2 research outputs found
Functional enrichment analysis and disease enrichment analysis in three scRNA-seq datasets.
Functional enrichment analysis and disease enrichment analysis in three scRNA-seq datasets.</p
Additional file 1 of Fe-curcumin nanozyme-mediated immunosuppression and anti-inflammation in experimental autoimmune uveitis
Additional file 1: Figure S1. The stability of Fe-curcumin in different condition. (a) Fe-curcumin nanozyme dispersed in water. (b) Fe-curcumin nanozyme dispersed in ethanol. (c) The first day of Fe-curcumin nanozyme dispersed in solution with different pH. (d) The third day of Fe-curcumin nanozyme dispersed in solution with different pH. Figure S2. Like-bioenzyme activity of Nanozymes. (a-b) SOD enzyme activity of Fe-curcumin nanozyme. (c-d) SOD enzyme activity of four common NPs. (e) GPX enzyme activity of four common NPs. Figure S3. Cell differentiation in patients with EAU treated with or without Fe-curcumin nanozyme. Figure S4. Chemical reaction equations for the radical scavenging process. Figure S5. Effective of several NPs in reducing RO