23 research outputs found
Collapse of ferromagnetism and Fermi surface instability near reentrant superconductivity of URhGe
We present thermoelectric power and resistivity measurements in the
ferromagnetic superconductor URhGe for magnetic field applied along the hard
magnetization b axis of the orthorhombic crystal. Reentrant superconductivity
is observed near the the spin reorientation transition at =12.75 T,
where a first order transition from the ferromagnetic to the polarized
paramagnetic state occurs. Special focus is given to the longitudinal
configuration, where both electric and heat current are parallel to the applied
field. The validity of the Fermi-liquid dependence of the resistivity
through demonstrates clearly that no quantum critical point occurs at
. Thus the ferromagnetic transition line at becomes first order
implying the existence of a tricritical point at finite temperature. The
enhancement of magnetic fluctuations in the vicinity of the tricritical point
stimulates the reentrance of superconductivity. The abrupt sign change observed
in the thermoelectric power with the thermal gradient applied along the b axis
together with the strong anomalies in the other directions is a definitive
macroscopic evidence that in addition a significant change of the Fermi surface
appears through .Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Multiple nodeless superconducting gaps in optimally-doped SrTiNbO
We present the first study of thermal conductivity in superconducting
SrTiNbO, sufficiently doped to be near its maximum critical
temperature. The bulk critical temperature, determined by the jump in specific
heat, occurs at a significantly lower temperature than the resistive T.
Thermal conductivity, dominated by the electron contribution, deviates from its
normal-state magnitude at bulk T, following a Bardeen-Rickayzen-Tewordt
(BRT) behavior, expected for thermal transport by Bogoliubov excitations.
Absence of a T-linear term at very low temperatures rules out the presence of
nodal quasi-particles. On the other hand, the field dependence of thermal
conductivity points to the existence of at least two distinct superconducting
gaps. We conclude that optimally-doped strontium titanate is a multigap
nodeless superconductor.Comment: 6 pages including a supplemen
Critical doping for the onset of a two-band superconducting ground state in SrTiO
In doped SrTiO superconductivity persists down to an exceptionally low
concentration of mobile electrons. This restricts the relevant energy window
and possible pairing scenarios. We present a study of quantum oscillations and
superconducting transition temperature, as the carrier density is tuned
from to and identify two critical doping levels
corresponding to the filling thresholds of the upper bands. At the first
critical doping, which separates the single-band and the two-band
superconducting regimes in oxygen-deficient samples, the steady increase of
T with carrier concentration suddenly stops. Near this doping level, the
energy dispersion in the lowest band displays a downward deviation from
parabolic behavior. The results impose new constraints for microscopic pairing
scenarios.Comment: 5 pages of main article and 4 pages of supplemen
Seebeck Coefficient in a Cuprate Superconductor: Particle-Hole Asymmetry in the Strange Metal Phase and Fermi Surface Transformation in the Pseudogap Phase
We report measurements of the Seebeck effect in both the ab plane (Sa) and along the c axis (Sc) of the
cuprate superconductor La1.6âxNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO), performed in magnetic fields large enough to
suppress superconductivity down to low temperature. We use the Seebeck coefficient as a probe of the
particle-hole asymmetry of the electronic structure across the pseudogap critical doping p
â ÂŒ 0.23.
Outside the pseudogap phase, at p Œ 0.24 > p
â, we observe a positive and essentially isotropic Seebeck
coefficient as T â0. That S > 0 at p ÂŒ 0.24 is at odds with expectations given the electronic band
structure of Nd-LSCO above p
â and its known electronlike Fermi surface. We can reconcile this
observation by invoking an energy-dependent scattering rate with a particle-hole asymmetry, possibly
rooted in the non-Fermi-liquid nature of cuprates just above p
â. Inside the pseudogap phase, for p < pâ, S
is seen to rise at low temperature as previously reported, consistent with the drop in carrier density n from
n â1ĂŸ p to n âp across p
â as inferred from other transport properties. In stark contrast, S
at low
temperature becomes negative below p
â, a novel signature of the pseudogap phase. The sudden drop in S
reveals a change in the electronic structure of Nd-LSCO upon crossing p
â. We can exclude a profound
change of the scattering across p
â and conclude that the change in the out-of-plane Seebeck coefficient
originates from a transformation of the Fermi surface.L. T. acknowledges
support from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
(CIFAR) as a CIFAR Fellow and funding from the Institut
Quantique, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (PIN:123817), the Fonds de Recherche
du QuebecâNature et Technologies (FRQNT), the Canada
Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and a Canada Research
Chair. J. M. is supported by the Slovenian Research
Agency (ARRS) under Program No. P1-0044 and
Projects No. J1-2458, No. N1-0088, and No. J1-2455-1.
