79 research outputs found

    Petunjuk demo-sosioekonomi luar bandar: Keupayaan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan baru

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    Pembangunan kawasan luar Bandar telah diberi penekanan oleh kerajaan sejak merdeka lagi.Konsep seperti satu kampung satu produk (1K1P), Gerakan Desa Wawasan, Mikro kredit dan lain-lain direka khusus untuk masyarakat luar bandar.Walau bagaimanapun sektor luar bandar mula kurang penting apabila teras ekonomi negara memasuki era perindustrian sejak pertengahan 1980an.Walau bagaimanapun, sejak akhir-akhir ini isu-isu pembangunan luar bandar telah mula mendapat perhatian semula oleh tokoh-tokoh politik negara.Objektif umum ini ialah untuk menganalisis profil ketua isirumah (KIR), ahli isirumah (AIR), pasaran buruh dan migrasi (keluar dan migrasi) di kawasan luar bandar yang mempunyai prospek untuk dimajukan dengan program industri.Kawasan kajian yang dipilih Terletak dalam Koridor Industri Semenanjung Malaysia dan dalam masa yang sama terletak dalam kawasan Rancangan Kemajuan Pertanian Bersepadu (IADP).Secara khusus kawasan kajian mengikut negeri akan meliputi Perlis, Pusat Separa Wilayah; Kangar dan Pusat Tempatan Utama; Padang Besar, Kuala Perlis, Arau.Manakala untuk negeri Kedah pula meliputi Pusat Separa Wilayah; Kuala Kedah, Jitra, Sg.Petani, Kulim dan Pusat Tempatan Utama; Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kuala Nerang, Pokok Sena, Pendang, Guar Cempedak, Yan, Gurun, Batu Lima, Sik, Merbuk, Bedong, Baling, Kuala Ketil, Sg.Karangan, Serdang, Bandar Baru. Kajian Mendapati kawasan Jeniang merupakan kawasan luarbandar kedua tertinggi kadar kemiskinan sebelum kawasan Kepala Batas.Keputusan model probit menunjukkan semakin tinggi tingkat umur maka semakin tinggi kebarangkalian untuk berpindah.Dari segi jantina pula, semakin tinggi kebarangkalian untuk berpindah adalah dikalangan wanita. Faktor ini disebabkan ramai wanita yang telah berkahwin dan mengikut suami.Selain itu faktor tingkat pelajaran pula merupakan faktor yang mendorong kepada kebarangkalian untuk berpindah.Walau pun begitu dari segi jarak menunjukkan semakin jauh jarak maka semakin kurang kebarangkalian untuk berpindah.Tanggungjawab mengurus rumahtangga, tiada kemahiran dan kelayakan akedemik serta tidak mendapat izin suami dijadikan alasan bagi golongan wanita ini memilih menjadi surirumah sepenuh masa.Penduduk yang terlibat dalam bidang perniagaan tidak begitu menggalakkan di kawasan ini. Kekurangan sumber modal dijadikan alasan utama untuk tidak memilih menjadi usahawan.Kajian ini mencadangkan beberapa aktiviti ekonomi yang boleh dilaksanakan seperti shopping tourism’ di Padang Besar dan Wang Kelian, program ‘homestay’ stay dan lain-lain.Selain industri pembuatan, industri padi dan keluaran padi juga boleh dilaksanakan di negeri Kedah.Dengan penubuhan satu koperasi yang khusus dalam sektor pada dan beras dijangka berupaya mengatasi masalah kekurangan buruh dan kadar pengeluaran yang rendah dan dalam masa yang sama membangunkan industri berasaskan padi

    Why still less developed?

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    Migrasi keluar di tanah rancangan: Kesannya terhadap demografi dan sosio-ekonomi masyarakat FELDA

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    There are 10 FELDA sattlement in Kedah which houses 3179 participants.The earliest settlement was opened in 1959 with the takeover of FELDA Bukit Tembaga and Guar Napai.The latest settlement, Laka Selatan, was opened in 1982.The migration of the younger generation's outside FELDA has resulted in the shifting of the responsibility in land development mostly towards the older generation.This means that there is lower productivity in the development mostly towards the older generation.This means that there is lower productivity in the development of land due to the latter generation's old age.The shortage of labour in FELDA'S small farming sector is due to the rapid increase in the manufacturing industry which offers better job opportunities in terms of income and the working environment.The participants or FELDA settlers' children are not interested in pursuing agricultural problems and vacant houses.Furthermore, there will be an imbalance in the age structure, low participation rate amongst the 15-64 year old settlers, high ratio of responsibility, ratio of sex and ratio of daughters left behind in the settlements.All these factors will results in negative effects on the population and FELDA settlements in the future

    Falsafah dan transformasi pembangunan: Beberapa isu

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    Perancangan pengeluaran makanan: Gagal?

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    Ketakseimbangan agihan industri dan migrasi penduduk di negeri Kedah

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    Historically known as a 'rice bowl' of Malaysia, the state of Kedah has shifted it focus on a more remunerating sector which is industrial-base sector. Although, agriculture remains as a major contributor to GDP of the state, it percentage is declining over the year.Agriculture sector in this country contribute 44% of GDP of the state, it percentage is declining over the year.Agriculture sector in this country contribute 44% of GDP in 1988 and decline to 35% in 1990.Meanwhile, between the year 1994-95 the industrial sector growth rate is 16%, however the agriculture sector growth is only 2.5% primarily resulting from the decrement in the domination of paddy and rubber.In this transformation will face the problem of industrial distribution inequality between regions.Industries with a modern technology based will be more concentrated in the developed regions while the less developed regions will continue to be left behind.In addition, this transformation process will also bring the migration problem especially by the male population and this will increase the population dependency ratio in the rural area.By using the " Location Quotient" the researcher will list the imbalance diffusion in the industrial specialization location by regions and regional specialization location by industry in Kedah

    Keupayaan Melaka sebagai pusat pertumbuhan baru

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    Pengaruh koperasi di tanah rancangan: Satu kajian empirikal

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    In every land's scheme two co-operatives that have a multipurpose function (Koperasi Serbaguna FELDA or KSF)has been formed by the land's entrepreneur with the support of FELDA.In 1980, FELDA has formed the Koperasi Permodalan FELDA (KPF).This co-operative has been formed to encourage saving among the settlers and to prepare the investment facility for this savings.In 1993, KPF approved the dividend of 15 percent.This amount is greater than the dividend and bonus given by Amanah Saham Bumiputera.The KSP usually give the dividend at the rate of 10 percent annually depends on the co-operative stability.More or less this dividends can increase the land's entrepreneur income.Through this study, the researcher tries to discuss the impact of the settlers' involvement in the co-operative activity and its effect on the income increment and income distribution in every selected areas under this study.The researcher also tries to show the relation between the period that land's has been utilized with the percentage given by the cooperative to the land's entrepreneur monthly income.The research also tries to observe whether there is any linkages between land's entrepreneur share in KPF with the monthly income and the period that land's has been utilized.Lastly, does the co-operative impact will decrease the percentage of the poor society or only give the opportunity to the rich group increase their income without being realized

    Menghormati ideologi negara

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    Falsafah pembangunan dan masalah demo-sosioekonomi semasa

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