8 research outputs found
Large Distance Modification of Newtonian Potential and Structure Formation in Universe
In this paper, we study the effects of super-light brane world perturbative
modes on structure formation in our universe. As these modes modify the large
distance behavior of Newtonian potential, they effect the clustering of a
system of galaxies. So, we explicitly calculate the clustering of galaxies
interacting through such a modified Newtonian potential. We use a suitable
approximation for analyzing this system of galaxies, and discuss the validity
of such approximations. We observe that such corrections also modify the virial
theorem for such a system of galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 3 captioned figure
MiasDB: A Database of Molecular Interactions Associated with Alternative Splicing of Human Pre-mRNAs
<div><p>Alternative splicing (AS) is pervasive in human multi-exon genes and is a major contributor to expansion of the transcriptome and proteome diversity. The accurate recognition of alternative splice sites is regulated by information contained in networks of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. However, the mechanisms leading to splice site selection are not fully understood. Although numerous databases have been built to describe AS, molecular interaction databases associated with AS have only recently emerged. In this study, we present a new database, MiasDB, that provides a description of molecular interactions associated with human AS events. This database covers 938 interactions between human splicing factors, RNA elements, transcription factors, kinases and modified histones for 173 human AS events. Every entry includes the interaction partners, interaction type, experimental methods, AS type, tissue specificity or disease-relevant information, a simple description of the functionally tested interaction in the AS event and references. The database can be queried easily using a web server (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). We display some interaction figures for several genes. With this database, users can view the regulation network describing AS events for 12 given genes.</p></div
Comparison between MiasDB and other AS databases.
<p>Comparison between MiasDB and other AS databases.</p
Protein factors included in MiasDB.
<p>Protein factors included in MiasDB.</p
The regulatory network for the alternative splicing of FN1.
<p>The regulatory network for the alternative splicing of FN1.</p
Additional file 6: of Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome 1 protein functions as a scaffold required for ubiquitin-specific protease 4-directed histone deacetylase 2 de-ubiquitination and tumor growth
Table S3. A, B Differential expressed genes upon silencing of TRPS1 or HDAC2 in MCF7 by RNA-sequencing. (XLSX 2609 kb
Additional file 4: of Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome 1 protein functions as a scaffold required for ubiquitin-specific protease 4-directed histone deacetylase 2 de-ubiquitination and tumor growth
Figure S2. (A and B) USP4 protein and mRNA levels were unaffected upon silencing of TRPS1 in T47D cell line. (JPG 1408 kb