158,786 research outputs found

    The effect of spatial transverse coherence property of a thermal source on Ghost imaging and Ghost imaging via compressive sampling

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    Both ghost imaging (GI) and ghost imaging via compressive sampling (GICS) can nonlocally image an object. We report the influence of spatial transverse coherence property of a thermal source on GI and GICS and show that, using the same acquisition numbers, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of images recovered by GI will be reduced while the quality of reconstructed images will be enhanced for GICS as the spatial transverse coherence lengths located on the object plane are decreased. Differences between GI and GICS, methods to further improve the quality and image extraction efficiency of GICS, and its potential applications are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Utah v. Strieff and the Future of the Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule

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    In the recent case State v. Strieff, the Supreme Court of Utah held that police’s discovery of a lawful outstanding warrant during an unlawful investigatory stop cannot save the evidence obtained during that arrest from suppression under the attenuation doctrine. To reach that decision, the court reasoned that the inevitable discovery doctrine, instead of the attenuation doctrine, is appropriate for this situation. However, the court failed to address whether the inevitable discovery doctrine can ultimately save the evidence from suppression. The theoretical foundation of how the Fourth Amendment guaranty gives rise to the exclusionary rule has never been steadfast; in fact, it is subject to constant academic debate. Some scholars have even predicted the abolishment of the exclusionary rule, in light of the recent developments and expansions of the exception doctrines. This commentary argues that, given the Court’s policy justification for the exclusionary rule and the recent trend towards curbing its scope, the Court will likely reverse the Supreme Court of Utah’s decision and further narrow the application of the exclusionary rule

    How Does Technology Affect Skill Demand? Technical Changes and Capital-Skill Complementarity in the 21st Century

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    This paper attempts to examine technology’s impact on the labor market through the lens of skilled labor. Technical changes in the late 20th century are skill-biased in nature, because they are found to complement with skilled labor who are adept at adopting new technologies. However, recent studies document a lower demand for high-skilled labor in the 21st century, compared with the late 20th century. Are technologies starting to substitute for human skills instead of complementing them? Drawing on the wage share data from 1975 to 2015 for 18 sectors in the United States, I find strong and robust evidence of complementary relationships between technical changes and demand for skilled labor. Furthermore, my results suggest that technologies have become more skilled-biased, not less, in the 21st century
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