10,635 research outputs found

    On Measuring Convergence in the Use of Time

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    In the study of the effects of retirement on the allocation of time, this paper discusses methods that evaluate convergence in patterns of time use. Scalar measures of multivariate scatter are revealed to be a more general method than previous devices utilized in the time-use literature. However, since time devoted to some activities could be correlated with time devoted to others, the degree of scatter observed in the data tend to be affected by the level of activity aggregation selected by the researcher.

    Development and Sex Ratio of \u3ci\u3eMelittobia Australica\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eM. Digitata\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on \u3ci\u3eMegachile Rotundata\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) and \u3ci\u3eTrypoxylon Politum\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)

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    Life history, development time, and sex ratio of Melittobia australica Girault and M. digitata Dahms on Megachile rotundata (Fabricius) and Trypoxylon politum Say are presented and compared with previous reports. Total development time and sex ratio differs slightly among the different hosts but falls within the expected range reported for different hosts and Melittobia species. The slightly longer development times and higher proportion of males recorded for both species on M. rotundata hosts probably reflects poorer host nutritional quality, relative to T. politum. We confirm that the one unusually extended development time reported by Schmieder for Melittobia chalybii Ashmead collected in New Jersey, can be accounted for as likely having represented a previously unknown species since described as M. femorata Dahms

    Phase Transitions in Non-extensive Spin Systems

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    The spherical spin model with infinite-range ferromagnetic interactions is investigated analytically in the framework of non-extensive thermostatics generalizing the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics. We show that for repulsive correlations, a new weak-ferromagnetic phase develops. There is a tricritical point separating para, weak-ferro and ferro regimes. The transition from paramagnetic to weak-ferromagnetic phase is an unusual first order phase transition in which a discontinuity of the averaged order parameter appears, even for finite number of spins. This result puts in a new way the question of the stability of critical phenomena with respect to the long-ranged correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, in the final form as in the journa

    Linking poverty, natural resources, and financial markets: a model of land use by rural households in El Salvador

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    This paper posits that deforestation and poverty levels are related through an inverted-U shape --the environmental Kuznets-- curve and that access to credit shifts this curve downwards, thus positively impacting natural resource uses. This hypothesis is tested using a household panel data set from El Salvador.Land Economics/Use,

    El patrimonio edificado a debate entre la renovación urbana y la pérdida de su identidad. El caso de los corredores peatonales Gante-Filomeno Mata, Regina y Madero del centro histórico de la ciudad de México

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    Cada una de est as categorías ha experimentado un éxito mediático como centro de atención de múltiples actores —públicos y privados —, que se dedican a prot ege r su integridad y a difundir la excepcionalidad de los objeto s a una escala mundial . La popularidad actual que ha adquirido el patrimonio ha motivado reflexi ones sobre su propia naturaleza, al cuestionar : ¿por qué el patrimonio ha adquirido tanta relevancia en el presente, si representa un bien creado en el pasado? 1 En buena medida, la respuest a podría estar en su propia definición. Los estudi os que abordan el tema del patrimonio (González -Varas, 2014; García, 1999), lo describen como aquel producto cultural —sin distinción de origen ni temporalidad — que funge como referencia para la construcción de identidad es sociales vinculadas a un territorio, inmueble, tradición o modo de vida . Esto deja entrever que el patrimonio no se constituye únicamente por expresiones derivadas del pasado; también se integra por los recursos del presente, lo que ha propiciado múltiples acepciones sobre su significado, destacando entre ellas : 1. Su carácter histórico : "... cuando en el transcurso de generaciones, un individuo o grupo de individuos identifica como propio un objeto o conjunto de objetos” (Ballart, 1997: 17). 2. Su carácter de continuidad: “... entendido como todo aquello que socialmente se considera digno de conservación independientemente de su interés utilitario” (Prats, 1998: 63). 3. Su carácter de identidad : “Representa un recurso que ofrece credibilidad, inmediat ez y elementos de ayuda y contraste para la comprensión de la realidad” (Ballart, 1997: 110). 4. Su carácter político: Consiste en la legitimación de determinados referentes simbólicos cuyo significado respald a las identidades e ideolog ías —sistemas, políticas, acciones — que requieren activarse en respuesta a ciertos intereses dictados por la autoridad pública (Prats, 1998). 5. Su carácter espacial -urbano: “Alude a grupos de inmuebles, calles y plazas urbanas, centros antiguos, barrios históricos... que han sido (re)producidos en el pasado y que , desde un presente , son considerados como una herencia colectiva que se debe salvaguardar” (Delgadillo, 2015a : 114). 6. Su carácter simbólico: Muestra “... el aprecio a determinados objetos por el mérito que atesoran, por la utilidad que manifiestan, o por su aptitud para satisfacer necesidades o proporcionar bienestar” (Ballart, 1997: 61).Los movi mi entos globales a favor de la conservación del patrimonio han tenido por objeto concientizar a la sociedad sobre la pérdida cultural que significaría la alteración o destrucción de un bien de carácter simbólico en el proceso de búsqueda de referentes identitarios para las generaciones actuales y futuras . La condición de escasez que enriquece al carácter del patrimoni o ha motivado el interés de la sociedad por conocer las anécdotas que describen su origen, los personajes históricos que ha congregado, así como los hallazgos que dan certeza al contenido de la memoria colectiva. De acuerdo con González - Varas (2014), la noción de patrimonio se ha e structurado bajo dos categorías , como son: 1. El patrimonio natural: paisajes que integran la flora y fauna de un territorio . 2. El patrimonio cul tural: bienes de gran valor hist órico, simbólico y/o estético que han sido definidos por l a sociedad y ordenados por dos subcategor ías : a. El patrimonio tangible: edificaciones, obras de arte, documentos . b. El patrimonio intangible: tradiciones, costumbres , cre encias

