86 research outputs found

    Spin injection from a half-metal at finite temperatures

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    Spin injection from a half-metallic electrode in the presence of thermal spin disorder is analyzed using a combination of random matrix theory, spin-diffusion theory, and explicit simulations for the tight-binding s-d model. It is shown that efficient spin injection from a half-metal is possible as long as the effective resistance of the normal metal does not exceed a characteristic value, which does not depend on the resistance of the half-metallic electrode, but is rather controlled by spin-flip scattering at the interface. This condition can be formulated as \alpha<(l/L)/T, where \alpha is the relative deviation of the magnetization from saturation, l and L the mean-free path and the spin-diffusion length in the non-magnetic channel, and T the transparency of the tunnel barrier at the interface (if present). The general conclusions are confirmed by tight-binding s-d model calculations. A rough estimate suggests that efficient spin injection from true half-metallic ferromagnets into silicon or copper may be possible at room temperature across a transparent interface.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, revtex4-1; expanded introduction, added references, additional comments in Section V, fixed typo

    Deviations from Matthiessen rule and resistivity saturation effects in Gd and Fe

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    According to earlier first-principles calculations, the spin-disorder contribution to the resistivity of rare-earth metals in the paramagnetic state is strongly underestimated if Matthiessen's rule is assumed to hold. To understand this discrepancy, the resistivity of paramagnetic Fe and Gd is evaluated by taking into account both spin and phonon disorder. Calculations are performed using the supercell approach within the linear muffin-tin orbital method. Phonon disorder is modeled by introducing random displacements of the atomic nuclei, and the results are compared with the case of fictitious Anderson disorder. In both cases the resistivity shows a nonlinear dependence on the square of the disorder potential, which is interpreted as a resistivity saturation effect. This effect is much stronger in Gd than in Fe. The non-linearity makes the phonon and spin-disorder contributions to the resistivity non-additive, and the standard procedure of extracting the spin-disorder resistivity by extrapolation from high temperatures becomes ambiguous. An "apparent" spin-disorder resistivity obtained through such extrapolation is in much better agreement with experiment compared to the results obtained by considering only spin disorder. By analyzing the spectral function of the paramagnetic Gd in the presence of Anderson disorder, the resistivity saturation is explained by the collapse of a large area of the Fermi surface due to the disorder-induced mixing between the electronic and hole sheets.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Topology of the three-qubit space of entanglement types

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    The three-qubit space of entanglement types is the orbit space of the local unitary action on the space of three-qubit pure states, and hence describes the types of entanglement that a system of three qubits can achieve. We show that this orbit space is homeomorphic to a certain subspace of R^6, which we describe completely. We give a topologically based classification of three-qubit entanglement types, and we argue that the nontrivial topology of the three-qubit space of entanglement types forbids the existence of standard states with the convenient properties of two-qubit standard states.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, v2 adds a referenc

    Development of a tritium permeation barrier on F82H-mod. Sheets and on MANET tubes by hot dip aluminising and subsequent heat treatment

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    Entwicklung von Tritiumpermeationshemmenden Schichten auf F82H-mod. Blechen und MANET Rohren nach dem Hot-Dip Aluminierverfahren mit anschließender Wärmebehandlung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse von tauchaluminierten Blechproben aus F82H-mod. und Rohrproben aus MANET diskutiert. Die anschließende Wärmebehandlung an den getauchten Proben (1040°C, 0.5 h / 750°C, 1 h bzw. 1075°C, 0.5 h / 750°C, 2 h) entspricht der Vergütungsvorschrift für F82H-mod. bzw. der für MANET. Das Hot-Dip Aluminierverfahren mit anschließender Wärmebehandlung eignet sich als Beschichtungsmethode sowohl für Blechproben als auch für die Innen- und Außenbeschichtung von Rohren. Die Zusammensetzung und Dicke der hergestellten Schichten ist unabhängig vom eingesetzten Stahl. Des weiteren wird gezeigt, daß die hergestellten Aluminidschichten in Pb-17Li beständig sind, der PRF genügend hoch ist und die einzelnen Prozeßschritte mit der ITM Geometrie und der Fabrikationssequenz vereinbar sind