12,126 research outputs found
Le taux de chômage structurel au Québec : un bilan du dernier quart de siècle
Cette étude analyse les causes des fluctuations du chômage au Québec depuis 1962, selon l’âge et le sexe. Elle se distingue des autres en ce qu’elle ne fait pas l’hypothèse que la composante structurelle du taux de chômage des hommes adultes soit demeurée constante dans le temps. De plus, elle innove par la construction d’un indice de la tension conjoncturelle qui tient compte explicitement de l’interdépendance entre le marché des biens et le marché du travail, en recourant à la Loi d’Okun. Ceci donne lieu à un système d’équations qui est réestimé jusqu’à convergence des résultats. En plus des facteurs structurels tenus en compte dans une étude précédente (changements dans la composition de la population active, le salaire minimum relatif, l’indice de la générosité du programme d’assurance-chômage et la rémunération relative du secteur public), l’auteur examine la possibilité que les taux marginaux d’imposition, les taxes sur la masse salariale et la dispersion de l’emploi aient affecté le taux de chômage. Les résultats indiquent que chacune des variables structurelles ayant affecté le taux de chômage des jeunes et des femmes a aussi, quoique dans une moindre mesure, affecté le taux de chômage des hommes adultes. L’impact des variables démographiques sur la composante structurelle du taux de chômage d’ensemble apparaît donc avoir été fortement surestimé dans les études précédentes. Toutefois, l’impact du salaire minimum et celui de l’assurance-chômage sont très semblables. Finalement, la fiscalité ressort comme étant un facteur dominant de l’évolution de la composante structurelle des taux de chômage.This study analyses the causes of unemployment fluctuations in Québec since 1962 according to age and sex. It is different from other studies because it does not make the assumption that the structural component of the prime age male unemployment rate has been constant over time. Morever, this study innovate by building a cyclical tightness index wich explicitly take account of the interdependence between the goods and the labor market, introducing the Okun's Law. That gives an equation system which is re-estimated until the results converge. In addition to the structural factors appearing in an earlier study (variations of the labor force composition, the relative minimum wage, the generosity index of the unemployment insurance program and the relative earnings in the public sector), the author examines the possibility that marginal tax rates, payroll tax and employment dispersion have affected the unemployment rate. The results shows that each of the structural variables having affected youth and female unemployment rates, has affected the adult male unemployment too, although in a less manner. Then, it looks like the impact on the demographic variables on the structural component of the overall unemployment rate has been strongly overestimated in earlier studies. However, the impact of the minimum wage and that of the unemployment insurance are very similar. Lastly, the fiscal variables turn out to be an important factor in the structural component of unemployment rates
La référence à la Tradition dans la production d’une « théologie morale » : illustration d’un cas
La production d’un discours éthique dans un domaine aussi inexploré que la nudité donne l’occasion d’examiner à neuf la référence à la Tradition dans une telle entreprise. Une approche « éthique » des textes fondateurs n’y a produit que du matériau apte à construire une histoire des moeurs de dénudation. Une approche « théologique », en accueillant l’expérience de Dieu chez les témoins chrétiens, identifie l’autorité propre à la Tradition dans le discours éthique. Révélation des « moeurs divines », la Tradition guide le discernement des pratiques morales de dénudation (ou de tout autre agir moral) qui sont de nature à initier chrétiennes et chrétiens à l’Ineffable Mystère
Donat J. TADDEO et Raymond C. TARAS, Le débat linguistique au Québec, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1987, (traduit de l’anglais par Brigitte Morel-Nish)
Exploring the Connection: The Scale of Time and Effort Within American Baked Goods
Through the use of memoir and historical occurrences this paper will discuss the spectrum and correlations that all baked goods lie on. There are two scales: the spectrum of labor versus leisure, and the spectrum of specialness versus overindulgence. They have a positive correlation relationship. Often when something is on the high end of the leisure scale, it is also high in the overindulgence scale. Then that means the opposite end is true- high in labor can significantly relate to being higher in specialness. These relations of labor and specialness and leisure and overindulgence can tell us something about who we are as a society. Memoirs are used in this paper as a way to illustrate these spectrums as experienced by in real time. Mixing these short narrative non-fiction stories with specific events relating to each baked good allowed for an all encompassing view into the significance of the food in our society
Les sources de la détérioration de la position relative des jeunes et des femmes sur le marché du travail au Québec
This study analyzes the causes of unemployment fluctuations in Quebec since 1962 according to age and sex. The author distinguishes between the cyclical and structural component of unemployment rates. Referring to the expansionary peak of 1966, he establishes that 50% of the rise in the female unemployment rate is of structural matter, whereas 80% of the rise in the youth unemployment rate comes from the demand deficiency.The structural factors appear in two groups of variables: the socio-demographic variables (the baby boom and the rise in the female participation rate) and the policy variables which include the generosity index of the unemployment insurance program, the relative minimum wage, and the relative earnings in the public and parapublic sector. This study shows that the policy factors have played a prominent part inside the structural component of unemployment rates during the 70's, especially for young men. Nearly 60% of the increase in the global structural unemployment rate since 1962 has been attributed to the government policies analyzed in this study, and nearly 30% has been issued solely from the government wage policy.For the author, the most important step to jump in order to improve the employment situation in Quebec remains the elimination of the three percentage points of purely cyclical unemployment that persisted in 1980 and 1981 (7 to 9 in 1982). The second one would be to bring back the average earnings in the public and parapublic sector closer to the average earnings in the private sector. The introduction of these policies coupled with the demographic forecast of StatisticsCanada would give a better employment surrounding for youth, but would only slow down the increase in the female unemployment rates
A Perfect Storm: Nonfiction on the Progression and Regression of Anxiety
From the moment I decided to write a creative nonfiction collection of essays for my thesis, I knew that anxiety would be my focus. Mental health awareness is on the uprise as it’s estimated by the National Institute of Mental Health that 31.1% of all United States adults will experience any anxiety disorder in their lives. While I knew anxiety would be an important topic to discuss in order to bring awareness to causes and effects of anxiety, I had no concept of the challenges I would face in portraying my mental health to an audience who may know nothing about me, as well as the difficulties of accurately portraying the mental health of family members
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