721 research outputs found

    Coulomb Charging at Large Conduction

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    We discuss the suppression of Coulomb charging effects on a small metallic island coupled to an electrode by a tunnel junction. At high temperatures the quantum corrections to the classical charging energy Ec=e2/2CE_c=e^2/2C, where CC is the island capacitance, are evaluated. At low temperatures the large quantum fluctuations of the island charge cause a strong reduction of the effective EcE_c which is determined explicitly in the limit of a large tunneling conductance.Comment: 4 page

    Statistics of the polariton condensate

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    The influence of polariton-polariton scattering on the statistics of the polariton condensate in a non-resonantly excited semiconductor quantum well embedded in a CdTe semiconductor microcavity is discussed. Taking advantage of the existence of a bottleneck in the polariton dispersion curve, the polariton states are separated into two domains: reservoir polaritons inside the bottleneck and active polaritons with wave vector q whose energy lies below the bottleneck. In the framework of the master equation formalism, the non-equilibrium stationary reduced density matrix is calculated and the statistics of polaritons in the condensate at q=0 is determined. The anomalous correlations between the polaritons in the condensate and those with wave vectors q, -q leads to an enhancement of the noise in the condensate. As a consequence, the second order correlation function of the condensate does not show the full coherence that is characteristic of laser emission.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Accuracy of a mechanical single electron shuttle

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we calculate both the average current and the current fluctuations for a metallic island which oscillates between two symmetric electrodes. Electrons can only tunnel on or off the island when it is close to one of the electrodes. Using a Master equation we investigate the accuracy of such an electron shuttle both analytically and numerically. It is shown that optimum operation is reached when the contact time is much larger than the RC-time.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, 5 figure

    Phase diffusion and charging effects in Josephson junctions

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    The supercurrent of a Josephson junction is reduced by phase diffusion. For ultrasmall capacitance junctions the current may be further decreased by Coulomb blockade effects. We calculate the Cooper pair current by means of time-dependent perturbation theory to all orders in the Josephson coupling energy and obtain the current-voltage characteristic in closed form in a range of parameters of experimental interest. The results comprehend phase diffusion of the coherent Josephson current in the classical regime as well as the supercurrent peak due to incoherent Cooper pair tunneling in the strong Coulomb blockade regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Is the dynamics of open quantum systems always linear?

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    We study the influence of the preparation of an open quantum system on its reduced time evolution. In contrast to the frequently considered case of an initial preparation where the total density matrix factorizes into a product of a system density matrix and a bath density matrix the time evolution generally is no longer governed by a linear map nor is this map affine. Put differently, the evolution is truly nonlinear and cannot be cast into the form of a linear map plus a term that is independent of the initial density matrix of the open quantum system. As a consequence, the inhomogeneity that emerges in formally exact generalized master equations is in fact a nonlinear term that vanishes for a factorizing initial state. The general results are elucidated with the example of two interacting spins prepared at thermal equilibrium with one spin subjected to an external field. The second spin represents the environment. The field allows the preparation of mixed density matrices of the first spin that can be represented as a convex combination of two limiting pure states, i.e. the preparable reduced density matrices make up a convex set. Moreover, the map from these reduced density matrices onto the corresponding density matrices of the total system is affine only for vanishing coupling between the spins. In general, the set of the accessible total density matrices is nonconvex.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, minor changes to improve readability, discussion on Mori's linear regime and references adde

    Fractional charge in the noise of Luttinger liquid systems

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    The current noise of a voltage biased interacting quantum wire adiabatically connected to metallic leads is computed in presence of an impurity in the wire. We find that in the weak backscattering limit the Fano factor characterizing the ratio between shot noise and backscattering current crucially depends on the noise frequency relative to the ballistic frequency v_F/gL, where v_F is the Fermi velocity, g the Luttinger liquid interaction parameter, and L the length of the wire. In contrast to chiral Luttinger liquids, the noise is not only due to the Poissonian backscattering of fractionally charged quasiparticles at the impurity, but also depends on Andreev-type reflections of plasmons at the contacts, so that the frequency dependence of the noise needs to be analyzed to extract the fractional charge e*=e g of the bulk excitations. We show that the frequencies needed to see interaction effects in the Fano factor are within experimental reach.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedings of Fluctuations and Noise 2005, Austin, Texa

    Direct measurement of the maximum tunnel rate in a radio frequency single electron transistor operated as a microwave mixer

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    By operating the radio frequency single electron transistor (rf-SET) as a mixer we present measurements in which the RC roll-off of the tunnel junctions is observed at high frequencies. Our technique makes use of the non-linear rf-SET transconductance to mix high frequency gate signals and produce difference-frequency components that fall within the bandwidth of the rf-SET. At gate frequencies >15GHz the induced charge on the rf-SET island is altered on time-scales faster than the inverse tunnel rate, preventing mixer operation. We suggest the possibility of utilizing this technique to sense high frequency signals beyond the usual rf-SET bandwidth.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letters. Comments always very welcome, email:[email protected] (New version contains extra data and new figs

    Appearance of fractional charge in the noise of non-chiral Luttinger liquids

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    The current noise of a voltage biased interacting quantum wire adiabatically connected to metallic leads is computed in presence of an impurity in the wire. We find that in the weak backscattering limit the Fano factor characterizing the ratio between noise and backscattered current crucially depends on the noise frequency ω\omega relative to the ballistic frequency vF/gLv_F/gL, where vFv_F is the Fermi velocity, gg the Luttinger liquid interaction parameter, and LL the length of the wire. In contrast to chiral Luttinger liquids the noise is not only due to the Poissonian backscattering of fractionally charged quasiparticles at the impurity, but also depends on Andreev-type reflections at the contacts, so that the frequency dependence of the noise needs to be analyzed to extract the fractional charge e∗=ege^*=e g of the bulk excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version, to appear in PR
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