J.-S. Z. was supported by NSF MRSEC under Cooperative
Agreement No. DMR-1720595. This research was under-
taken thanks in part to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund and the Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundationâs EPiQS Initiative (Grant
No. GBMF5306 to L. T.). The Flatiron Institute is a
division of the Simons Foundation.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material
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Effect of pressure on the pseudogap and charge density wave phases of the cuprate Nd-LSCO probed by thermopower measurements
We report thermopower measurements under hydrostatic pressure on the cuprate superconductor
La1.6âxNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO), at low temperature in the normal state accessed by suppressing superconduc-
tivity with a magnetic ïŹeld up to H = 31 T. Using an ac thermopower measurement technique suitable for high
pressure and high ïŹeld, we track the pressure evolution of the Seebeck coefïŹcient S. At ambient pressure and
low temperature, S/T in Nd-LSCO was recently found to suddenly increase below the pseudogap critical doping
â = 0.23, consistent with a drop in carrier density n from n = 1 + p above pâ to n = p below. Under a pressure
of 2.0 GPa, we observe that the large S/T value just below p
â is suppressed. This conïŹrms a previous pressure
study based on electrical resistivity and Hall effect, which found that pressure lowers p
â, thereby reinforcing
the interpretation that this effect is driven by the pressure-induced shift of the van Hove point. It implies that
the pseudogap only exists when the Fermi surface is hole-like, which puts strong constraints on theories of the
pseudogap phase. We also report thermopower measurements on Nd-LSCO and La1.8âxEu0.2SrxCuO4 in the
charge density wave phase near p ⌠1/8, which reveals a weakening of this phase under pressure.L.T.
acknowledges support from the Canadian Institute for Ad-
vanced Research (CIFAR) as a CIFAR Fellow and funding
from the Institut Quantique, the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council of Canada (PIN:123817), the Fonds
de Recherche du QuĂ©becâNature et Technologies (FRQNT),
the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and a Canada
Research Chair. This research was undertaken thanks in part
to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund
and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundationâs EPiQS Ini-
tiative (Grant No. GBMF5306 to L.T.). The National High
Magnetic Field Laboratory is supported by the National Sci-
ence Foundation through Grant No. NSF/DMR-1644779 and
the State of Florida. J.-S.Z. was supported by NSF MRSEC
under Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-1720595.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material
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Thermopower across the phase diagram of the cuprate La1.6âxNd0.4SrxCuO4 : signatures of the pseudogap and charge-density-wave phases
The Seebeck coeïŹcient (thermopower) S of the cuprate superconductor La1.6âxNd0.4SrxCuO4
was measured across its doping phase diagram (from p = 0.12 to p = 0.25), at various temperatures
down to T â 2 K, in the normal state accessed by suppressing superconductivity with a magnetic
ïŹeld up to H = 37.5 T. The magnitude of S/T in the T = 0 limit is found to suddenly increase,
by a factor â 5, when the doping is reduced below p
â = 0.23, the critical doping for the onset
of the pseudogap phase. This conïŹrms that the pseudogap phase causes a large reduction of the
carrier density n, consistent with a drop from n = 1 + p above p
â to n = p below pâ, as previously
inferred from measurements of the Hall coeïŹcient, resistivity and thermal conductivity. When the
doping is reduced below p = 0.19, a qualitative change is observed whereby S/T decreases as T â 0,
eventually to reach negative values at T = 0. In prior work on other cuprates, negative values of
S/T at T â 0 were shown to result from a reconstruction of the Fermi surface caused by charge-
density-wave (CDW) order. We therefore identify pCDW â 0.19 as the critical doping beyond which
there is no CDW-induced Fermi surface reconstruction. The fact that pCDW is well separated from
â reveals that there is a doping range below pâ where the transport signatures of the pseudogap
phase are unaïŹected by CDW correlations, as previously found in YBa2Cu3Oy and La2âxSrxCuO4.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material
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Phonons become chiral in the pseudogap phase of cuprates
