162 research outputs found

    Aeolian processes on Venus

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    This review assesses the potential aeolian regime on Venus as derived from spacecraft observations, laboratory simulations, and theoretical considerations. The two requirements for aeolian processes (a supply of small, loose particles and winds of sufficient strength to move them) appear to be met on Venus. Venera 9, 10, 13, and 14 images show particles considered to be sand and silt size on the surface. In addition, dust spurts (grains 5 to 50 microns in diameter) observed via lander images and inferred from the Pioneer-Venus nephalometer experiments suggest that the particles are loose and subject to movement. Although data on near surface winds are limited, measurements of 0.3 to 1.2 m/sec from the Venera lander and Pioneer-Venus probes appear to be well within the range required for sand and dust entrainment. Aeolian activity involves the interaction of the atmosphere, lithosphere, and loose particles. Thus, there is the potential for various physical and chemical weathering processes that can effect not only rates of erosion, but changes in the composition of all three components. The Venus Simulator is an apparatus used to simulate weathering under venusian conditions at full pressure (to 112 bars) and temperature (to 800 K). In one series of tests, the physical modifications of windblown particles and rock targets were assessed and it was shown that particles become abraded even when moved by gentle winds. However, little abrasion occurs on the target faces. Thus, compositional signatures for target rocks may be more indicative of the windblown particles than of the bedrock. From these and other considerations, aeolian modifications of the venusian surface may be expected to occur as weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition of surficial materials. Depending upon global and local wind regimes, there may be distinctive sources and sinks of windblown materials. Radar imaging, especially as potentially supplied via the Magellan mission, may enable the identification of such areas on Venus

    Wind abrasion on Mars

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    Aeolian activity was predicted for Mars from earth based observations of changing surface patterns that were interpreted as dust storms. Mariner 9 images showed conclusive evidence for aeolian processes in the form of active dust storms and various aeolian landforms including dunes and yardangs. Windspeeds to initiate particle movement are an order of magnitude higher on Mars than on Earth because of the low atmospheric density on Mars. In order to determine rates of abrasion by wind blown particles, knowledge of three factors is required: (1) particle parameters such as numbers and velocities of windblown grains as functions of windspeeds at various heights above the surface; (2) the susceptibility to abrasion of various rocks and minerals; and (3) wind frequencies and speeds. For estimates appropriate to Mars, data for the first two parameters can be determined through lab and wind tunnel tests; data for the last two factors are available directly from the Viking Lander meteorology experiments for the two landing sites

    The Martian dust cycle: A proposed model

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    Despite more than a decade of study of martian dust storms, many of their characteristics and associated processes remain enigmatic, including the mechanisms for dust raising, modes of settling, and the nature of dust deposits. However, observations of Mars dust, considerations of terrestrial analogs, theoretical models, and laboratory simulations permit the formulation of a Martian Dust Cycle Model, which consists of three main processes: (1) suspension threshold, (2) transportation, and (3) deposition; two associated processes are also included: (4) dust removal and (5) the addition of new dust to the cycle. Although definitions vary, dust includes particles less than 4 to approx. 60 microns in diameter, which by terrestrial usage includes silt, loess, clay, and aerosolic dust particles. The dust cycle model is explained

    Studies in Aeolian geology

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    The objective of the research was to assess the significance of aeolian (windblown) processes in the evolution of planetary surfaces. The approach was to use wind tunnel simulations, field studies of possible analogs, and analyses of spacecraft data

    The strength of Miranda's lithosphere

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    In attempting to understand the endogenic processes which have shaped the surface of an icy satellite, it is desirable to quantify the failure strength of the satellite's lithosphere. In a crust that is fractured on a large scale, frictional sliding along pre-existing fractures occurs in response to lower differential stresses than required to initiate fracture of pristine rock, thus governing failure of a brittle lithosphere. Failure is predicted along favorably oriented fracture planes; if fractures of all orientations are assumed to be present in the crust (as is expected of a heavily cratered lithosphere), frictional failure relations are directly applicable. The Coulomb criterion predicts that the shear stress (sigma sub t) and normal stress (sigma sub n) components on a fracture plane at failure are related as sigma sub t = mu-sigma sub n + S sub o, where S sub o is the cohesion and mu is the coefficient of friction. At moderate to high pressures, the frictional sliding strength of most materials is found to be sigma sub t = 0.85 sigma sub n

