262 research outputs found

    Modular classes revisited

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    We present a graded-geometric approach to modular classes of Lie algebroids and their generalizations, introducing in this setting an idea of relative modular class of a Dirac structure for a certain type of Courant algebroids, called projectable. This novel approach puts several concepts related to Poisson geometry and its generalizations in a new light and simplifies proofs. It gives, in particular, a nice geometric interpretation of modular classes of twisted-Poisson structures on Lie algebroids.Comment: 10 pages, slightly revised version to appear in Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phy

    An introduction to loopoids

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    We discuss a concept of loopoid as a non-associative generalization of (Brandt) groupoid. We introduce and study also an interesting class of more general objects which we call semiloopoids. A differential version of loopoids is intended as a framework for Lagrangian discrete mechanics.Comment: 9 pages, proceedings of LOOPS'1


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    We review origins and main properties of the most important bracket operations appearing canonically in differential geometry and mathematical physics in the classical, as well as the supergeometric setting. The review is supplemented by a few new concepts and examples.Comment: 40 pages, minor corrections, to appear in IJGMM

    Remarks on Nambu-Poisson and Nambu-Jacobi brackets

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    It is shown that Nambu-Poisson and Nambu-Jacobi brackets can be defined inductively: a n-bracket, n>2, is Nambu-Poisson (resp. Nambu-Jacobi) if and only if fixing an argument we get a (n-1)-Nambu-Poisson (resp. Nambu-Jacobi) bracket. As a by-product we get relatively simple proofs of Darboux-type theorems for these structures.Comment: Latex, 13 page
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