6,325 research outputs found
Impact of the inelastic proton -- nucleus cross section on the prompt neutrino flux
The description of the inelastic proton -- nucleus cross section at very high
energies is still an open question. The current theoretical uncertainty has
direct impact on the predictions of the cosmic ray and neutrino physics
observables. In this paper we consider different models for the treatment of
, compare its predictions at ultrahigh cosmic ray energies
and estimate the prompt neutrino flux at the neutrino energies that have been
probed by the IceCube Observatory. We demonstrate that depending of the model
used to describe , the predictions for the prompt neutrino
flux can differ by a factor of order of three. Such result demonstrate the
importance of a precise measurement of the inelastic proton -- nucleus cross
section at high energies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; v2: corrected the range of horizontal axis in
figure 1. Matches the version published in Eur. Phys. J.
The Phillips - Barger model for the elastic cross section and the Odderon
Inspired by the recent TOTEM data for the elastic proton -- proton ()
scattering at 8 and 13 TeV, we update previous studies of the
differential cross sections using the Phillips -- Barger (PB) model, which
parametrizes the amplitude in terms of a small number of free parameters. We
demonstrate that this model is able to describe the recent data on a
statistically acceptable way. Additionally, we perform separate fits of the
data for each center - of - mass energy and propose a parametrization for
the energy dependence of the parameters present in the PB model. As a
consequence, we are able to present the PB predictions for the elastic proton -
proton cross section at GeV and TeV, which are compared
with the existing antiproton -- proton () data. We show that the PB
predictions, constrained by the data, are not able to describe the
data. In particular, the PB model predicts a dip in the differential
cross section that is not present in the data. Such result suggests
the contribution of the Odderon exchange at high energies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 tables, 2 figures, results updated, matches published
Nuclear Heavy Quark Photoproduction in a Saturation Model
We calculate the nuclear inclusive and diffractive cross sections for heavy
quark photoproduction within a phenomenological saturation approach. The
nuclear cross section is obtained by the extension of the saturation model
through Glauber-Gribov formalism. We predict large nuclear heavy quark cross
section at LHC energies.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
Diffractive photoproduction of Z^0 bosons in coherent interactions at CERN-LHC
The exclusive photoproduction at high energies in ,
and collisions is investigate within the color dipole formalism. We
generalize the description of the deeply virtual compton scattering (DVCS)
process, which describe quite well the HERA data, for the production of
bosons and estimate the total cross section for the exclusive process () for different energies, photon virtualities and atomic
numbers. As hadrons at collider energies are a source of Weizs\"{a}cker -
Williams photons, we consider electromagnetic interactions in hadron-hadron
collisions at Tevatron and LHC energies and estimate the rapidity distribution
and total cross section for production in the process.
This is the first estimation for such a process in literature. It can allow us
to study, for instance, the physics of hadronic decays in a clean
environment characterized by two rapidity gaps. Our results indicate that the
experimental analyzes of this process could be feasible in but the physics
scenario for collisions is not promising.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; The erroneus additional factor of
in the normalization of the cross sections is removed. Figures and table are
Coherent photon-hadron interactions in pA collisions: Small-x physics after HERA
In this letter we study the photoproduction of heavy quarks and vector mesons
in the coherent proton-nucleus (pA) interactions for RHIC and LHC energies and
analyze if these processes can be used to determine the QCD dynamics at high
energies. The integrated cross section and rapidity distribution are estimated
using the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism. A comparison with the linear
dynamics predictions is also presented. Our results indicate that the nonlinear
dynamics can be proven in those reactions, which are well suited for studing
saturation effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Version to be published in Physical Review
The QCD Pomeron in Ultraperipheral Heavy Ion Collisions: II. Heavy Quark Production
The heavy quark production in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions is
investigated, in particular we focus on the results from the coherent
interactions given by the two-photon process. One addresses the heavy quark
total cross sections at photon level considering the saturation model and the
BFKL dynamics in the color dipole picture. The corresponding cross sections at
nuclear level are presented. It is verified that the QCD dynamics implies an
enhancement of the cross section in comparison with previous calculations.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
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