688 research outputs found

    On the applicability of conventional transmission line theory within cavities

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    We investigate whether or not conventional transmission line theory needs to be modified if transmission lines are considered that are located in a cavity rather than in free space. Our analysis is based on coupled Pocklington's equations that can be reduced to integral equations for the antenna mode and the transmission line mode. Under the usual assumptions of conventional transmission line theory these modes do approximately decouple within a cavity. As a result, cavity properties will primarily influence the antenna mode but not the transmission line mode

    On detecting the gravitomagnetic field of the earth by means of orbiting clocks

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    Based on the recent finding that the difference in proper time of two clocks in prograde and retrograde equatorial orbits about the Earth is of the order 10^{-7}s per revolution, the possibility of detecting the terrestrial gravitomagnetic field by means of clocks carried by satellites is discussed. A mission taking advantage of this influence of the rotating Earth on the proper time is outlined and the conceptual difficulties are briefly examined.Comment: Talk given at the 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, held at Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July 1998, 4 pages LATE

    Density-matrix spectra for integrable models

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    The spectra which occur in numerical density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations for quantum chains can be obtained analytically for integrable models via corner transfer matrices. This is shown in detail for the transverse Ising chain and the uniaxial XXZ Heisenberg model and explains in particular their exponential character in these cases.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Ann. Physi

    Computation of the frequency response of a nonlinearly loaded antenna within a cavity

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    We analyze a nonlinearly loaded dipole antenna which is located within a rectangular cavity and excited by an electromagnetic signal. The signal is composed from two different frequencies. In order to calculate the spectrum of the resulting electromagnetic field within the resonator we transform the antenna problem into a network problem. This requires to precisely determine the antenna impedance within the cavity. The resulting nonlinear equivalent network is solved by means of the harmonic balance technique. As a result the occurrence of low intermodulation frequencies within the spectrum is verified

    On network representations of antennas inside resonating environments

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    We discuss network representations of dipole antennas within electromagnetic cavities. It is pointed out that for a given configuration these representations are not unique. For an efficient evaluation a network representation should be chosen such that it involves as few network elements as possible. The field theoretical analogue of this circumstance is the possibility to express electromagnetic cavities' Green's functions by representations which exhibit different convergence properties. An explicit example of a dipole antenna within a rectangular cavity clarifies the corresponding interrelation between network theory and electromagnetic field theory. As an application, current spectra are calculated for the case that the antenna is nonlinearly loaded and subject to a two-tone excitation

    On Measuring Gravitomagnetism via Spaceborne Clocks: A Gravitomagnetic Clock Effect

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    DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1521-3889(199902)8:2<135The difference in the proper azimuthal periods of revolution of two standard clocks in direct and retrograde orbits about a central rotating mass is proportional to J/Mc^2, where J and M are, respectively, the proper angular momentum and mass of the source. In connection with this gravitomagnetic clock effect, we explore the possibility of using spaceborne standard clocks for detecting the gravitomagnetic field of the Earth. It is shown that this approach to the measurement of the gravitomagnetic field is, in a certain sense, theoretically equivalent to the Gravity Probe-B concept.This work has been supported in part by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

    A teleparallel model for the neutrino

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    The main result of the paper is a new representation for the Weyl Lagrangian (massless Dirac Lagrangian). As the dynamical variable we use the coframe, i.e. an orthonormal tetrad of covector fields. We write down a simple Lagrangian - wedge product of axial torsion with a lightlike element of the coframe - and show that variation of the resulting action with respect to the coframe produces the Weyl equation. The advantage of our approach is that it does not require the use of spinors, Pauli matrices or covariant differentiation. The only geometric concepts we use are those of a metric, differential form, wedge product and exterior derivative. Our result assigns a variational meaning to the tetrad representation of the Weyl equation suggested by J.B.Griffiths and R.A.Newing.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    A gauge theoretical view of the charge concept in Einstein gravity

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    We will discuss some analogies between internal gauge theories and gravity in order to better understand the charge concept in gravity. A dimensional analysis of gauge theories in general and a strict definition of elementary, monopole, and topological charges are applied to electromagnetism and to teleparallelism, a gauge theoretical formulation of Einstein gravity. As a result we inevitably find that the gravitational coupling constant has dimension â„Ź/l2\hbar/l^2, the mass parameter of a particle dimension â„Ź/l\hbar/l, and the Schwarzschild mass parameter dimension l (where l means length). These dimensions confirm the meaning of mass as elementary and as monopole charge of the translation group, respectively. In detail, we find that the Schwarzschild mass parameter is a quasi-electric monopole charge of the time translation whereas the NUT parameter is a quasi-magnetic monopole charge of the time translation as well as a topological charge. The Kerr parameter and the electric and magnetic charges are interpreted similarly. We conclude that each elementary charge of a Casimir operator of the gauge group is the source of a (quasi-electric) monopole charge of the respective Killing vector.Comment: LaTeX2e, 16 pages, 1 figure; enhanced discussio
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