72 research outputs found

    Advertisement Media Strategy for Sliwar-Sliwer Suroboyo as merchandise Tourism in Surabaya

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    Sliwar-Sliwer Suroboyo is a toys that has been made as a souvenir of Surabaya. As a newly created product, the toys requires promotion to introduce themselves. It is very important as a launching products on the market. The purpose of this study is to find out which media has the best providing information for Sliwar-Sliwer Suroboyo, also what kind of communication has easily accepted by the community. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods. First of all, some media used to promote this product such as social media, as well as mass media in East Java such as newspapers and television. After all the community's reaction to the product identified to know how far they know about the product. The results show that the television with educative talkshows is a good medium in providing product information

    Paper Crafts with Batuan technique: Efforts to shape the development of Indonesian souvenirs

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    Paper craft is a craft form of sheets of heavy paper that can be folded and taped up to resemble a character model, object, building, animals. The availability of various models on the internet with little cost or free, as well as the amenity to be printed by using home printers to make its popularity increasing worldwide. In Indonesia, anime models are more acquired and more developed, yet the development of the Indonesian characteristic is less. Batuan pattern, is developed in the area of Batuan, Gianyar, Bali, it is a pattern that is magical, eerie, abstract, and dark. Currently, the pattern of Batuan developed by artists in the form of Batuan paintings that depict the daily life of Balinese people include farming, Ngaben, and depictions of folklore. With a creative method and mode of observation approach undertaken in the village of Batuan, Gianyar, Bali conducted research to combine paper craft techniques and Batuan style. The output generated a form of paper craft that has a characteristic of Bali as a souvenir. Keywords: Paper Craft, Model, Painting, Batuan, Souveni

    Analisis Semiotika Komunikasi Visual Iklan Minute Maid Pulpy Tahun 2008-2018

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    Minute Maid adalah lini produk minuman yang memproduksi brand minuman jus segar selama lebih dari 60 tahun. Minute Maid sendiri baru masuk ke Indonesia pada tahun 2008 dengan meluncurkan produk Minute Maid Pulpy rasa orange yang diproduksi PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia. Selama 10 tahun ini, Minute Maid semakin berkembang dengan adanya 5 produk, yaitu Pulpy, Fruit Bite, Homestyle, Refresh, dan Nutriboost. Selama 1 dekade ini pula, Minute Maid telah mengeluarkan berbagai jenis iklan setiap tahunnya dengan konsep yang berbeda untuk memasarkan produknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis prinsip dasar, unsur visual, serta makna yang terkandung dalam iklan Minute Maid Pulpy. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan teori analisis tujuan (AIDDA), analisis visual dengan teori layout menurut Frank Jefkins, dan meminjam teori semiotik Pierce dan Roland barthes dalam memaknai tanda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kata kunci: iklan, komunikasi, visual, tanda, semiotic


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    Dalam budaya Tionghoa, salah satu rangkaian kegiatan sebelum melaksanakan pernikahan adalah prosesi lamaran yang disebut Tingjing. Desain packaging hampers Tingjing dirancang untuk kegiatan Tingjing masa kini yang memiliki kebutuhan hampers dengan desain packaging khusus agar hampers lebih berkesan serta bermakna untuk penerimanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah 2 dari 4 fase design thinking dalam model double diamond, yaitu discover dan define dengan melakukan tinjauan pustaka, In Depth Interview (IDI) 1 orang founder event organizer dan 5 orang Tionghoa yang telah menyelenggarakan acara Tingjing, dan observasi 3 vendor hampers Tingjing. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah pemaknaan yang ada pada hampers Tinjing berdasarkan budaya Tionghoa sangatlah penting dan ditemukan jenis warna dan angka-angka yang bermakna baik serta dapat diaplikasikan pada desain packaging hampers Tingjing


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    DoTA2, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena video games, is a power struggle game involving two teams using heroes as their avatars. DoTA2 shows limitation in the role of female heroes, but they are more widely used and have a high level of victory. This study is conducted to determine the portrayal of female hero in DoTA2 to identifiy the visual elements that show power features. Qualitative research through structure and semiotics analysis used to identify the content of visual features of female heroes. The result shows a new myth. A non-human form heroes, has a dark color, wide upper body, costume are covered, and wield big weapon are the strength of female heroes visual features. But strength is also displayed through skill and agility that serves to survive and win the game. The study provides references for further research in character design improvements as well as a visual recommendations in female design characters in video games

