11 research outputs found
Properties of Nanocelluloses and Their Application as Rheology Modifier in Paper Coating
this study, different nanocellulose (NC) products were manufactured
from corncob residue (CCR) through sulfuric acid hydrolysis, formic
acid hydrolysis, and TEMPO-mediated oxidation methods (the products
were referred as SCN, FCN, and TCN, respectively). The properties
of NC products and their impact on rheological behavior of paper coatings
were comparatively studied. Results showed that compared to SCN and
TCN, FCN exhibited large dimensions, limited negative surface charge,
and poor stability in their aqueous suspensions, while the FCN aqueous
suspension displayed the highest viscoelastic modulus due to the formation
of highly entangled network. In paper coatings, SCN exhibited superior
thickening and promoted rheological function due to their highly charged
surface and strong interactions with pigments and immobilized water
molecules, in comparison with other NC products. This study verified
that the NC derived from CCR could be utilized as green and renewable
additives to improve rheological properties for paper coatings
Additional file 1: of CD317 Promotes the survival of cancer cells through apoptosis-inducing factor
Supporting Online Material for “CD317 Promotes the survival of cancer cells through apoptosis-inducing factor”. (DOCX 550 kb
Comparative Study of Scientific Publications in Urology and Nephrology Journals Originating from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010)
<div><h3>Background</h3><p>In the past decade, scientific research has developed rapidly in China, but the growth seems to vary widely between different disciplines. In this study, we aimed to compare the quantity and quality of publications in urology and nephrology journals from USA, China and Japan.</p> <h3>Methods</h3><p>Journals listed in the “Urology and Nephrology” category of Science Citation Index Expanded subject categories were included. Scientific papers in these journals written by researchers from USA, Japan and China were retrieved from the “PubMed” and “Web of Knowledge” online databases.</p> <h3>Results</h3><p>The annual number of total scientific articles increased significantly from 2001 to 2010 in China, and has ranked second in the world since 2006. In the field of urology and nephrology, the annual number increased significantly from 2001 to 2010 in USA and China; but not in Japan. The share of articles increased significantly over time in China, decreased significantly in Japan, and remained unchanged in USA. In 2010, USA contributed 32.17% of the total world output in urology and nephrology field and ranked 1<sup>st</sup>; Japan contributed 5.19% and ranked 5<sup>th</sup>; China contributed 3.83% and ranked 9<sup>th</sup>. Publications from USA had the highest accumulated IFs and the highest total citations of articles (USA>Japan>China, p<0.001). No significant difference was found in average IF among the three countries. USA published the most articles in the top 10 urology and nephrology journals (USA(35165)>Japan(6704)>China(2233), p<0.001). Researchers from USA published more clinical trials and randomized controlled trials than Japan and China (USA>Japan>China, p<0.001).</p> <h3>Conclusion</h3><p>Although China has undergone significant increase in annual number and percentage of scientific publication in urology and nephrology journals in the past decade, it still lags far behind USA and Japan in the field of urology and nephrology in terms of quantity and quality.</p> </div
Annual citations of articles published in urology and nephrology journals by researchers from USA, China, and Japan from 2001 to 2010.
<p>Annual citations of articles published in urology and nephrology journals by researchers from USA, China, and Japan from 2001 to 2010.</p
Trends in annual numbers of scientific articles published by researchers from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010).
<p>Trends in annual numbers of scientific articles published by researchers from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010).</p
The accumulated and average impact factors of articles published in urology and nephrology journals by researchers from USA, China, and Japan from 2001 to 2010.
<p>The accumulated and average impact factors of articles published in urology and nephrology journals by researchers from USA, China, and Japan from 2001 to 2010.</p
Annual numbers of articles in the 64 urology and nephrology journals written by researchers from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010).
<p>Annual numbers of articles in the 64 urology and nephrology journals written by researchers from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010).</p
Annual proportion of articles in the 64 urology and nephrology journals written by researchers from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010).
<p>Annual proportion of articles in the 64 urology and nephrology journals written by researchers from USA, China and Japan (2001–2010).</p
Number of clinical trials, randomized controlled trials (RCT), and case reports published by researchers from USA, China, and Japan from 2001 to 2010.
<p>Number of clinical trials, randomized controlled trials (RCT), and case reports published by researchers from USA, China, and Japan from 2001 to 2010.</p