70 research outputs found

    Dynamic flow phenomena in a foam application unit

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    If, during the operation of a foam application unit, a change in the foam production is introduced, the change in the flow becomes noticeable at the point of application onlyafter a certain response delay time. During the operation of the unit it is necessary to take this response delay into consideration. By varying the flow of foam in the application unit, the mass content of foam in the unit is changed as a result of the changed pressure inside the unit. The response delay has been mathematically derived for the flow of agiven type of foam through pipes, as well as through a foam printing unit as a whole. A deviation in the yield of foam on the substrate can be avoided by considering the respons delay caused by a change in the foam production process

    The economically optimal design of heat exchangers

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    A new method to design heat exchangers is proposed, which is based on the process description by Kays and London and lends itself very well to optimization.\ud The method is described by applying it to the economic optimization of a counter-current exchanger, the extension to other flow configurations being selfexplanatory.\u

    Absorption and rheological phenomena during foam application on textiles

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    A simple rheological model has been used to describe foam flow through moving textile assemblies. The validity of this model was tested, and the nature and the relative magnitude of deviations from the model evaluated for several different substrates. Neglecting foam degeneration during transport, the model was found to represent a valuable means of evaluating some rheological and geometrical deviations. The model can be used in a semi-quantitative way to describe absorbency during foam application. Liquid absorption experiments done off-line, absorption during foam application and some earlier results could be described using different theoretical approaches. Some rheological anomalies have been discussed

    Foam generation in a rotor—stator mixer = Schaumerzeugung in einem rotor—stator mischer

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    The foaming process of an aqueous liquid system with surface active agents and thickeners in a rotor-stator mixer has been studied.\ud \ud The foaming capacity of a rotor—stator mixer may be represented by a so-called mixing characteristic. The foamabilities of several liquid systems have been measured as a function of the mixer geometry and the rotational speed.\ud \ud The hydrodynamics in a rotor-stator mixer is characterized by a Newton—Reynolds relationship. The mechanism of foaming and the dependence of several mixing parameters are different for the turbulent and laminar flow regions. The mixing process is evaluated in both regimes. In the transition region from turbulent to laminar the foaming is very poor in comparison with that in the turbulent and laminar flow regimes.\u

    Mass transfer, fluid flow and membrane properties in flat and corrugated plate hyperfiltration modules

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    Concentration polarisation, decreasing the efficiency in membrane separation processes, can be reduced by increasing mass transfer between membrane surface and bulk of the feed stream. Analogous to techniques used in plate heat exchangers efforts have been made to enhance mass transfer in a plate hyperfiltration module by using a corrugated membrane in stead of a flat one. The corrugations are pressed into an originally flat membrane. These corrugations do not only have an influence on the mass transfer, but also on such membrane properties as salt and water permeability. Corrugations enhance mass transfer in a more effective way than increase of flow rate does.\ud \ud The effect of the corrugations on membrane properties shows a large spread. For corrugated membranes prepared by our group, flux increases of 100% at almost the same or even slightly higher retentions have been obtained

    The flow properties of foam

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    The rheological behaviour of foam, prepared from an aqueous solution with lauryl sulphate as surfactant, has been measured with a viscometer as a function of the blow ratio, bubble diameter distribution and concentration of the thickener used. The influence of wall slip and of hysteresis effects on the rheological behaviour have been determined. Calculations and measurements pertaining to the pressure drop in pipes have been performed, in which the foam was considered as a compressible pseudoplastic whose rheology depended on blow ratio. The distribution of the foam passing through a closed distribution unit has been studied. This distribution unit consisted of a pipe and a cross-head distribution slit. Complementary measurements of the flow of foam through narrow slits have been made. The design of a closed foam distribution unit is discussed. The consequences of the choice of several design parameters are examined

    Foam Generation in Rotor-Stator Mixers

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    One of the unit operations in foam technology is foam generation in a liquid/gas mixer. The foaming process of an aqueous liquid system with a surface-active agent in a rotor-stator mixer has been studied, and it was found that it could be represented by a mixing characteristic relating the liquid flow rate to the maximum gas flow rate needed to produce a foam without 'blow-by'. Too high a gas flow rate resulted in a short-circuiting flow of gas via the rotor shaft to the outlet. The influence of the number of rotor-stator blades, equipment size and operating pressure on the behaviour of the foam mixer has been investigated

    Progress of the National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL)