The nature of the pseudogap phase of cuprates remains a major puzzle. One of its new signatures is a large negative thermal Hall conductivity Îșxy, which appears for dopings p below the pseudogap critical doping pâ, but whose origin is as yet unknown. Because this large Îșxy is observed even in the undoped Mott insulator La2CuO4, it cannot come from charge carriers, these being localized at p=0. Here we show that the thermal Hall conductivity of La2CuO4 is roughly isotropic, being nearly the same for heat transport parallel and normal to the CuO2 planes, i.e. Îșzy(T)âÎșxy(T). This shows that the Hall response must come from phonons, these being the only heat carriers able to move as easily normal and parallel to the planes . At p>pâ, in both La1.6âxNd0.4SrxCuO4 and La1.8âxEu0.2SrxCuO4 with p=0.24, we observe no c-axis Hall signal, i.e. Îșzy(T)=0, showing that phonons have zero Hall response outside the pseudogap phase. The phonon Hall response appears immediately below pâ=0.23, as confirmed by the large Îșzy(T) signal we find in La1.6âxNd0.4SrxCuO4 with p=0.21. The microscopic mechanism by which phonons become chiral in cuprates remains to be identified. This mechanism must be intrinsic - from a coupling of phonons to their electronic environment - rather than extrinsic, from structural defects or impurities, as these are the same on both sides of pâ. This intrinsic phonon Hall effect provides a new window on quantum materials and it may explain the thermal Hall signal observed in other topologically nontrivial insulators.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material
Instabilités de surface de Fermi avec et sans transitions magnétiques : étude de URhGe, UPd2AI3, UCoGe et CeIrIn5
In this thesis, we have studied the evolution of the Fermi surface under the influence of a magnetic field in bulk materials that can be easily polarized at low temperature. The first part was devoted to the cases of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe with a magnetic field applied along the easy magnetization c-axis and the paramagnetic superconductor CeIrIn5 with the field along the c-axis. In UCoGe, several successive anomalies were detected in resistivity, Hall effect and thermoelectric power, without any thermodynamic transition being detected in magnetization. The direct observation of quantum oscillations showed that these anomalies are related to topological changes of the Fermi surface, also known as Lifshitz transitions. In CeIrIn5, the thermoelectric power detected an anomaly at HM = 28 T and the quantum oscillations observed in torque magnetometry showed that a Lifshitz transition occurs at this field.In the second part of this thesis, we studied the evolution of the Fermi surface through first order magnetic transitions induced by magnetic field. In the ferromagnetic superconductor URhGe with the field applied along the hard magnetization b-axis and the antiferromagnetic superconductor UPd2Al3 with the field in the basal plane. In URhGe, the thermoelectric power allowed to observe a change in the Fermi surface at the spin reorientation transition at HR = 11.75 T defining the ferromagnetic state and along with resistivity confirmed the first order character of the transition as well as give a location of the tricritical point. In UPd2Al3, a new branch was observed in de Haas-van Alphen experiment in the antiferromagnetic phase and the thermoelectric power showed that the Fermi surface is reconstructed at the metamagnetic transition at HM = 18 T where the antiferromagnetic state is suppressed and could suggest that the Fermi surface changes before this transition. Additionally, four new branches were observed in the polarized paramagnetic phase, above HM, that cannot be associated with calculated branches in the paramagnetic of antiferromagnetic states.Dans cette thĂšse, j'ai Ă©tudiĂ© l'Ă©volution de la surface de Fermi sous l'influence d'un champ magnĂ©tique dans des systĂšmes massifs facilement polarisables Ă basse tempĂ©rature. La premiĂšre partie est dĂ©vouĂ©e aux cas du supraconducteur ferromagnĂ©tique UCoGe et du supraconducteur paramagnĂ©tique CeIrIn5, oĂč la surface de Fermi peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e sans transition magnĂ©tique. Dans UCoGe, plusieurs anomalies successives ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©es dans l'effet Seebeck, la rĂ©sistivitĂ© et l'effet Hall, sans transition nette dans l'aimantation. L'observation d'oscillations quantiques montre que ces anomalies sont reliĂ©es Ă des changements de topologie de la surface de Fermi, aussi appelĂ©s transitions de Lifshitz. Dans CeIrIn5, une anomalie est dĂ©tectĂ©e dans l'effet Seebeck Ă HM = 28 T et les oscillations quantiques observĂ©es en magnĂ©tomĂ©trie torque montrent qu'une transition de Lifshitz Ă lieu Ă ce champ.Dans la deuxiĂšme partie, j'ai Ă©tudiĂ© comment varie la surface de Fermi Ă travers une transition magnĂ©tique du premier ordre induite par le champ magnĂ©tique dans le supraconducteur ferromagnĂ©tique URhGe avec le champ selon l'axe de difficile aimantation b et le supraconducteur antiferromagnĂ©tique UPd2Al3 avec le champ dans le plan basal. Dans URhGe, l'effet Seebeck permet d'observer un changement de la surface de Fermi Ă la transition de rĂ©orientation des spins Ă HR = 11.75 T et avec la rĂ©sistivitĂ© confirme le caractĂšre premier ordre de la transition en plus de fournir la localisation dans le diagramme de phase du point tricritique. Dans UPd2Al3, une nouvelle branche de la surface de Fermi est observĂ©e dans les oscillations quantiques de de Haas-van Alphen dans l'Ă©tat antiferromagnĂ©tique et l'effet Seebeck montre que la surface de Fermi change Ă la transition mĂ©tamagnĂ©tique Ă HM = 18 T. En outre, quatre nouvelles branches sont observĂ©es dans la phase polarisĂ©e au delĂ de HM et qui ne peuvent ĂȘtre associĂ©es Ă celles calculĂ©es dans les Ă©tats paramagnĂ©tique et antiferromagnĂ©tique