effects of applying structure lime (mixture of ~80% CaCO3 and 20% Ca(OH)2) and ground limestone (CaCO3) on soil aggregate stability and risk of phosphorus (P) losses 5â7 years after liming, incidence of soil-borne diseases and yield in winter wheat (Tritium aestivum), oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Lime was applied in 13 field trials in Sweden 2013â2015 and soil characteristics and crop yield were monitored until 2021. Seedbed (0â4 cm depth) aggregate (2â5 mm size) stability was improved to the same extent with both lime treatments compared to the untreated control, sampled 5â7 years after liming. Analyses and estimations of different P fractions (total P, PO4-P, and particulate P) in leachate following simulated rainfall events on undisturbed topsoil cores sampled 6â8 years after liming revealed lower total P and particulate P concentrations in both lime treatments compared to the untreated control. Two sugar beet trial sites with soil pH â€7.2 before liming showed an increase in sugar yield for structure lime and ground limestone as an effect of increased concentration of soil potassium (K-AL) and/or lower Aphanomyces root rot potential compared to the untreated control. The yield of winter wheat was not affected by the application of either type of lime at sites with pH >7.2 but the yield of oilseed rape decreased after the application of structure lime
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