2,729 research outputs found

    Solid state physics

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    Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet

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    Growing evidence shows that a dietary pattern inspired by Mediterranean dietprinciples is associated with numerous health benefits. A Mediterranean-typediet has been demonstrated to exert a preventive effect toward cardiovasculardiseases, in both Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean populations. Part ofthese properties may depend on a positive action toward healthier metabolism,decreasing the risk of diabetes and metabolic-syndrome-related conditions.Some studies also suggested a potential role in preventing certain cancers. Finally,newer research has showed that a higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet isassociated with a lower risk of cognitive decline, depression, and other mentaldisorders. Overall, a better understanding of the key elements of this dietarypattern, the underlying mechanisms, and targets, are needed to corroboratecurrent evidence and provide insights on new and potential outcomes.ThisSpecial Issue welcomes original research and reviews of literature concerningthe Mediterranean diet and various health outcomes:Observational studies onestablished nutritional cohorts (preferred), case-control studies, or populationsample on the association with non-communicable diseases;Level of evidenceon the association with human health, including systematic reviews and metaanalyses;Evaluation of application of Mediterranean diet principles in non-Mediterranean countries;Description of mechanisms of action, pathways, andtargets at the molecular level, including interaction with gut microbiota

    Mediterranean diet adherence in children and adolescents in southern European countries

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    Abstract Background Over the last decades, a progressive shifting away from traditional healthy dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, has been observed. The aim of this review was to evaluate evidence on extent and determinants of adherence to the Mediterranean diet among children and adolescents living in southern European countries. Methods A review of scientific articles published over the last 15 years conducted on dietary habits and determinants of adherence to the Mediterranean diet in the target population was performed. Cross-sectional surveys conducted in Spain, Greece, and Italy were selected. Results Irrespectively of the tool used, adherence to the Mediterranean diet was mainly poor in roughly half of the populations investigated. Major determinants of adherence were social and demographic factors. Among the former, high socioeconomic and cultural status of participants' parents (especially mothers) were associated with higher adherence. In most of countries, also living in rural areas was a determinant of high adherence. There was no consistent association with metabolic status, as most of the associations with health-related outcomes were mediated by other key variables, such as sedentary behaviors and engagement in physical activities. Conclusions There is a need for nutrition education programs to establish healthy eating habits at a young age. Targets for such intervention should not be limited to children and adolescents but also include parents, teachers, and physicians

    Corso di diritto romano. Le cose. Con una nota di lettura di Filippo Gallo

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    Treebar Maps: Schematic Representation of Networks at Scale

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    Many data sets, crucial for today's applications, consist essentially of enormous networks, containing millions or even billions of elements. Having the possibility of visualizing such networks is of paramount importance. We propose an algorithmic framework and a visual metaphor, dubbed treebar map, to provide schematic representations of huge networks. Our goal is to convey the main features of the network's inner structure in a straightforward, two-dimensional, one-page drawing. This drawing effectively captures the essential quantitative information about the network's main components. Our experiments show that we are able to create such representations in a few hundreds of seconds. We demonstrate the metaphor's efficacy through visual examination of extensive graphs, highlighting how their diverse structures are instantly comprehensible via their representations.Comment: 27 pages, 32 figures, 1 tabl

    Thermoelectric efficiency of nanoscale devices in the linear regime

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    We study quantum transport through two-terminal nanoscale devices in contact with two particle reservoirs at different temperatures and chemical potentials. We discuss the general expressions controlling the electric charge current, heat currents, and the efficiency of energy transmutation in steady conditions in the linear regime. With focus in the parameter domain where the electron system acts as a power generator, we elaborate workable expressions for optimal efficiency and thermoelectric parameters of nanoscale devices. The general concepts are set at work in the paradigmatic cases of Lorentzian resonances and antiresonances, and the encompassing Fano transmission function: the treatments are fully analytic, in terms of the trigamma functions and Bernoulli numbers. From the general curves here reported describing transport through the above model transmission functions, useful guidelines for optimal efficiency and thermopower can be inferred for engineering nanoscale devices in energy regions where they show similar transmission functions

    Applications of Magnetic PsiDO Techniques to Space-adiabatic Perturbation Theory

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    In this review, we show how advances in the theory of magnetic pseudodifferential operators (magnetic ι\PsiDO) can be put to good use in space-adiabatic perturbation theory (SAPT). As a particular example, we extend results of [PST03] to a more general class of magnetic fields: we consider a single particle moving in a periodic potential which is subjectd to a weak and slowly-varying electromagnetic field. In addition to the semiclassical parameter \eps \ll 1 which quantifies the separation of spatial scales, we explore the influence of additional parameters that allow us to selectively switch off the magnetic field. We find that even in the case of magnetic fields with components in Cb∞(Rd)C_b^{\infty}(\R^d), e. g. for constant magnetic fields, the results of Panati, Spohn and Teufel hold, i.e. to each isolated family of Bloch bands, there exists an associated almost invariant subspace of L2(Rd)L^2(\R^d) and an effective hamiltonian which generates the dynamics within this almost invariant subspace. In case of an isolated non-degenerate Bloch band, the full quantum dynamics can be approximated by the hamiltonian flow associated to the semiclassical equations of motion found in [PST03].Comment: 32 page

    Making precise predictions of the Casimir force between metallic plates via a weighted Kramers-Kronig transform

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    The possibility of making precise predictions for the Casimir force is essential for the theoretical interpretation of current precision experiments on the thermal Casimir effect with metallic plates, especially for sub-micron separations. For this purpose it is necessary to estimate very accurately the dielectric function of a conductor along the imaginary frequency axis. This task is complicated in the case of ohmic conductors, because optical data do not usually extend to sufficiently low frequencies to permit an accurate evaluation of the standard Kramers-Kronig integral used to compute ϔ(iΟ)\epsilon(i \xi). By making important improvements in the results of a previous paper by the author, it is shown that this difficulty can be resolved by considering suitable weighted dispersions relations, which strongly suppress the contribution of low frequencies. The weighted dispersion formulae presented in this paper permit to estimate accurately the dielectric function of ohmic conductors for imaginary frequencies, on the basis of optical data extending from the IR to the UV, with no need of uncontrolled data extrapolations towards zero frequency that are instead necessary with standard Kramers-Kronig relations. Applications to several sets of data for gold films are presented to demonstrate viability of the new dispersion formulae.Comment: 18 pages, 15 encapsulated figures. In the revised version important improvements have been made, which affect the main conclusions of the pape