    Tectonic deformation on icy satellites: A model of compensating horsts

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    Voyager images demonstrate that the icy satellites have been shaped by a variety of magmatic and tectonic processes, of which ridge and trough terrain is a manifestation. This terrain is observed on Ganymede, Enceladus, Miranda, and Ariel, and many models have been proposed to explain its origin. A likely model is horst and graben style normal faulting, in which horizontal extension results in a series of downdropped grabens and relatively uplifted horsts. The apparent negative elevation of ridges and troughs relative to surrounding terrain has been used to argue such an extensional-tectonic origin for ridge and trough terrain on Ganymede and Enceladus. A ridge or ridge set which stands above a presumed original base level, thus, might be suspect of having a magmatic or compressional origin. It has been shown that rotation of domino-style normal faulting, which involves rotation of fault blocks about a fulcrum, can allow ridges to stand slightly above the original base level, and this relative uplift may be amplified by isostatic uplift. Compensation might also be accomplished through uplift of adjacent horsts. These theories are defended with dynamical equations

    Aerodynamic roughness measured in the field and simulated in a wind tunnel

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    This study evaluates how well values of aerodynamic surface roughness, z sub 0, measured over scale models in wind tunnels correlate with values of z sub 0 measured at full scale in the field. A field experiment was conducted in which values of z sub 0 and u* (wind friction speed) were measured over three arrays of non-erodible roughness elements on a dry lake bed. Wind profiles were measured by ten anemometers on a 15 m mast under thermally neutral atmospheric conditions. Values of z sub 0 increased from .00014 m (dry lake bed only) to .026 m with increasing roughness element density. The three roughness element arrays were simulated at 1/10 and 1/20 scale in an open-circuit atmospheric boundary-layer wind tunnel. Velocities were measured with a boundary-layer pitot-tube rake from the same relative position within the scale model arrays as the anemometers were relative to the field arrays. Each array at each scale was sampled three times at five freestream velocities. Average values of z sub 0 for each model array at each scale were compared with full-scale values of z sub 0 obtained in the field. The field vs. wind tunnel correspondence of z sub 0 is found to be z sub 0 field = 0.2661 x (z sub(0 model) x scale(exp -1))exp .8159

    Ejecta types on Ganymede and Callisto

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    Ejecta types on Ganymede and Callisto have been identified from Voyager 1 and 2 images. Image resolution used range from approx. 0.6 to approx. 4 km/pxl, which allowed the surveying of almost all of the mappable surface of the two satellites. Seven ejecta classes were identified on Voyager images of Ganymede on the basis of albedo pattern and type of terminus. The ejecta of different terrains on ejecta characteristics were investigated for the most populated ejecta types. Two major ejecta types were identified on Callisto; both have counterparts on Ganymede. Type C1 has a uniformly high albedo and a sharp terminus. Type C2 has a gradational terminus and a moderate albedo. The similarity in ejecta types on Ganymede and Callisto may indicate similarities in the near surface environment of the two satellites, with different ejecta types representing several possible conditions for the impact environment

    Global relationships between volcanic vents and fractures radial to large impact basins on Mars

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    The relation of volcanic vents on Mars to impact basins has been previously studied. It has been asserted that the concentric fractures around impact basins extend into the crust and might localize some features, including volcanoes. Herein, the possibility is assessed of radial fractures inferred to be associated with impact basins as an additional control on the location of volcanoes on Mars. Geologic mapping at 1:2 million scale enabled 250 central vents and fissure vents to be identified. Pattern of vent distribution superimposed on a globe show that most are located on three distinct circles. In addition, there are two more possible great circles which may be superimposed onto the Martian globe. These five Martian circles are briefly examined for their geological relationship to volcanoes

    Saltation threshold reduction due to the electrostatic agglomeration of fine particles

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    Particles between 80 and 110 microns in diameter are the most easily moved by the wind. As the particle size decreases below 60 microns, they are increasingly more difficult to move by surface winds, and a number of experiments were performed in an attempt to reduce the required wind velocity. These include: (1) the bombardment of a bed of fine particles by particles near the optimum size, the larger particles kicking the fine particles into the windstream where they are entrained; and (2) the electrostatic agglomeration of fine particles into sizes more easily saltated. The results of these experiments are discussed