999 research outputs found
Experiment Investigating the Connection between Weak Values and Contextuality
Weak value measurements have recently given rise to a large interest for both
the possibility of measurement amplification and the chance of further quantum
mechanics foundations investigation. In particular, a question emerged about
weak values being proof of the incompatibility between Quantum Mechanics and
Non-Contextual Hidden Variables Theories (NCHVT). A test to provide a
conclusive answer to this question was given in [M. Pusey, Phys. Rev. Lett.
113, 200401 (2014)], where a theorem was derived showing the NCHVT
incompatibility with the observation of anomalous weak values under specific
conditions. In this paper we realize this proposal, clearly pointing out the
strict connection between weak values and the contextual nature of Quantum
Mechanics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Signals of bimodality in the fragmentation of Au quasi-projectiles
Signals of bimodality have been investigated in experimental data of
quasi-projectile decay produced in Au+Au collisions at 35 AMeV. This same data
set was already shown to provide several signals characteristic of a first
order, liquid-gas-like phase transition. Different event sortings proposed in
the recent literature are analyzed. A sudden change in the fragmentation
pattern is revealed by the distribution of the charge of the largest fragment,
compatible with a bimodal behavior.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics
Isotopic Composition of Fragments in Nuclear Multifragmentation
The isotope yields of fragments, produced in the decay of the quasiprojectile
in Au+Au peripheral collisions at 35 MeV/nucleon and those coming from the
disassembly of the unique source formed in Xe+Cu central reactions at 30
MeV/nucleon, were measured. We show that the relative yields of neutron-rich
isotopes increase with the excitation energy in multifragmentation reaction. In
the framework of the statistical multifragmentation model which fairly well
reproduces the experimental observables, this behaviour can be explained by
increasing N/Z ratio of hot primary fragments, that corresponds to the
statistical evolution of the decay mechanism with the excitation energy: from a
compound-like decay to complete multifragmentation.Comment: 10 pages. 4 Postscript figures. Submitted to Physical Review C, Rapid
Quantum state reconstruction using binary data from on/off photodetection
The knowledge of the density matrix of a quantum state plays a fundamental
role in several fields ranging from quantum information processing to
experiments on foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum optics. Recently, a
method has been suggested and implemented in order to obtain the reconstruction
of the diagonal elements of the density matrix exploiting the information
achievable with realistic on/off detectors, e.g. silicon avalanche
photo-diodes, only able to discriminate the presence or the absence of light.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the theoretical and
experimental developments of the on/off method, including its extension to the
reconstruction of the whole density matrix.Comment: revised version, 11 pages, 6 figures, to appear as a review paper on
Adv. Science Let
Prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis in Italy
The understanding of the epidemiology of bronchiectasis is still affected by major limitations with very few data published worldwide. The aim of this study was to estimate the epidemiological burden of bronchiectasis in Italy in the adult population followed-up by primary care physicians.
This study analyzed data coming from a large primary care database with 1,054,376 subjects in the period of time 2002-2015. Patients with bronchiectasis were selected by the use of International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification codes (ICD-9-CM).
Patients with bronchiectasis were more likely to have a history of tuberculosis (0.47% vs. 0.06%, p\u2009<\u20090.0001), had higher rates of asthma (16.6% vs. 6.2%, p\u2009<\u20090.0001), COPD (23.3% vs. 6.4%, p\u2009<\u20090.0001) and rheumatoid arthritis (1.9% vs. 0.8%, p\u2009<\u20090.0001). The prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis in primary care in Italy in 2015 were 163 per 100,000 population and 16.3 per 100,000 person-years, respectively. Prevalence and incidence increased with age and overall rates were highest in men over 75\u2009years old. Prevalence and incidence computed after the exclusion of patients with a diagnosis of either asthma or COPD is 130 per 100,000 and 11.1 cases per 100,000 person-years, respectively.
Bronchiectasis is not a rare condition in Italian adult population. Further studies are needed to confirm our results and provide a better insight on etiology of bronchiectasis in Italy
Novel Scintillating Materials Based on Phenyl-Polysiloxane for Neutron Detection and Monitoring
Neutron detectors are extensively used at many nuclear research facilities
across Europe. Their application range covers many topics in basic and applied
nuclear research: in nuclear structure and reaction dynamics (reaction
reconstruction and decay studies); in nuclear astrophysics (neutron emission
probabilities); in nuclear technology (nuclear data measurements and
in-core/off-core monitors); in nuclear medicine (radiation monitors,
dosimeters); in materials science (neutron imaging techniques); in homeland
security applications (fissile materials investigation and cargo inspection).
Liquid scintillators, widely used at present, have however some drawbacks given
by toxicity, flammability, volatility and sensitivity to oxygen that limit
their duration and quality. Even plastic scintillators are not satisfactory
because they have low radiation hardness and low thermal stability. Moreover
organic solvents may affect their optical properties due to crazing. In order
to overcome these problems, phenyl-polysiloxane based scintillators have been
recently developed at Legnaro National Laboratory. This new solution showed
very good chemical and thermal stability and high radiation hardness. The
results on the different samples performance will be presented, paying special
attention to a characterization comparison between synthesized phenyl
containing polysiloxane resins where a Pt catalyst has been used and a
scintillating material obtained by condensation reaction, where tin based
compounds are used as catalysts. Different structural arrangements as a result
of different substituents on the main chain have been investigated by High
Resolution X-Ray Diffraction, while the effect of improved optical
transmittance on the scintillation yield has been elucidated by a combination
of excitation/fluorescence measurements and scintillation yield under exposure
to alpha and {\gamma}-rays.Comment: InterM 2013 - International Multidisciplinary Microscopy Congres
Experimental Signals of Phase Transition
The connection between the thermodynamics of charged finite nuclear systems
and the asymptotically measured partitions is presented. Some open questions,
concerning in particular equilibrium partitions are discussed. We show a
detailed comparison of the decay patterns in Au+ C,Cu,Au central collisions and
in Au quasi-projectile events. Observation of abnormally large fluctuations in
carefully selected samples of data is reported as an indication of a first
order phase transition (negative heat capacity) in the nuclear equation of
state.Comment: 8 pages, 8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,
Moscow 200
Psychological impact and health-related quality-of-life outcomes of Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome : A systematic review and narrative synthesis
Mayer-Rokitansky-K\ufcster-Hauser syndrome causes absence or underdevelopment of uterus and vagina, but women's subjective experience remains understudied. This systematic review was conducted to examine the psychological and health-related quality-of-life outcomes of Mayer-Rokitansky-K\ufcster-Hauser syndrome. In total, 22 articles identified through electronic search matched the inclusion criteria and were included in our review. Mayer-Rokitansky-K\ufcster-Hauser syndrome may be associated with psychological symptoms and impaired quality of life, but especially with poor sexual esteem and genital image. Women may experience difficulties managing intimacy and disclosing to partners. Mothers may be perceived as overinvolved, with consequent negative emotions in women with the disease
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