451 research outputs found
Gravitational Waves from Phase Transitions at the Electroweak Scale and Beyond
If there was a first order phase transition in the early universe, there
should be an associated stochastic background of gravitational waves. In this
paper, we point out that the characteristic frequency of the spectrum due to
phase transitions which took place in the temperature range 100 GeV - 10^7 GeV
is precisely in the window that will be probed by the second generation of
space-based interferometers such as the Big Bang Observer (BBO). Taking into
account the astrophysical foreground, we determine the type of phase
transitions which could be detected either at LISA, LIGO or BBO, in terms of
the amount of supercooling and the duration of the phase transition that are
needed. Those two quantities can be calculated for any given effective scalar
potential describing the phase transition. In particular, the new models of
electroweak symmetry breaking which have been proposed in the last few years
typically have a different Higgs potential from the Standard Model. They could
lead to a gravitational wave signature in the milli-Hertz frequency, which is
precisely the peak sensitivity of LISA. We also show that the signal coming
from phase transitions taking place at T ~ 1-100 TeV could entirely screen the
relic gravitational wave signal expected from standard inflationary models.Comment: 18 pages, 24 figure
(Dys)Zphilia or a custodial breaking Higgs at the LHC
Electroweak precision measurements established that custodial symmetry is
preserved to a good accuracy in the gauge sector after electroweak symmetry
breaking. However, recent LHC results might be interpreted as pointing towards
Higgs couplings that do not respect such symmetry. Motivated by this
possibility, we reconsider the presence of an explicitly custodial breaking
coupling in a generic Higgs parameterization. After briefly commenting on the
large UV sensitivity of the T parameter to such a coupling, we perform a fit to
results of Higgs searches at LHC and Tevatron, and find that the apparent
enhancement of the ZZ channel with respect to WW can be accommodated. Two
degenerate best-fit points are present, which we label `Zphilic' and
`dysZphilic' depending on the sign of the hZZ coupling. Finally we highlight
some measurements at future linear colliders that may remove such degeneracy.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure
Alternatives to an Elementary Higgs
We review strongly coupled and extra dimensional models of electroweak
symmetry breaking. Models examined include warped extra dimensions, bulk Higgs,
"little" Higgs, dilaton Higgs, composite Higgs, twin Higgs, quantum critical
Higgs, and "fat" SUSY Higgs. We also discuss current bounds and future LHC
searches for this class of models.Comment: 42 pages, 36 figure
Disguising the Oblique Parameters
We point out a set of operator identities that relate the operators
corresponding to the oblique corrections to operators that modify fermion
couplings to the gauge bosons as well as operators that modify triple gauge
boson couplings. Such identities are simple consequences of the equations of
motion. Therefore the contributions from new physics to the oblique parameters
can be disguised as modifications of triple gauge boson couplings provided the
fermion couplings to the gauge bosons are suitably modified by higher
dimensional operators. Since the experimental constraints on triple gauge boson
couplings are much weaker than the constraints on the oblique parameters this
observation allows extra room for model building. We derive operator relations
in effective theories of the Standard Model with the electroweak symmetry
either linearly or nonlinearly realized and discuss applications of our
results.Comment: 12 pages. v2: two references adde
Higgs Physics
AbstractWith the discovery of the Higgs boson a new era started with direct experimental information on the physics behind the breaking of the electroweak symmetry. This breaking plays a fundamental role in our understanding of particle physics and sits at the high-energy frontier beyond which we expect new physics that supersedes the Standard Model. The Higgs (inclusive and differential) production and decay rates offer a new way to probe this frontier. The Higgs boson used to be the target of the experimental searches, it is now becoming a tool for further exploration
The leptonic future of the Higgs
Precision study of electroweak symmetry breaking strongly motivates the
construction of a lepton collider with center-of-mass energy of at least 240
GeV. Besides Higgsstrahlung (), such a collider would measure
weak boson pair production () with an astonishing precision. The
weak-boson-fusion production process () provides an
increasingly powerful handle at higher center-of-mass energies. High energies
also benefit the associated top-Higgs production () that is
crucial to constrain directly the top Yukawa coupling. The impact and
complementarity of differential measurements, at different center-of-mass
energies and for several beam polarization configurations, are studied in a
global effective-field-theory framework. We define a "global determinant
parameter" (GDP) which characterizes the overall strengthening of constraints
independently of the choice of operator basis. The reach of the CEPC, CLIC,
FCC-ee, and ILC designs is assessed.Comment: 55 pages, lots of figures, v2: references added, minor corrections,
extended discussions on quadratic EFT contributions and beam polarization
effects, matches published version in JHE
Heavy Higgs Searches: Flavour Matters
We point out that the stringent lower bounds on the masses of additional
electrically neutral and charged Higgs bosons crucially depend on the flavour
structure of their Yukawa interactions. We show that these bounds can easily be
evaded by the introduction of flavour-changing neutral currents in the Higgs
sector. As an illustration, we study the phenomenology of a two Higgs doublet
model with a Yukawa texture singling out the third family of quarks and
leptons. We combine constraints from low-energy flavour physics measurements,
LHC measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson rates, and LHC searches for new
heavy Higgs bosons. We propose novel LHC searches that could be performed in
the coming years to unravel the existence of these new Higgs bosons.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures and 4 tables (v2: References added. Comment on
associated production with a top quark added. Matched published version.
Up Asymmetries From Exhilarated Composite Flavor Structures
We present a class of warped extra dimension (composite Higgs) models which
conjointly accommodates the t\bar t forward-backward asymmetry observed at the
Tevatron and the direct CP asymmetry in singly Cabibbo suppressed D decays
first reported by the LHCb collaboration. We argue that both asymmetries, if
arising dominantly from new physics beyond the Standard Model, hint for a
flavor paradigm within partial compositeness models in which the right-handed
quarks of the first two generations are not elementary fields but rather
composite objects. We show that this class of models is consistent with current
data on flavor and CP violating physics, electroweak precision observables,
dijet and top pair resonance searches at hadron colliders. These models have
several predictions which will be tested in forthcoming experiments. The CP
asymmetry in D decays is induced through an effective operator of the form
(\bar u c)_{V+A}(\bar s s)_{V+A} at the charm scale, which implies a larger CP
asymmetry in the D^0\to K^+K^- rate relative the D^0\to \pi^+\pi^- channel.
This prediction is distinctive from other Standard Model or dipole-based new
physics interpretation of the LHCb result. CP violation in D-\bar D mixing as
well as an an excess of dijet production of the LHC are also predicted to be
observed in a near future. A large top asymmetry originates from the exchange
of an axial resonance which dominantly produces left-handed top pairs. As a
result a negative contribution to the lepton-based forward-backward asymmetry
in t\bar t production, as well as O(10%) forward-backward asymmetry in b\bar b
production above m_{b\bar b}\simeq 600GeV at the Tevatron is expected.Comment: 35 pages, 7 fig
Strong Higgs Interactions at a Linear Collider
We study the impact of Higgs precision measurements at a high-energy and
high-luminosity linear electron positron collider, such as CLIC or the ILC, on
the parameter space of a strongly interacting Higgs boson. Some combination of
anomalous couplings are already tightly constrained by current fits to
electroweak observables. However, even small deviations in the cross sections
of single and double Higgs production, or the mere detection of a triple Higgs
final state, can help establish whether it is a composite state and whether or
not it emerges as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson from an underlying broken
symmetry. We obtain an estimate of the ILC and CLIC sensitivities on the
anomalous Higgs couplings from a study of WW scattering and hh production which
can be translated into a sensitivity on the compositeness scale 4\pi f, or
equivalently on the degree of compositeness \xi=v^2/f^2. We summarize the
current experimental constraints, from electroweak data and direct resonance
searches, and the expected reach of the LHC and CLIC on \xi and on the scale of
the new resonances.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figures. v2: eq. 25 has been fixed and the sensitivities
quoted in the conclusions slightly revised. Final version to appear on JHE
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