205 research outputs found
Light storage in an optically thick atomic ensemble under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency and four-wave mixing
We study the modification of a traditional electromagnetically induced
transparency (EIT) stored light technique that includes both EIT and four-wave
mixing (FWM) in an ensemble of hot Rb atoms. The standard treatment of light
storage involves the coherent and reversible mapping of one photonic mode onto
a collective spin coherence. It has been shown that unwanted, competing
processes such as four-wave mixing are enhanced by EIT and can significantly
modify the signal optical pulse propagation. We present theoretical and
experimental evidence to indicate that while a Stokes field is indeed detected
upon retrieval of the signal field, any information originally encoded in a
seeded Stokes field is not independently preserved during the storage process.
We present a simple model that describes the propagation dynamics of the fields
and the impact of FWM on the spin wave.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
Correlated photon dynamics in dissipative Rydberg media
Rydberg blockade physics in optically dense atomic media under the conditions
of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) leads to strong dissipative
interactions between single photons. We introduce a new approach to analyzing
this challenging many-body problem in the limit of large optical depth per
blockade radius. In our approach, we separate the single-polariton EIT physics
from Rydberg-Rydberg interactions in a serialized manner while using a
hard-sphere model for the latter, thus capturing the dualistic particle-wave
nature of light as it manifests itself in dissipative Rydberg-EIT media. Using
this approach, we analyze the saturation behavior of the transmission through
one-dimensional Rydberg-EIT media in the regime of non-perturbative dissipative
interactions relevant to current experiments. Our model is able to capture the
many-body dynamics of bright, coherent pulses through these strongly
interacting media. We compare our model with available experimental data in
this regime and find good agreement. We also analyze a scheme for generating
regular trains of single photons from continuous-wave input and derive its
scaling behavior in the presence of imperfect single-photon EIT.Comment: Final version. 6 pages, 4 figures (+ Supplemental Material; 7 pages,
3 figures
Kitaev chains with long-range pairing
We propose and analyze a generalization of the Kitaev chain for fermions with
long-range -wave pairing, which decays with distance as a power-law with
exponent . Using the integrability of the model, we demonstrate the
existence of two types of gapped regimes, where correlation functions decay
exponentially at short range and algebraically at long range () or
purely algebraically (). Most interestingly, along the critical
lines, long-range pairing is found to break conformal symmetry for sufficiently
small . This is accompanied by a violation of the area law for the
entanglement entropy in large parts of the phase diagram in the presence of a
gap, and can be detected via the dynamics of entanglement following a quench.
Some of these features may be relevant for current experiments with cold atomic
ions.Comment: 5+3 pages, 4+2 figure
Multicritical behavior in dissipative Ising models
We analyze theoretically the many-body dynamics of a dissipative Ising model
in a transverse field using a variational approach. We find that the steady
state phase diagram is substantially modified compared to its equilibrium
counterpart, including the appearance of a multicritical point belonging to a
different universality class. Building on our variational analysis, we
establish a field-theoretical treatment corresponding to a dissipative variant
of a Ginzburg-Landau theory, which allows us to compute the upper critical
dimension of the system. Finally, we present a possible experimental
realization of the dissipative Ising model using ultracold Rydberg gases.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Persistence of locality in systems with power-law interactions
Motivated by recent experiments with ultra-cold matter, we derive a new bound
on the propagation of information in -dimensional lattice models exhibiting
interactions with . The bound contains two terms: One
accounts for the short-ranged part of the interactions, giving rise to a
bounded velocity and reflecting the persistence of locality out to intermediate
distances, while the other contributes a power-law decay at longer distances.
We demonstrate that these two contributions not only bound but, except at long
times, \emph{qualitatively reproduce} the short- and long-distance dynamical
behavior following a local quench in an chain and a transverse-field Ising
chain. In addition to describing dynamics in numerous intractable long-range
interacting lattice models, our results can be experimentally verified in a
variety of ultracold-atomic and solid-state systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, version accepted by PR
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