121 research outputs found


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    Objective: Menstrual hygiene management is a neglected and silent issue in India with less than 12% of women having access to commercial sanitary napkins. This paper identifies key determinants of usage of sanitary napkins among young women in India. Methods: Data from a cross-sectional, population-based District level Household Survey (DLHS-3) 2007-08 were analyzed. A sample of 81,506 women, aged 15-24 years, were included in the analysis to assess wealth, education, residence, caste, region, awareness of reproductive tract infections and attitudes toward reproductive health as determinants of usage of sanitary napkins. Results: Multivariate analyses found that background variables such as wealth, education, caste and residence are significant determinants of usage of sanitary napkins. Further, autonomy, awareness of reproductive tract infections, and attitude toward receiving reproductive health education are critical towards improving menstrual hygiene practices. Conclusion: Effective programming should focus on ending taboos associated with menstrual hygiene management by educating women about the importance and usage of safe menstrual hygiene practices. This is also important to dispel myths, misconceptions and negative perception around menstruation. Further, increasing access to subsidized quality sanitary napkins to adolescent girls and women should also be considered along with safe, private places to change and wash themselves along with safe disposal of products.Master of Public Healt

    Identification and molecular characterization of drug targets of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Antimicrobial resistance is a major world health concern and drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a serious threat. Due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, there is an urgent need to develop novel drug targets to meet the challenge of multidrug-resistant organisms. The main objective of the current study was to determine molecular targets against S. aureus using by computational approach. S. aureus was cultured in brain heart infusion broth medium and MRSA (Methicillin resistant S. aureus) protein was extracted acetone-sodium dodecyl sulfate method. The cell lysate was treated with various antibiotics and proteinase K stable proteins were analyzed. The molecular weight of Geninthiocin-targeted protein of interest in S. aureus ranged from 46 to 50 kDa. A prominent protein band in SDS-PAGE indicated that the protein corresponding 50 kDa was resistant against proteinase K. The SDS-PAGE separated sample was excised and trypsinated, and the peptides were characterized using Nano Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis. Spectrum with clusters of molecular peptides and peptide fragments ranging from 110.0716 to 1002.7093 mass/charge ratio (m/z) were displayed against intensity or relative abundance in the excised gel band. The spectral data from nano LC-MS/MS was subjected to mascot search in the NCBIprot database (taxonomy-bacteria (eubacteria), resulting in seven bacterial proteins. Geninthiocin target proteins were determined against MRSA. To conclude, antibiotic target proteins were identified using a machine learning approach and these targets may have a lot of applications in developing a novel lead molecule against drug-resistant bacteria

    Using mHealth to improve health care delivery in India: A qualitative examination of the perspectives of community health workers and beneficiaries.

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    BACKGROUND:mHealth technologies are proliferating globally to address quality and timeliness of health care delivery by Community Health Workers (CHWs). This study aimed to examine CHW and beneficiaries' perceptions of a new mHealth intervention (Common Application Software [CAS] for CHWs in India. The objectives of the study were to seek perspectives of CHWs and beneficiaries on the uptake of CAS, changes in CHW-beneficiary interactions since the introduction of CAS and potential barriers faced by CHWs in use of CAS. Further, important contextual factors related to CHW-beneficiary interface and dynamics that may have a bearing on CAS have been described. METHODS:A qualitative study was conducted in two states of India (Bihar and Madhya Pradesh) from March-April 2018 with CHWs (n = 32) and beneficiaries (n = 55). All interviews were conducted and recorded in Hindi, transcribed and translated into English, and coded and thematically analysed using Dedoose. FINDINGS:The mHealth intervention was acceptable to the CHWs who felt that CAS improved their status in the communities where they worked. Beneficiaries' views were a mix of positive and negative perceptions. The divergent views between CHWs and beneficiaries surrounding the use and impact of CAS highlight an underlying mistrust, socio-cultural barriers in engagement, and technological barriers in implementation. All these contextual factors can influence the perception and uptake of CAS. CONCLUSIONS:mHealth interventions targeting CHWs and beneficiaries have the potential to improve performance of CHWs, reduce barriers to information and potentially change the behaviors of beneficiaries. While technology is an enabler for CHWs to improve their service delivery, it does not necessarily help overcome social and cultural barriers that impede CHW-beneficiary interactions to bring about improvements in knowledge and health behaviors. Future interventions for CHWs including mHealth interventions should examine contextual factors along with the acceptability, accessibility, and usability by beneficiaries and community members

    Exploratory qualitative study examining acceptability of strategies to improve access to substance use treatment and HIV prevention services for young adults on probation in Ukraine.

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    OBJECTIVE: Adults <30 years of age experience elevated HIV-rates in Ukraine. Young adults (YA) involved in the criminal justice system (CJS) are at an increased HIV-risk given elevated rates of substance use, engagement in high-risk sexual behaviour and insufficient healthcare access. The objective of this exploratory study was to investigate the acceptability of strategies to refer and link CJS-involved YA to HIV-prevention and substance use treatment services from CJS settings. DESIGN: We conducted qualitative individual interviews with CJS-involved YA (18-24 years), and CJS stakeholders. Interviews were guided by the Social Ecological Model. Interviews with YA explored substance use and sexual behaviour, and acceptability of strategies to link YA to HIV-prevention and substance use treatment services from CJS. Stakeholder interviews explored system practices addressing HIV-prevention and substance use and addiction. Data were analysed using Inductive Thematic Analysis. SETTING: Data were collected in three locales, prior to the 2022 Russian-Ukrainian conflict. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty YA and 20 stakeholders. RESULTS: Most YA were men, reported recent injection drug use and were M age=23 years. YA were receptive to linkage to HIV-prevention services from CJS; this was shaped by self-perceived HIV-risk and lack of access to HIV-prevention services. YA were less receptive to being referred to substance use treatment services, citing a lack of self-perceived need and mistrust in treatment efficacy. Stakeholders identified multilevel contextual factors shaping acceptability of HIV-prevention and substance use treatment from CJS (eg, stigma). CONCLUSIONS: Findings should be reviewed as a historical record of the pre-conflict context. In that context, we identified strategies that may have been used to help curtail the transmission of HIV in a population most-at-risk, including CJS-involved YA. This study demonstrates that improving access to substance use treatment and HIV-prevention services via CJS linkage were acceptable if provided in the right conditions (eg, low or no-cost, confidential)

    Complete mitochondrial genome profile of Randall’s threadfin bream, Nemipterus randalli and its phylogenetic analysis

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    We characterized the complete mitogenome of Nemipterus randalli and performed comparative mitogenomic analysis with previously determined mitochondrial genomes belonging to the family Nemipteridae. Using Sanger sequencing, we identified a 16,642 bp mitogenome containing 37 genes (13 protein-coding, 2 rRNA, 22 tRNA) and a non-coding region. Its gene organization, nucleotide composition, tRNA secondary structure and codon usage are similar to other Nemipteridae mitogenomes. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that Nemipteridae is a monophyletic group. The present study forms the basis for further studies on the population genetics, evolution and phylogeny of N. randalli and its family