121 research outputs found

    Social Division of Work in Traditional Agricultural Societies (Southern Ethiopia)

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    Gastronomic Metaphor in the Russian Pre-Revolutionary Parliamentary Discourse (based on Speeches by Right-Wing Deputies)

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    The results of a study of the semantics and functioning of the gastronomic metaphor in the Russian parliamentary discourse are presented in the article. Based on the material of the parliamentary discussion of the early twentieth century, the features of the functioning of metaphors, which are based on the associative similarity between political activity and food, the eating process are established. The author dwells in detail on the use of gastronomic metaphors by nationalist deputies in the course of discussions unfolding at meetings of the State Duma. The results of the classification of metaphors identified on the indicated material belonging to the “Food” sphere are presented. It was established that they can be divided into three groups according to the figurative component: metaphors with the literal meaning of absorbing or eating something, metaphors with the value of the quality of food consumed, metaphors with the value of the digestion process. It is concluded that in the semantic aspect, the gastronomic metaphor in the Russian parliamentary discourse expresses a persistent negative assessment, since it is associated with the semantics of extermination, destruction, deception ( to give a stone instead of bread ), abnormal physiological phenomena (hunger, overeating, indigestion). It is emphasized that in the functional aspect, the negative appraisal of the gastronomic metaphor made it possible to use it in parliamentary discourse as a means of political struggle with the aim of lowering the political assets of opponents

    Speech Representations of Unity in Early 20th Century Russian Parliamentary Discourse: A Study of Lexemes ‘Edinstvo’ [Unity] and ‘Edinenie’ [Unification]

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    The article analyzes the functioning of the lexemes ‘edinstvo’ [unity] and ‘edinenie’ [unification] in the oral public speeches of the deputies of the prerevolutionary State Duma. The aim of the article is to systematize speech representations of the idea of unity on the example of the lexemes ‘edinstvo’ [unity] and ‘edinenie’ [unification] in the Russian parliamentary discourse of the early 20th century in a rhetorical-pragmatic aspect. The category of persuasive complex was used as an instrument for analyzing the persuasiveness of parliamentary discourse. It was established that the analyzed lexemes were actively used in the Russian parliamentary discourse of the early 20th century to express the semantics of integrativeness. Integrativeness, expressed by the analyzed lexemes, relates to many diverse topics, from family and court to opinions, principles, and views. Functional differences between the use of the lexemes ‘edinstvo’ [unity] and ‘edinenie’ [unification] were identified and analyzed. The persuasiveness of ‘edinstvo’ [unity] and ‘edinenie’ [unification] in the rhetorical practice of the prerevolutionary State Duma is associated with achieving a high degree of pathos in speeches through the use of these lexemes in their literal sense, developing epithets with them, and incorporating them into metaphors. It is proven that the use of the lexemes ‘edinstvo’ [unity] and ‘edinenie’ [unification] in a specific context was a political marker, as there is a certain specialization of word usage in speeches by representatives of different political forces

    Fiction as a Source of Precedents in Russian Parliamentary Discourse of the Early 20<sup>th</sup> Century (on Material of Speeches of Nationalist Deputies)

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    The use of fiction texts in the Russian parliamentary discourse of the early 20th century is considered. The use of literature intertext in the speeches of the deputies-nationalists as the most active speakers in the State Duma (N. E. Markov, V. M. Purishkevich, G. G. Zamkovsky, S. V. Levashov) is analyzed. As a result of the analysis it is established that the deputies of this political group (right-wing faction) actively used in their speeches references to publicistic and artistic works of a number of Russian writers: A. S. Pushkin, I. A. Krylov, N. V. Gogol, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G. I. Uspensky. Particular attention is paid to the study of the functions of literary and artistic intertext in the parliamentary speech. Three main functions of inclusion of quotations and allusions from literature in the speeches of the nationalist deputies are highlighted and described in the rhetorical and pragmatic aspect: appeal to the authority of the Russian writer (first of all, F. M. Dostoevsky), demonstration of the ironic and sarcastic attitude of the speaker to opponents, silence and euphemization. The latter two functions were the basis for speech aggression, and the intertext was used by the speaker as a means of reducing the authority of the enemy by placing it in the context of the work (comparison with the character or with the situation of the plot)

