418 research outputs found

    Electronic dephasing in wires due to metallic gates

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    The dephasing effect of metallic gates on electrons moving in one quasi--one--dimensional diffusive wires is analyzed. The incomplete screening in this geometry implies that the effect of the gate can be described, at high energies or temperatures, as an electric field fluctuating in time. The resulting system can be considered a realization of the Caldeira-Leggett model of an environment coupled to many particles. Within the range of temperatures where this approximation is valid, a simple estimation of the inverse dephasing time gives τG1T1/2\tau_{\rm G}^{-1} \propto T^{1/2}.Comment: 6 page

    Electron heating and mechanical properties of graphene

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    The heating of electrons in graphene by laser irradiation, and its effects on the lattice structure, are studied. Values for the temperature of the electron system in realistic situations are obtained. For sufficiently high electron temperatures, the occupancy of the states in the σ\sigma band of graphene is modified. The strength of the carbon-carbon bonds changes, leading to the emergence of strains, and to buckling in suspended samples. While most applications of `strain engineering' in two dimensional materials focus on the effects of strains on electronic properties, the effect studied here leads to alterations of the structure induced by light. This novel optomechanical coupling can induce deflections in the order of 50\sim 50 nm in micron size samples

    Generation and morphing of plasmons in graphene superlattices

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    Recent experimental studies on graphene on hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) have demonstrated that hBN is not only a passive substrate that ensures superb electronic properties of graphene's carriers, but that it actively modifies their massless Dirac fermion character through a periodic moir\'e potential. In this work we present a theory of the plasmon excitation spectrum of massless Dirac fermions in a moir\'e superlattice. We demonstrate that graphene-hBN stacks offer a rich platform for plasmonics in which control of plasmon modes can occur not only via electrostatic gating but also by adjusting e.g. the relative crystallographicComment: 10 pages, 12 figures, 3 appendice