    Below The Line: Media Strategy in Improving Promotion of Independent Choir In Surabaya. Case Study: Concert of Coro Semplice Indonesia

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    Coro Semplice Indonesia, an Independent Choir came from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, was formed by a few people who have the same desire to continue a hobby in the field of music. Choir has no institutions that have the capital, so the members have an active role to raise funds independently, to holding annual concerts. With the very limited funds, Coro Semplice Indonesia needs best media strategy to promote the annual concert. This study used qualitative methods with observation and analysis of media strategy, Below The Line, which was selected as the media messenger also quantitative with questioner to know which media has the best penetration for audience. The purpose of this study to determine what media has the most extensive range with the cheapest cost. Results showed that short messages service has the highest effectiveness of the message, to the personal and direct targeting of individuals system. This study is useful as a form of reference for the promotion of other organizations that have limited funding sources

    Ilustrasi Karakter Tokoh Cerita Calon Arang dalam Corak Batuan: Upaya Pendalaman Karakter Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

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    Abstract. Indonesian folktale, with the figures legends, developed and down orally from generation to generation in the community. The development of the story is recorded in the form of prose or visualized as a children's story. Visualization of the story, the characters in particular, used to support the story line but not maximized becomes an illustration. This study is aimed to visualize characters of Calon Arang in the story with more communicative to be an illustration. The study includes facial expression, age, body posture, gestures, and movement. It also includes the form of clothing, style, and motifs that are used as well as the jewelry supporting characters. Style of painting uses Batuan style, a style developed in the Batuan region, Gianyar, Bali and little affected by western culture. It is magical, haunted, timeless, and dark. Nowadays, Batuan style is being developed by Batuan artists in the form of paintings depicting the social life of the people of Bali in daily activities such as farming, Ngaben, and folktales. The study uses observational approach. The Observation was held in the village of Batuan, Gianyar Regency of Bali. The resulting output is a form of illustrations of Calon Arang story characters that have a visual in Batuan style, so then the typical of the characters in folktale can be achieved optimally. Keyword: folktale; Batuan style, illustration; character figure

    Lipatan Ajaib: 100+ Struktur Pembuatan Packaging

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    Merupakan buku ajar mata kuliah kemasan untuk mahasiswa desain. Buku ini berisi kumpulan karya struktur kemasan untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan produk sehari-hari

    Below The Line: Media Strategy in Improving Promotion of Independent Choir In Surabaya. Case Study: Concert of Coro Semplice Indonesia

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    Coro Semplice Indonesia, an Independent Choir came from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, was formed by a few people who have the same desire to continue a hobby in the field of music. Choir has no institutions that have the capital, so the members have an active role to raise funds independently, to holding annual concerts. With the very limited funds, Coro Semplice Indonesia needs best media strategy to promote the annual concert. This study used qualitative methods with observation and analysis of media strategy, Below The Line, which was selected as the media messenger also quantitative with questioner to know which media has the best penetration for audience. The purpose of this study to determine what media has the most extensive range with the cheapest cost. Results showed that short messages service has the highest effectiveness of the message, to the personal and direct targeting of individuals system. This study is useful as a form of reference for the promotion of other organizations that have limited funding sources. Keywords: Choir, Media, Advertising, Strateg

    Atribut Agama, Penguasa Ekonomi dan Kekuatan Media dalam Acara X Factor Indonesia

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    Fenomena Fatin Sidqia Lubis, gadis kecil berjilbab dengan suaranya yang khas di ajang pencarian bakat X Factor Indonesia, mampu menyedot perhatian seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Berbagai macam dukungan mengalir untuk Fatin dalam acara tersebut. Masyarakat dilibatkan untuk berkontribusi melalui polling sms. Mempertahankan Fatin merupakan sebuah stabilitas laba yang mengalir dari acara tersebut. Penguasa ekonomi mengendalikan semuanya melalui media televisi dengan leluasa. Kajian ini menggunakan beberapa teori tentang politik ekonomi, kekuasaan, media televisi, dan postmodern untuk menganalisis fenomena acara X Factor di Indonesia
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