    Persuasive Complex as a Unit of Analysis of Parliamentary Discourse

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    The method of analysis of speech impact in the parliamentary discourse is considered. The relevance and novelty of the research is seen in the fact that parliamentary discourse is viewed as a persuasive discourse. A methodology for analyzing the persuasiveness of this discourse is pro-posed. The category “persuasive complex” is introduced into scientific circulation, which is considered as a set of tools and methods for realizing persuasiveness, formed in a single discourse and united by a semantic unit — an image or a symbol. Using the material of the discussion of the First State Duma of the Russian Empire, the author dwells in detail on the analysis of the persuasive complex “BLOOD”. The procedure for analyzing this persuasive complex is described. The author comes to the conclusion that the persuasive complex is implemented at three levels: semantic, instrumental and operational. It is shown that representatives of all factions in the first Russian parliament actively used the “BLOOD” persuasive complex, but the options for its implementation in specific persons differed significantly. It is concluded that the persuasive complex is a unit of discourse analysis, which is aimed at identifying the semantic, formal and functional components of the addressee's impact on the recipient

    The First Russian Rhetorical Guidance in Political Oratory (On M. N. Popov’s Book “Political eloquence. What a speaker needs”)

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    The book “Political eloquence. What a speaker needs” by M. N. Popov is analyzed. The book is considered as the first Russian rhetorical guide to political speech. The appearance of Popov’s work is associated with the birth of parliamentary and - more broadly - political rhetoric in Russia in the early 20th century. Particular attention is paid to the format of the publication - public, popular rhetorical guidance - and its content in terms of the author’s ideas about the emerging parliamentary communication. A portrait of a reader is recreated: this is a person who does not have a systematic education, but has experience in pronouncing non-institutional speeches at rallies and gatherings. The structure of the book in the aspect of traditional rhetorical guides is analyzed. Attention is drawn both to the deviations from the traditional canons of compiling a textbook on rhetoric, and to the continuity of the latter. Particular attention is paid to M. N. Popov’s usage of psychological approach in explaining the problems of interaction between the speaker and the audience. It is concluded that M. N. Popov’s book reflects largely idealistic views about oral public speech in Parliament, but at the same time anticipates many traits of domestic parliamentary communication. Analyzed work is of scientific interest as a source of study of the history of Russian rhetoric reflecting the rhetorical ideal of the Russian public political speech

    Resonant mode coupling approximation for calculation of optical spectra of photonic crystal slabs. Part II

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    We propose further development of the resonant mode coupling approximation for the calculation of optical spectra of stacked periodic nanostructures in terms of the scattering matrix. We previously showed that given the resonant input and output vectors as well as background scattering matrices of two subsystems, one can easily calculate those for the combined system comprising two subsystems. It allows us to write a resonant approximation for the combined system and speed up calculation significantly for typical calculation problems. The main drawback of this approach is that the background matrix in such approximation was considered constant which is not always sufficient if the energy range of interest is relatively wide. The aim of this article is to solve this problem by utilizing more complicated approximations for the background matrices. In particular, we show that consideration of energy-dependent correction terms for the background matrices remarkably reduces the resonant energies' calculation error. Here we first consider a linear approximation, and although it is not suitable for large energy ranges, it is used as a base for a piecewise-linear approximation which allows one to keep the approximation error negligibly small with only a few sample points. Moreover, interpolation of the background matrices allows one to apply resonant mode coupling approximation in almost arbitrary large energy ranges. We also consider approximation of background matrices by an arbitrary matrix function and propose a technique to derive the resonant poles in this case. The methods described here could be considered as an alternative approach for calculation of optical spectra stacked systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Antagonistic and plant growth promoting properties of actinomycetes from rhizosphere Deschampsia antarctica È. Desv. (Galindez Island, Antarctica)

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    Aim. The isolation of actinomycetes from Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. (Galindez Island, Antarctica) rhisosphere and determine their ability to produce compounds with antimicrobial and plant growth promotional properties.Мета. Виділення актиноміцетів з ризосфери Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. популяцій антарктичного острова Галіндез, оцінка їхньої здатності пригнічувати фітопатогенні мікроорганізми і продукувати фітостимулювальні сполуки