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    Om de luchtkwaliteit in Nederland te verbeteren is het Nationaal Samenwerkingsprogramma Luchtkwaliteit (NSL) opgezet. In dit programma werken de Rijksoverheid en decentrale overheden samen om te zorgen dat Nederland overal tijdig aan de grenswaarden voor fijnstof (2011) en stikstofdioxide (2015) zal voldoen. Om de voortgang te volgen is bij het NSL een monitoringsprogramma opgezet. Centraal onderdeel daarvan is een rekeninstrument waarvoor de overheden de brongegevens aanleveren. De daaruitvolgende rekenresultaten zijn vervolgens door het Bureau Monitoring (samenwerkingsverband RIVM en InfoMil) samengevoegd in voorliggende voortgangsrapportage. De prognoses voor 2011 en 2015 laten zien dat voor een groot deel van Nederland de resultaten onder de Europese grenswaarden voor PM10 (fijnstof) en NO2 liggen. Op een aantal plekken zijn er wel nieuwe of grotere overschrijdingen van de PM10- en NO2-grenswaarden zichtbaar. Bij de fijnstof (PM10) overschrijdingen gaat het hoofdzakelijk om locaties bij veehouderijen en een aantal industriele gebieden. Vooral nabij veehouderijen is op een aantal plekken nog sprake van grote overschrijdingen die lastig voor medio 2011 op te lossen zijn. De huidige prognose voor de concentraties stikstofdioxide in 2015 laat een minder gunstige ontwikkeling zien ten opzichte van wat is berekend in de vaststelling van het NSL. Dit komt voor een belangrijk deel door tegenvallende verkeersemissies wat heeft geleid tot een aantal nieuwe overschrijdingen. De nu in de prognoses berekende concentraties liggen op veel locaties net onder de grenswaarde. Met veel concentraties net onder de grenswaarde neemt het aantal overschrijdingen snel toe bij een tegenvaller in een van de gemaakte aannamen. In combinatie met een grote en deels onbekende onzekerheid in de rekenresultaten vormt dit een risico voor het behalen van de doelstelling van het NSL.The NSL has been put in place to improve air quality in the Netherlands and to ensure that the Netherlands meets the date of compliance with the EU limit values for particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide. Local, regional and national authorities work together within the framework of this programme to ensure that these goals are met. A monitoring programme, centred around a specially designed assessment tool, has been set up to monitor the progress. This tool uses data that the participating authorities are required to provide as part of the annual monitoring cycle. The results of the tool have been bundled by the Bureau Monitoring into this progress report. The prognosis for 2011 and 2015, based on the results obtained using the assessment tool, are that the concentrations of PM10 and NO2 fall below the EU limit values in most parts of the Netherlands. However, exceedances of the limit values do occur at specific locations. For PM10, these exceedances mostly occur close to a number of industrial sites and stock farms. Particularly high exceedances in the vicinity of these stock farms will make it difficult to meet the limit values by mid 2011 at these locations. The prognostications for NO2 show a less favourable decline in NO2 concentrations than was modelled at the establishment of the NSL. This is mostly due to the decline in traffic emissions falling short of expectations, resulting in new exceedances. At many locations, the calculated concentrations in the prognostications fall just under the limit value and, consequently, there will be a large increase in the number of exceedances when one or more of the premises become less favourable. This possibility, together with the large and partially unknown uncertainty in the calculation results, add up to a risk for not meeting the limit values by the date of compliance.VRO

    Normalisation to Blood Activity Is Required for the Accurate Quantification of Na/I Symporter Ectopic Expression by SPECT/CT in Individual Subjects

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    The utilisation of the Na/I symporter (NIS) and associated radiotracers as a reporter system for imaging gene expression is now reaching the clinical setting in cancer gene therapy applications. However, a formal assessment of the methodology in terms of normalisation of the data still remains to be performed, particularly in the context of the assessment of activities in individual subjects in longitudinal studies. In this context, we administered to mice a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus encoding rat NIS, or a human colorectal carcinoma cell line (HT29) encoding mouse NIS. We used 99mTc pertechnetate as a radiotracer for SPECT/CT imaging to determine the pattern of ectopic NIS expression in longitudinal kinetic studies. Some animals of the cohort were culled and NIS expression was measured by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. The radioactive content of some liver biopsies was also measured ex vivo. Our results show that in longitudinal studies involving datasets taken from individual mice, the presentation of non-normalised data (activity expressed as %ID/g or %ID/cc) leads to ‘noisy’, and sometimes incoherent, results. This variability is due to the fact that the blood pertechnetate concentration can vary up to three-fold from day to day. Normalisation of these data with blood activities corrects for these inconsistencies. We advocate that, blood pertechnetate activity should be determined and used to normalise the activity measured in the organ/region of interest that expresses NIS ectopically. Considering that NIS imaging has already reached the clinical setting in the context of cancer gene therapy, this normalisation may be essential in order to obtain accurate and predictive information in future longitudinal clinical studies in biotherapy
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