6,160 research outputs found
Adolescent Marijuana Use and Co-Occurrence with Tobacco Use: Implications for Tobacco Regulation
Background: Marijuana use among high school youth has been declining over the past two decades. However, there has been a notable shift in the national landscape with regards to social norms and marijuana legalization that could allow marijuana to become more available and may compete against prevention efforts among youth. Further, youth continue to utilize innovative ways to consume marijuana. There is a documented relationship between marijuana and tobacco use, particularly with the use of blunts. Despite the documented relationship between tobacco and marijuana use, little is known about the modes of marijuana use in relation to different tobacco products. With the recent FDA changes bringing cigars under the purview of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), there may be an opportunity for CTP regulations of cigar products to impact youth use of both marijuana and tobacco.
Methods: This study used data from the 2015 Cleveland Youth Risk Behavior Survey (n=6197) conducted as a census administration in 26 high schools; overall response rate was 66.5%. Youth were asked âDuring the past 30 days, how did you usually use marijuana?â. Responses were coded as a blunt; in a joint, bong, or pipe (JBP); or some other way. The standard CDC response categories for this item were altered to allow us to specifically examine blunt use. Analyses were restricted to those who smoked marijuana in the past 30 days and were conducted using SPSSv24. Demographic and tobacco use characteristics were examined for each mode of marijuana use.
Result: Overall, 74.6% of past 30-day marijuana users reported usually smoking marijuana as a blunt, 15.1% smoked as a JBP, and 10.4% reported using in some other way. Females were more likely to smoke a blunt (79.5% v 71.1%) and less likely to use some other way (6.7% v 13.1%). Blacks were more likely to smoke a blunt compared to Whites and Hispanics (80.8% v 62.3% and 67.0% respectively); Whites were more likely to smoke a JBP compared to Black and Hispanics (33.8% v. 8.9% and 20.1% respectively). Past 30-day cigarette smokers were more likely to have smoked a JBP and less likely to have smoked a blunt compared to non-cigarette smokers. Conversely, past 30-day cigar smokers were more likely to have smoked a blunt and less likely to have smoked a JBP than non-cigar smokers. Youth who vaped in the past 30-days were more likely to use a JBP and use marijuana in some other way compared to youth who had not vaped. In a multivariable logistic regression predicting blunt use or JBP use, cigar product use increased odds of blunting (OR: 1.98) while hookah use was associated with increased odds of JBP.
Conclusion: Cigar products are an easily accessible vehicle for smoking marijuana. Federal regulations to restrict youth access to cigar products could have significant impact on adolescent marijuana use, particularly among females and Black youth
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Interactions between the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala support complex learning and memory.
One of the guiding principles of memory research in the preceding decades is multiple memory systems theory, which links specific task demands to specific anatomical structures and circuits that are thought to act orthogonally with respect to each other. We argue that this view does not capture the nature of learning and memory when any degree of complexity is introduced. In most situations, memory requires interactions between these circuits and they can act in a facilitative manner to generate adaptive behavior
Growing dust grains in protoplanetary discs - I. Radial drift with toy growth models
In a series of papers, we present a comprehensive analytic study of the
global motion of growing dust grains in protoplanetary discs, addressing both
the radial drift and the vertical settling of the particles. Here we study how
the radial drift of dust particles is affected by grain growth. In a first
step, toy models in which grain growth can either be constant, accelerate or
decelerate are introduced. The equations of motion are analytically integrable
and therefore the grains dynamics is easy to understand.
The radial motion of growing grains is governed by the relative efficiency of
the growth and migration processes which is expressed by the dimensionless
parameter Lambda, as well as the exponents for the gas surface density and
temperature profiles, denoted p and q respectively. When Lambda is of order
unity, growth and migration are strongly coupled, providing the most efficient
radial drift. For the toy models considered, grains pile up when -p+q+1/2<0.
Importantly, we show the existence of a second process which can help discs to
retain their solid materials. For accelerating growth, grains end up their
migration at a finite radius, thus avoiding being accreted onto the central
star.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. v2: typos
Planet gaps in the dust layer of 3D proto-planetary disks: Observability with ALMA
Among the numerous known extrasolar planets, only a handful have been imaged
directly so far, at large orbital radii and in rather evolved systems. The
Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will have the capacity to
observe these wide planetary systems at a younger age, thus bringing a better
understanding of the planet formation process. Here we explore the ability of
ALMA to detect the gaps carved by planets on wide orbits.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symp. 299:
Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (Victoria, Canada
Mentoring: Essential 2 formal and informal education
Traditionally, library mentorship programs have focused on orienting new and future librarians to the profession and/or guiding individuals toward promotion and tenure. With declining employee loyalty and the transition of libraries from gatekeepers of information to places of creation and innovation, there is a need for mentoring to focus on retention via the development of leadership skills and confidence building along with employee satisfaction and personal support for new employees.
