35 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Low-temperature Loss Tangent of High-resistivity Silicon with a High Q-factor Superconducting Resonator

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    In this letter, we present the direct loss tangent measurement of a high-resistivity intrinsic (100) silicon wafer in the temperature range from ~ 70 mK to 1 K, approaching the quantum regime. The measurement was performed using a technique that takes advantage of a high quality factor superconducting niobium resonator and allows to directly measure the loss tangent of insulating materials with high level of accuracy and precision. We report silicon loss tangent values at the lowest temperature and for electric field amplitudes comparable to those found in planar transmon devices one order of magnitude larger than what was previously estimated. In addition, we discover a non-monotonic trend of the loss tangent as a function of temperature that we describe by means of a phenomenological model based on variable range hopping conduction between localized states around the Fermi energy. We also observe that the dissipation increases as a function of the electric field and that this behavior can be qualitatively described by the variable range hopping conduction mechanism as well. This study lays the foundations for a novel approach to investigate the loss mechanisms and accurately estimate the loss tangent in insulating materials in the quantum regime, leading to a better understanding of coherence in quantum devices

    Fast ZZ-Free Entangling Gates for Superconducting Qubits Assisted by a Driven Resonator

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    Engineering high-fidelity two-qubit gates is an indispensable step toward practical quantum computing. For superconducting quantum platforms, one important setback is the stray interaction between qubits, which causes significant coherent errors. For transmon qubits, protocols for mitigating such errors usually involve fine-tuning the hardware parameters or introducing usually noisy flux-tunable couplers. In this work, we propose a simple scheme to cancel these stray interactions. The coupler used for such cancellation is a driven high-coherence resonator, where the amplitude and frequency of the drive serve as control knobs. Through the resonator-induced-phase (RIP) interaction, the static ZZ coupling can be entirely neutralized. We numerically show that such a scheme can enable short and high-fidelity entangling gates, including cross-resonance CNOT gates within 40 ns and adiabatic CZ gates within 140 ns. Our architecture is not only ZZ free but also contains no extra noisy components, such that it preserves the coherence times of fixed-frequency transmon qubits. With the state-of-the-art coherence times, the error of our cross-resonance CNOT gate can be reduced to below 1e-4

    First Direct Observation of Nanometer size Hydride Precipitations on Superconducting Niobium

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    Superconducting niobium serves as a key enabling material for superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology as well as quantum computing devices. At room temperature, hydrogen commonly occupies tetragonal sites in the Nb lattice as metal (M)-gas (H) phase. When the temperature is decreased, however, solid solution of Nb-H starts to be precipitated. In this study, we show the first identified topographical features associated with nanometer-size hydride phase (Nb1-xHx) precipitates on metallic superconducting niobium using cryogenic-atomic force microscopy (AFM). Further, high energy grazing incidence X-ray diffraction reveals information regarding the structure and stoichiometry that these precipitates exhibit. Finally, through time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS), we are able to locate atomic hydrogen sources near the top surface. This systematic study further explains localized degradation of RF superconductivity by the proximity effect due to hydrogen clusters

    Millikelvin measurements of permittivity and loss tangent of lithium niobate

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    Lithium Niobate is an electro-optic material with many applications in microwave signal processing, communication, quantum sensing, and quantum computing. In this letter, we present findings on evaluating the complex electromagnetic permittivity of lithium niobate at millikelvin temperatures. Measurements are carried out using a resonant-type method with a superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavity operating at 7 GHz and designed to characterize anisotropic dielectrics. The relative permittivity tensor and loss tangent are measured at 50 mK with unprecedented accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Completely Positive Map for Noisy Driven Quantum Systems Derived by Keldysh Expansion

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    Accurate modeling of decoherence errors in quantum processors is crucial for analyzing and improving gate fidelities. To increase the accuracy beyond that of the Lindblad dynamical map, several generalizations have been proposed, and the exploration of simpler and more systematic frameworks is still ongoing. In this paper, we introduce a decoherence model based on the Keldysh formalism. This formalism allows us to include non-periodic drives and correlated quantum noise in our model. In addition to its wide range of applications, our method is also numerically simple, and yields a CPTP map. These features allow us to integrate the Keldysh map with quantum-optimal-control techniques. We demonstrate that this strategy generates pulses that mitigate correlated quantum noise in qubit state-transfer and gate operations

    Phase-controlled improvement of photon lifetime in coupled superconducting cavities

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    High-quality cavities are crucial for various fundamental physical studies and applications. Here we find that by coupling two cavities directly or via a phase-tunable coupling channel, the photon lifetime of the local field can exceed that of the bare cavities. The cavity photon lifetime is modified by the phases of the initial states and the phase accumulation on the coupling channel which affect the interference between cavities. In experiments, by coupling superconducting radio-frequency cavities via phase-tunable cables, we realize a factor of two improvement in the cavity photon lifetime. The results can bring rich revenue to quantum information science, sensing, and high-energy physics.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure