4,650 research outputs found

    The Historical Evolution of Female Earnings Functions and Occupations

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    Of all the changes in the history of women's market work, few have been more impressive than the rapid emergence and feminization of the clerical sector and the related decline in manufacturing employment for women. Although a century ago few women were clerical workers, as early as 1920 22% of all employed non-farm women were, and about 50% of all clerical workers were women. Employment for women in the clerical sector expanded at five times the annual rate in manufacturing from 1890 to 1930, and during the same period of time wages for female clerical workers fell relative to those in manufacturing. This paper explores the underlying causes of these dramatic sectoral shifts by estimating the relationship between earnings and experience for manufacturing and clerical workers from 1888 to 1940. It is seen that earnings profiles for employment in manufacturing rose steeply with experience and peaked early, while those in the clerical sector were much flatter and did not peak within the relevant range. Returns to off-job training and depreciation with age and with time away from the labor force also differed between these occupations. A model of sectoral shift is developed in which workers choose occupations and therefore the time path of training on the basis of their life-cycle labor force participation and their consumption value of education. The coefficients from the earnings function estimations are used to demonstrate that the decline in the relative wage of clerical to manufacturing work from 1890 to 1930 can be explained by such a model, Finally, it is shown that a sizable percentage of the difference in the growth of female employment in the manufacturing and clerical sectors can be explained by various labor supply factors.

    Self-Similar Random Processes and Infinite-Dimensional Configuration Spaces

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    We discuss various infinite-dimensional configuration spaces that carry measures quasiinvariant under compactly-supported diffeomorphisms of a manifold M corresponding to a physical space. Such measures allow the construction of unitary representations of the diffeomorphism group, which are important to nonrelativistic quantum statistical physics and to the quantum theory of extended objects in d-dimensional Euclidean space. Special attention is given to measurable structure and topology underlying measures on generalized configuration spaces obtained from self-similar random processes (both for d = 1 and d > 1), which describe infinite point configurations having accumulation points

    Economic Well-Being and Child Labor: The Inter action of Family and Industry

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    How did industrialization in the nineteenth century affect the well-being of children among American working class families? Two revealing surveys from 1890 and 1907 are used to examine the implications of child labor on schooling decisions and on possible offsetting intrafamily transfers, in the form of current "retained" earnings or future asset transfers. Both issues are analyzed within the context of a formal model of family labor supply, in which returns to schooling accrue after the youth has left the household and thus the interests of the parents and the child need not coincide. Parents working in the industries examined did not, it appears, compensate their children for the reduced future earnings implied by child labor, in either the current or in future time periods. But, in addition, the migration of families in which parental altruism was weak may have eliminated much of the apparent increase in family income due to higher child earnings. We end with a note reconciling our findings with the long term trend away from child labor.

    The Poor at Birth: Infant Auxology and Mortality at Philadelphia's Almshouse Hospital, 1848-1873

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    This paper presents an analysis of birth weights and infant mortality in mid-nineteenth century Philadelphia using obstetrics records of Philadelphia's Almshouse hospital, an institution for the poor and their offspring. Children of the poor weighed between 2,900 and 3,200 grams on average at birth, or about the 10th to 25th percentile of modern birth weight standards. 3rthweights declined during the Civil War decade, consistent with the poor state of the economy in the l80s, because birth weights were lower than modern standards the urban poor suffered from higher rates of infant mortality than today. But infant mortality was far worse than that expected from a modern schedule of mortality by birth weight, and a major determinant of excess mortality appears to be the poor quality of nineteenth century obstetrics.

    The Relative Productivity Hypothesis of Industrialization: The American Case, 1820-1850

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    The American Northeast industrialized rapidly from about 1820 to 1850, while the South remained agricultural. Industrialization in the Northeast was substantially powered during these decades by female and child labor, who comprised about 45% of the manufacturing work force in 1832. Wherever manufacturing spread in the Northeast, the wages of females and children relative to those of adult men increased greatly from levels in the agricultural sector which were previously quite low. Our hypothesis of early industrialization is that such development proceeds first in areas whose agriculture, for various reasons, puts a low value on females and children relative to adult men. The lower the "relative productivity" of females and children in the pre-industrial agricultural or traditional economy the earlier will manufacturing evolve, the proportionately greater will the relative wages for females and children increase, and the relatively more manufactured goods will the economy produce. A two-sector model which incorporates a difference in "relative productivity" between two economies is used to develop seven propositions relating to the process of early industrialization. Data from two early censuses of manufactures, 1832 and 1850, and other sources provide evidence for our hypothesis, demonstrating, for example, the low relative productivity of females and children in the Northeast agricultural sector, and the increase in relative wages for these laborers with industrialization. We conclude that factors with low relative productivity in agriculture were instrumental in the initial adoption of the factory system and of industrialization in general in the U.S., and we believe these results are applicable to contemporary phenomena in developing countries.

    W Mass as a Calibration of the Jet Energy Scale at ATLAS

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    Top pairs will be copiously produced at the LHC, at a rate of roughly one per second at a luminosity of 10^{33} cm^{-2}s^{-1}. These events have low background and produce large numbers of jets via the hadronic decay of the W's which may be used to calibrate the jet energy scale and resolution. We also consider the determination of the jet energy scale and the resolution through the hadronic W decays, where W boson originates from the Higgs decay produced via vector boson fusion. As this channel is one of the discovery channels and is expected to be a few orders of magnitude less than that of the top pairs, this study is intended to be purely Monte Carlo-based

    Some Variations on Maxwell's Equations

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    In the first sections of this article, we discuss two variations on Maxwell's equations that have been introduced in earlier work--a class of nonlinear Maxwell theories with well-defined Galilean limits (and correspondingly generalized Yang-Mills equations), and a linear modification motivated by the coupling of the electromagnetic potential with a certain nonlinear Schroedinger equation. In the final section, revisiting an old idea of Lorentz, we write Maxwell's equations for a theory in which the electrostatic force of repulsion between like charges differs fundamentally in magnitude from the electrostatic force of attraction between unlike charges. We elaborate on Lorentz' description by means of electric and magnetic field strengths, whose governing equations separate into two fully relativistic Maxwell systems--one describing ordinary electromagnetism, and the other describing a universally attractive or repulsive long-range force. If such a force cannot be ruled out {\it a priori} by known physical principles, its magnitude should be determined or bounded experimentally. Were it to exist, interesting possibilities go beyond Lorentz' early conjecture of a relation to (Newtonian) gravity.Comment: 26 pages, submitted to a volume in preparation to honor Gerard Emch v. 2: discussion revised, factors of 4\pi corrected in some equation

    Development of a multikilowatt ion thruster power processor

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    A feasibility study was made of the application of silicon-controlled, rectifier series, resonant inverter, power conditioning technology to electric propulsion power processing operating from a 200 to 400 Vdc solar array bus. A power system block diagram was generated to meet the electrical requirements of a 20 CM hollow cathode, mercury bombardment, ion engine. The SCR series resonant inverter was developed as a primary means of power switching and conversion, and the analog signal-to-discrete-time-interval converter control system was applied to achieve good regulation. A complete breadboard was designed, fabricated, and tested with a resistive load bank, and critical power processor areas relating to efficiency, weight, and part count were identified
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