3 research outputs found
米国の図書館におけるファンドレイジング活動 [Fundraising in US Academic and Public Libraries]
This article intends to present an overview of fundraising practices in academic and public libraries in the U.S. It consists of two parts. First, Hiroyuki and Kazuyo Good discuss a variety of successful fundraising cases with a concentration in academic and public libraries. In the second part, Masanori Koizumi scrutinizes the fundraising process in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh drawing upon the interviews with library director, managers, and librarians. This study identifies various effective fundraising strategies employed by public and academic libraries in the U.S.: specialists, often in collaboration with librarians, take the lead in fundraising; they tend to invest in innovative services; fundraising initiatives are closely linked to strategic management
Comparative genome and transcriptome analyses of the social amoeba Acytostelium subglobosum that accomplishes multicellular development without germ-soma differentiation
Social amoebae are lower eukaryotes that inhabit the soil. They are characterized by the construction of a starvation-induced multicellular fruiting body with a spore ball and supportive stalk. In most species, the stalk is filled with motile stalk cells, as represented by the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum, whose developmental mechanisms have been well characterized. However, in the genus Acytostelium, the stalk is acellular and all aggregated cells become spores. Phylogenetic analyses have shown that it is not an ancestral genus but has lost the ability to undergo cell differentiation.
We performed genome and transcriptome analyses of Acytostelium subglobosum and compared our findings to other available dictyostelid genome data. Although A. subglobosum adopts a qualitatively different developmental program from other dictyostelids, its gene repertoire was largely conserved. Yet, families of polyketide synthase and extracellular matrix proteins have not expanded and a serine protease and ABC transporter B family gene, tagA, and a few other developmental genes are missing in the A. subglobosum lineage. Temporal gene expression patterns are astonishingly dissimilar from those of D. discoideum, and only a limited fraction of the ortholog pairs shared the same expression patterns, so that some signaling cascades for development seem to be disabled in A. subglobosum.
The absence of the ability to undergo cell differentiation in Acytostelium is accompanied by a small change in coding potential and extensive alterations in gene expression patterns
米国大学図書館における電子書籍サービス [Current Trends of eBooks Services at Academic University Libraries in the United States of America]
The expected role of university libraries is changing from developing collections to increasing digital resources as well as offering more study space to support undergraduate students. Most of us have expected the increase of ebooks to facilitate the transformation and improve user supports. However, the environment of ebook services in recent years seems different from our expectation; students still prefer printed books, ebooks are still very difficult to read, and the ebook budget is decreasing. This paper examines two recent national surveys to clarify challenges to ebook services. This will be followed by a discussion of the efforts to tackle the challenges at the University of Pittsburgh Library. Last but not the least, this paper also offers some suggestions for the Japanese ebook industry