41 research outputs found
Estudo histoquímico da lipofuscina cardíaca do homem e do cão em relação à idade
Lipofuscin pigments were first detected in the heart of 10 years old humans and in dogs of eighteen months of age. The highest concentration of this type of pigment in the heart of dogs was observed in animals from 6-8 years of age and seems to have no quantitative or qualitative correlation to pathologic processes. From the histochemical point of view the main difference observed is related to the PAS reactivity of the pigment which was negative in humans over 60 years of age and positive in all the different age groups of dogs examined.O pigmento lipofuscina aparece no miocárdio humano aos 10 anos de idade e no de cães aos 18 meses. A maior concentração deste pigmento no coração de cães foi encontrada a partir dos 6 anos e independe, qualitativa e quantitativamente, de processos patológicos. Do ponto de vista histoquímico a principal diferença observada está relacionada à reação PAS do pigmento que foi negativa em humanos acima de 60 anos de idade e positiva nas outras idades e em todos os diferentes grupos de cães examinados
Histochemical study of pigments in cirrhotic livers of dogs
O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.Both hemosiderin and a chromolipoid (ceroid type) were histochemically characterized in fourteen cirrhotic livers of dogs. These pigments were found within the cells of the interlobular connective tissue as well as within the hepatic and the Kupffer cells. Both carotenoids and melanins were not detected with the use of the present methods
Tromboangeite obliterante em bezerro
The AA. described a case of thromboangiitis obliterans in a calf, probably the first one in the bovine specie. After literature revision, they presented macro and microscopic patterns of the morphological alterations observed in the extremities and comment some ethiopathogenic aspects of the Buerger disease. The AA. think that the thrombotic lesions, verified in the gross vessels of the lower extremities, have occurred after proliferative process of the arteriolar intima because they resemble to be more recent.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês
Contribuição ao estudo do coagulograma no cavalo normal e injetado com toxina tetânica
The usual tests for evaluating the blood clothing phenomena were performed on equines of both sexes. Two groups were employed, one made of 20 normal animals and the other composed of 10 animals which were being used for the preparation of tetanic antisera. No significant difference was found between the results of the two groups, at the 5% level. The mean values found from normal animals were: Coagulation time: 6.3 _+ 1.4 minutes; recalcification tines 229.5 _+ 45.9 seconds; platelets: 138.0 _+ 38.0 x 10-3/mm3; clot retraction: 37.1 _+ 9.3% protrombine time: a - 9.6 _+ 2.1 seconds b - 79.7 _+ 30.3% protrorabine consumption: 77.2 _+ 12.7% tromboplastine formation: a - time of maximal formation: 3.4 _+ 0.8 b - maximal activity in T.C.: 36.0 _+ 10.6 seconds. The results found in the several tests are similar to the ones that have been found for man. However, the recalcificatior and formation of tromboplastine are longer. Also the platelet number is lower.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês
Coagulação sanguínea em cavalos utilizados para produção de soro antibotrópico
In this work we have studied the effect on the blood coagulation of 60 mg of B. jararaca poison injected subcutaneously in serum-productor horses. Tests of coagulation time, coagulation time of recalcified plasma, platelet counts, clot retraction, prothrombin time, consumption of prothrombin and thromboplastin generation were carried out with samples collected before the poison innoculation and 2, 24, 96, 144 and 288 hours after it. A difference statistically significant was found only from the test of prothrombin consumption until 24 hours after, which was greater, when compared with the results obtained before the innoculation.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês
Hepatic capilariasis in a dog
Spontaneous occurance of “hepatic capilariasis” in a dog is presented by the A.A. The lesions were submitted to macro and microscopic studies and the direct examination of oviform structures could be characterized as eggs of Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft, 1893) Travassos, 1915 — Capillariidae — Trichuroidea. After a throughbly bibliographic search, the A.A. concluded that this is the firest time a case of dog’s “hepatic capilariasis” is described in the State of São Paulo.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês
Guided Zygomatic Implantology for Oral Cancer Rehabilitation: A Case Report
Oral rehabilitation after maxillary oncological resection is challenging. This case report presents the rehabilitation of a 65-year-old Caucasian male adenoid cystic carcinoma patient using a myo-cutaneous thigh flap, zygomatic implant placement, and an immediate fixed provisional prosthesis made with computer-aided technologies. The patient presented complaints of asymptomatic enlarged swelling of 5-mm on the right hard hemi-palate. There was an oro-antral communication deriving from a previous local excision. Preoperative radiographs showed the involvement of the right maxilla, maxillary sinus, and nose with a suspect involvement of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve. Treatment was planned through a fully digital workflow. A partial maxillectomy was performed endoscopically, and maxilla was reconstructed using an anterolateral thigh free flap. Two zygomatic implants were inserted simultaneously. A provisional fix full-arch prosthesis was manufactured preoperatively through a fully digital workflow and was placed in the operating room. Following post-operative radiotherapy, the patient received a final hybrid prosthesis. During the follow-up period of two years, the patient reported good function, aesthetics, and significant enhancement in quality of life. According to the results of this case, the protocol represented can be a promising alternative for oral cancer patients with large defects, and can lead to an improved quality of life
Tumor de células gigantes na região maxilo-nasal e mandibular de cães Dálmatas
Foram estudados os aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e anatomo patológicosde 3 casos de tumor de células gigantes na região maxilo-nasal e mandibular de cães Dálmatas, com idade inferior a um ano.Was studied X Rays, clinical and anatomic pathologies aspects of three cases with tumour of giant cells in the maxillar nasal region and mandible in Dalmatian dogs with age lower at one year old
Espondilartrose ancilosante cervical em gatos
Eight cases of cervical anky-losing spondilarthrosis in cats were observed, four of them being submitted to post mortem examination. Clinical and radiographic signs were characteristics, being observed mainly the cervical-dorsal region involvement by ossified newgrown tissue. Histopathological examination of the tissue causing vertebral fusion revealed normal bony tissue with hematogenic osseous marrow.Investigou-se 8 gatos portadores de espondilartrose ancilosante, sendoque 4 foram necropsiados. Os sinais clínicos e os aspectos radiográficossão bastante sugestivos do processo, inclusive por se observar com maior freqüência o comprometimento da região cérvico-dorsál, por tecido ósseo neoformado. O exame histopatológico do tecido responsável pela fusão das vértebras é ósseo normal com medula óssea hematogênica