32,728 research outputs found
Modified Renormalization Strategy for Sandpile Models
Following the Renormalization Group scheme recently developed by Pietronero
{\it et al}, we introduce a simplifying strategy for the renormalization of the
relaxation dynamics of sandpile models. In our scheme, five sub-cells at a
generic scale form the renormalized cell at the next larger scale. Now the
fixed point has a unique nonzero dynamical component that allows for a great
simplification in the computation of the critical exponent . The values
obtained are in good agreement with both numerical and theoretical results
previously reported.Comment: APS style, 9 pages and 3 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.
A precessing jet model for the PN K 3-35: simulated radio-continuum emission
The bipolar morphology of the planetary nebula (PN) K 3-35 observed in
radio-continuum images was modelled with 3D hydrodynamic simulations with the
adaptive grid code yguazu-a. We find that the observed morphology of this PN
can be reproduced considering a precessing jet evolving in a dense AGB
circumstellar medium, given by a mass loss rate
\dot{M}_{csm}=5x10^{-5}M_{\odot}/yr and a terminal velocity v_{w}=10 km/s.
Synthetic thermal radio-continuum maps were generated from numerical results
for several frequencies. Comparing the maps and the total fluxes obtained from
the simulations with the observational results, we find that a model of
precessing dense jets, where each jet injects material into the surrounding CSM
at a rate \dot{M}_j=2.8x10^{-4} {M_{\odot}/yr (equivalent to a density of
8x10^{4} {cm}^{-3}, a velocity of 1500 km/s, a precession period of 100 yr, and
a semi-aperture precession angle of 20 degrees agrees well with the
observations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRA
Valuation of EU Agricultural Landscape
The present paper provides a meta-analysis of agricultural landscape valuation studies and through the estimated benefit transfer function it projects the value of EU landscape. The analyses are based on information from more than thirty European and non-European studies which use a stated preference approach to uncover society's willingness to pay (WTP) for agricultural landscape. Our calculations show that, the WTP in the EU varies between 134 and 201 €/ha with an average value of 149 €/ha in 2009. Furthermore the calculations indicate that the total value of EU landscape in 2009 is estimated to be in the range of €24.5 – 36.6 billion per year, with an average of €27.1 billion, representing around 8 percent of the total value of EU agricultural production and roughly half of the CAP expenditures.Agricultural landscape, valuation, willingness to pay, meta-analysis, benefit transfer.
The Value of EU Agricultural Landscape
The present paper provides a meta-analysis of agricultural landscape valuation studies and through the estimated benefit transfer function it projects the value of EU landscape. The analyses are based on information from more than thirty European and Non-European studies which use stated preference approach to uncover the society's willingness to pay (WTP) for landscape. Our calculations show that, the per hectare WTP in EU varies between 89 and 169 €/ha with an average value of 142 €/ha in 2009. Further the calculations indicate that the total value of EU landscape in 2009 is estimated to be in the range of €16.1 – 30.8 billion per year, with an average of €25.8 billion, representing around 7.5 percent of the total value of EU agricultural production and roughly half of the CAP expenditures.landscape, benefit transfer, WTP, Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Public Economics, Q51, Q41,
Biodiversity study of Southern Biscayne Bay and Card Sound 1968-1973
A multi-disciplinary investigation was conducted in southern Biscayne Bay and Card Sound from 1968 to 1973. The purpose of the investigation was to conduct an integrated study of the ecology of southern Biscayne Bay with special emphasis on the effects of the heated effluent from the Turkey Point fossil fuel power plant, and to predict the impact of additional effluent from the planned conversion of the plant to nuclear fuel. The results of this investigation have been discussed in numerous publications. This report contains the unpublished biology data that resulted from the investigation. (PDF contains 44 pages
Braided m-Lie Algebras
Braided m-Lie algebras induced by multiplication are introduced, which
generalize Lie algebras, Lie color algebras and quantum Lie algebras. The
necessary and sufficient conditions for the braided m-Lie algebras to be strict
Jacobi braided Lie algebras are given. Two classes of braided m-Lie algebras
are given, which are generalized matrix braided m-Lie algebras and braided
m-Lie subalgebras of , where is a Yetter-Drinfeld module over
with dim . In particular, generalized classical braided m-Lie
algebras and of
generalized matrix algebra are constructed and their connection with
special generalized matrix Lie superalgebra
and orthosymplectic generalized matrix Lie super algebra are established. The relationship between representations
of braided m-Lie algebras and their associated algebras are established.Comment: 14 page
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