    Preparation and characterization of α-Fe nanowires located inside double wall carbon nanotubes

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    Capillary effect was used to fill double wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) with iron. The samples are characterized by Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopies, TEM, SAED, and magnetization. The experimental results indicate the presence of a-Fe nanowires inside the DWCNTs. The samples are ferromagnetic at room temperature. There are three striking results due to the confinement effects on the physical behavior of a-Fe: the hyperfine fields increase, the Debye temperature decreases and Raman modes are observed

    Arturo Rodriguez: A Mexican Mosaic. A Discussion of His Life and Selected Works

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    Arturo Rodríguez (b. 1976) is a Mexican composer living in Los Angeles, California. His music has gained tremendous popularity in México within the last ten years and is being performed regularly by some of the most prestigious professional orchestras in México and abroad. One of the most interesting aspects of his career is that he writes music for both the concert hall and motion pictures. His compositional output is abundant and covers a variety of genres including music for symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, chamber music, and piano. Rodríguez has focused on the art of symphonic composition for the past fifteen years, writing works on commission for orchestras and institutions around the world, as well as conducting and orchestrating projects for film, TV, and multimedia. No detailed documented information is available about the life and work of Rodríguez. As with many twenty-first-century musicians and artists, most promotion or marketing is done through the Internet or social media. This dissertation will contribute to the body of research concerning modern Mexican composers by documenting the musical life of composer Arturo Rodríguez, his influences, and his contributions to the symphonic repertoire. It will also provide a compendium of his works and an analysis of two of his orchestral nationalistic compositions: Mosaico Mexicano for symphony orchestra and Introducción, Canción de Cuna y Fiesta for string orchestra. The purpose of the dissertation is to create awareness of the orchestral music of Mexican composer Arturo Rodríguez, particularly those that include Mexican nationalistic elements. This document represents the first comprehensive study of his life and two of his works. It will provide a detailed description of the background and analysis for both Mosaico Mexicano and Introducción, Canción de Cuna y Fiesta to be used as a resource for future scholars interested in the development of Mexican composers of the twenty-first century. This project is ongoing as Rodríguez’s compositional output continues to expand. Future editions of this research will be released to provide an updated catalog of Arturo Rodríguez’s compositional catalog

    A recipe for an unpredictable random number generator

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    In this work we present a model for computation of random processes in digital computers which solves the problem of periodic sequences and hidden errors produced by correlations. We show that systems with non-invertible non-linearities can produce unpredictable sequences of independent random numbers. We illustrate our result with some numerical calculations related with random walks simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings Mochima spring school in theoretial physic