148 research outputs found
Eleven Years of Data on the Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Medical Student Version (JSE-S): Proxy Norm Data and Tentative Cutoff Scores.
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to provide typical descriptive statistics, score distributions and percentile ranks of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Medical Student version (JSE-S) of male and female medical school matriculants to serve as proxy norm data and tentative cutoff scores.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The participants were 2,637 students (1,336 women and 1,301 men) who matriculated at Sidney Kimmel (formerly Jefferson) Medical College between 2002 and 2012, and completed the JSE at the beginning of medical school. Information extracted from descriptive statistics, score distributions and percentile ranks for male and female matriculants were used to develop proxy norm data and tentative cutoff scores.
RESULTS: The score distributions of the JSE tended to be moderately skewed and platykurtic. Women obtained a significantly higher mean score (116.2 ± 9.7) than men (112.3 ± 10.8) on the JSE-S (t2,635 = 9.9, p \u3c 0.01). It was suggested that percentile ranks can be used as proxy norm data. The tentative cutoff score to identify low scorers was ≤ 95 for men and ≤ 100 for women.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide norm data and cutoff scores for admission decisions under certain conditions and for identifying students in need of enhancing their empathy
Patient Perceptions of Clinician\u27s Empathy: Measurement and Psychometrics.
The prominence of reciprocal understanding in patient–doctor empathic engagement implies that patient perception of clinician’s empathy has an important role in the assessment of the patient–clinician relationship. In response to a need for an assessment tool to measure patient’s views of clinician empathy, we developed a brief (5-item) instrument, the Jefferson Scale of Patient Perceptions of Physician Empathy (JSPPPE). This review article reports evidence in support of the validity and reliability of the JSPPPE
Wrath and Relationships: Homicide Weapon Choice and Victim Offender Relationships
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence that victim-offender relationships and the event circumstances have on homicide weapon choice. From Cornish and Clarke’s Rational Choice theoretical perspective, offenders go through decision- making processes to determine which weapon will be the most effective to meet their goal, based on the circumstances of the event. This study examined the use of three weapon types: firearms, knife/ blunt objects, and personal weapons, amongst victim-offender relationships such as acquaintance, intimate, non-intimate family/friend, and strangers along with circumstances such as homicides committed as the result of a felony, and homicides committed as a result of an argument. Results show that firearms were used the most by strangers, and in felony circumstances, while knife/ blunt objects and personal weapons were used the most by non-intimate family/ friends and in argument circumstances
Academic performance of psychiatrists compared to other specialists before, during, and after medical school.
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to compare psychiatrists with other physicians on measures of academic performance before, during, and after medical school.
METHOD: More than three decades of data for graduates of Jefferson Medical College (N=5,701) were analyzed. Those who pursued psychiatry were compared to physicians in seven other specialties on 18 performance measures. Analysis of covariance was used to control for gender effect.
RESULTS: Compared to other physicians, psychiatrists scored higher on measures of verbal ability and general information before medical school and on evaluations of knowledge and skills in behavioral sciences during medical school, but they scored lower on United States Medical Licensing Examinations step 3.
CONCLUSIONS: The results generally confirmed the authors\u27 expectations about psychiatrists\u27 academic performance. More attention should be paid to the general medical education of psychiatrists
Patient perceptions of physician empathy, satisfaction with physician, interpersonal trust, and compliance
Objectives: This study was designed to investigate psychometric properties of the Jefferson Scale of Patient Perceptions of Physician Empathy (JSPPPE), and to examine correlations between its scores and measures of overall satisfaction with physicians, personal trust, and indicators of patient compliance.
Methods: Research participants included 535 out-patients (between 18-75 years old, 66% female). A survey was mailed to participants which included the JSPPPE (5-item), a scale for measuring overall satisfaction with the primary care physician (10-item), and demographic questions. Patients were also asked about compliance with their physician\u27s recommendation for preventive tests (colonoscopy, mammogram, and PSA for age and gender appropriate patients).
Results: Factor analysis of the JSPPPE resulted in one prominent component. Corrected item-total score correlations ranged from .88 to .94. Correlation between scores of the JSPPPE and scores on the patient satisfaction scale was 0.93. Scores of the JSPPPE were highly correlated with measures of physician-patient trust (r \u3e.73). Higher scores of the JSPPPE were significantly associated with physicians\u27 recommendations for preventive tests (colonoscopy, mammogram, and PSA) and with compliance rates which were \u3e .80). Cronbach\u27s coefficient alpha for the JSPPPE ranged from .97 to .99 for the total sample and for patients in different gender and age groups.
Conclusions: Empirical evidence supported the psychometrics of the JSPPPE, and confirmed significant links with patients\u27 satisfaction with their physicians, interpersonal trust, and compliance with physicians\u27 recommendations. Availability of this psychometrically sound instrument will facilitate empirical research on empathy in patient care in different countries
Psychometrics of the scale of attitudes toward physician-pharmacist collaboration: a study with medical students.
BACKGROUND: Despite the emphasis placed on interdisciplinary education and interprofessional collaboration between physicians and pharmacologists, no psychometrically sound instrument is available to measure attitudes toward collaborative relationships.
AIM: This study was designed to examine psychometrics of an instrument for measuring attitudes toward physician-pharmacist collaborative relationships for administration to students in medical and pharmacy schools and to physicians and pharmacists.
METHODS: The Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration was completed by 210 students at Jefferson Medical College. Factor analysis and correlational methods were used to examine psychometrics of the instrument.
RESULTS: Consistent with the conceptual framework of interprofessional collaboration, three underlying constructs, namely responsibility and accountability; shared authority; and interdisciplinary education emerged from the factor analysis of the instrument providing support for its construct validity. The reliability coefficient alpha for the instrument was 0.90. The instrument\u27s criterion-related validity coefficient with scores of a validated instrument (Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration) was 0.70.
CONCLUSIONS: Findings provide support for the validity and reliability of the instrument for medical students. The instrument has the potential to be used for the evaluation of interdisciplinary education in medical and pharmacy schools, and for the evaluation of patient outcomes resulting from collaborative physician-pharmacist relationships
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