Additionally, motivation is a key tool to get library staff involved in library science program opportunities which can then be translated into âretention possibilitiesâ. Furthermore, creating an open environment that stimulates opportunities for natural collaborations to occur is essential for developing professionals. The presenters shared their mentor-mentee experience from three distinct roles within the profession. The audience contributed their ideas on the new age of mentorship and the presenters discussed how their mentoring experiences have developed their leadership skills in order to engage in new opportunities and challenges. The presentation discussed different types of mentoring programs including formal and informal and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Additionally, the presentation addressed demographic statistics and how there is a need for mentoring programs to support the growing number of minority librarians entering the profession.
Finally, the presentation shared the results of a survey focused on the benefits and types of mentoring programs available to Florida library employees. The survey results helped to understand what types of mentoring programs exist as a way to analyze the needs of the Florida library community
Predicting Dust Distribution in Protoplanetary Discs
We present the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations that
include the effects of hydrodynamical forces and gas drag upon an evolving
dusty gas disk. We briefly describe a new parallel, two phase numerical code
based upon the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique in which the gas
and dust phases are represented by two distinct types of particles. We use the
code to follow the dynamical evolution of a population of grains in a gaseous
protoplanetary disk in order to understand the distribution of grains of
different sizes within the disk. Our ``grains'' range from metre to
submillimetre in size.Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX with 1 ps figure embedded, using newpasp.sty
(supplied). To appear in the proceedings of the XIXth IAP colloquium
"Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow" held in Paris, France, 2003, June 30
-- July 4, ASP Conf. Se
Applying Liberation Psychology Tenets to the Career Trajectory of the First Chicano Psychologist
The authors of this paper use a liberation psychology framework to explore the career trajectory of Alfredo Castañeda (1923-1981), the first Latinx individual to earn a Ph.D. in psychology and the first Mexican American to hold a full professorship in the United States. Castañeda experienced a prolific career in teaching and research that began by investigating universal elements in childrenâs learning and anxiety and ultimately transformed into an emphasis on multiculturalism, cultural strengths, advocacy, and social justice. A combination of data was used to inform the current project, including interviews from Castañedaâs former graduate students, published obituaries and memorial tributes, and Castañedaâs published and unpublished works. Liberation psychology tenets are applied to his career trajectory to highlight the underlying parallel process of psychological liberation, particularly in the realm of accessing cultural strengths inherent within traditional Latinx values
A Review of Redistricting in Texas
Texas exploded with growth in the decade between 2010 and 2020, far outpacing any other state by adding 3,999,944 people, entirely in our cities and suburbs. Over 95% of our new residents are people of color, with Latinos constituting a whopping 49% of total growth. In this Texas, on a proportional basis, given their significant population size, Latinos should comprise the majority in 45 state house districts.But the final maps, as recently signed into law by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, prop up the political power of rural, Anglo Texans at the expense of everyone else. Indeed, both of the new congressional districts created are majority Anglo. And the state House map reduces the number of majority Latino opportunity districts â meaning, districts where Latinos have a meaningful chance to elect a candidate of their community's choice â from 33 down to 30.This report is meant to provide a detailed analysis of the maps, as passed. We also seek to celebrate what our movement for a more reflective democracy did accomplish, which is worth celebrating. And, finally, we want to make sure that future generations of civil rights lawyers, community organizers, lawmakers and everyday Texans fully understand the origins of our flawed maps. The lessons and experiences learned from this cycle are absolutely critical for the next 10 years of work built by Texas organizers and attorneys. Ultimately, this process must reflect and celebrate the diversity and dynamism of our State because Fair Maps are a clear sign that we have a healthier and more reflective democracy. The absence of that fairness and transparency point to deep flaws in our democracy that must be rectified and addressed to achieve a more just Texas
Extended Far-Infrared CO Emission in the Orion OMC-1 Core
We report on sensitive far-infrared observations of CO pure rotational
transitions in the OMC-1 core of Orion. The lines were observed with the Long
Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) in the grating mode on board the Infrared Space
Observatory (ISO), covering the 43-197 m wavelength range. The transitions
from up to have been identified across the whole OMC-1
core and lines up to have been detected towards the central
region, KL/IRc2. In addition, we have taken high-quality spectra in the
Fabry-Perot mode of some of the CO lines. In KL/IRc2 the lines are
satisfactorily accounted for by a three-temperature model describing the
plateau and ridge emission. The fluxes detected in the high- transitions
() reveal the presence of a very hot and dense gas component
( K; =2\times 10^{17}\cmmd\rm H_2\geq 80$ K and as high as 150 K at some positions around IRc2,
from a simple Large-Velocity Gradient model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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