424 research outputs found

    Are the aerosols on Uranus and Neptune composed of methane photopolymers?

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    The measured optical properties of photochemically produced aerosols in an adding-doubling radiative transfer code were used to match various points in the spectra of Uranus and Neptune. How well these points are fit are shown by different assumptions regarding the size and distribution of these aerosols in the Uranus and Neptune atmospheres. The consistency of these derived distributions with those expected from computations of the sedimentation rate of such aerosols is discussed

    Repulping Bottle Carriers

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    The primary object of this thesis project was to repulp post consumer bottle carriers with the addition of chemical reagents and mechanical shear. Recycling bottle carriers is difficult to achieve due to the chemical additives that are added to the pulp. Chemical additives introduced to the virgin pulp are wet strength resins. Post consumer bottle carriers used in this experiment contained Kymene 557, which is a wet strength product produced by Hercules incorporated and is difficult to repulp due to the cross-linking employed by this chemical additive. This experiment utilized both oxidizing and reducing chemical reagents such as hypochlorite and sodium hydrosulfite. The mechanical shear used for this experiment was from the use of the Waring Blender. The results of this experiment showed that soaking time and temperature proved to be significant variables in this experiment. Also, the use of chemical reagents increased the easiness of breaking down the pulp. Conclusively, hypochlorite proved to be the most effective reagent in comparison to sodium hydrosulfite for yield percentage, tensile strength, and cost

    Gaussian quadrature exponential sum modeling of near infrared methane laboratory spectra obtained at temperatures from 106 to 297 K

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    Transmission measurements made on near-infrared laboratory methane spectra have previously been fit using a Malkmus band model. The laboratory spectra were obtained in three groups at temperatures averaging 112, 188, and 295 K; band model fitting was done separately for each temperature group. These band model parameters cannot be used directly in scattering atmosphere model computations, so an exponential sum model is being developed which includes pressure and temperature fitting parameters. The goal is to obtain model parameters by least square fits at 10/cm intervals from 3800 to 9100/cm. These results will be useful in the interpretation of current planetary spectra and also NIMS spectra of Jupiter anticipated from the Galileo mission

    Quantitative infrared spectroscopy of minor constituents of the Earth's atmosphere

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    We obtain quantitative laboratory spectroscopic measurements of molecular constituents which are of importance in understanding the health of the Earth's atmosphere, and, in particular, emphasize those species which are important for understanding stratospheric kinetics or are used for long term monitoring of the stratosphere. Our measurements provide: (1) line and band intensity values which are needed to establish limits of detectability for as yet unobserved species and to quantify the abundance of those species which are observed; (2) line-positions, -half widths and pressure induced shifts are all needed for remote sensing techniques, and (3) data on the above basic molecular parameters at temperatures and pressures appropriate for the real atmosphere

    Phase and frequency entrainment in locally coupled phase oscillators with repulsive interactions

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    Recent experiments in one and two-dimensional microfluidic arrays of droplets containing Belousov -Zhabotinsky reactants show a rich variety of spatial patterns [J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 1241-1246 (2010)]. The dominant coupling between these droplets is inhibitory. Motivated by this experimental system, we study repulsively coupled Kuramoto oscillators with nearest neighbor interactions, on a linear chain as well as a ring in one dimension, and on a triangular lattice in two dimensions. In one dimension, we show using linear stability analysis as well as numerical study, that the stable phase patterns depend on the geometry of the lattice. We show that a transition to the ordered state does not exist in the thermodynamic limit. In two dimensions, we show that the geometry of the lattice constrains the phase difference between two neighbouring oscillators to 120 degrees. We report the existence of domains with either clockwise or anti-clockwise helicity, leading to defects in the lattice. We study the time dependence of these domains and show that at large coupling strengths, the domains freeze due to frequency synchronization. Signatures of the above phenomena can be seen in the spatial correlation functions.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Inhomogeneous models of the Venus clouds containing sulfur

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    Based on the suggestion that elemental sulfur is responsible for the yellow color of Venus, calculations are compared at 3.4 microns of the reflectivity phase function of two sulfur containing inhomogeneous cloud models with that of a homogeneous model. Assuming reflectivity observations with 25% or less total error, comparison of the model calculations leads to a minimum detectable mass of sulfur equal to 7% of the mass of sulfuric acid for the inhomogeneous drop model. For the inhomogeneous cloud model the comparison leads to a minimum detectable mass of sulfur between 17% and 38% of the mass of the acid drops, depending upon the actual size of the large particles. It is concluded that moderately accurate 3.4 microns reflectivity observations are capable of detecting quite small amounts of elemental sulfur at the top of the Venus clouds


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    January effect adalah salah satu anomali musiman yang dapat terjadi di pasar modal Indonesia. January effect adalah suatu kondisi dimana pada bulan Januari rata-rata return saham dan abnormal return cenderung lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan bulan lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan return saham dan abnormal return pada bulan Januari dengan bulan selain Januari. Jika terdapat perbedaan antara bulan Januari dengan bulan lainnya maka January effect terjadi begitu pula sebaliknya jika return saham bulan Januari tidak menunjukkan perbedaan dengan bulan lainnya maka January effect tidak terjadi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 14 perusahaan yang tidak melakukan corporate action dan secara konsisten masuk dalam Indeks LQ45 Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2014-2018. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji One Way ANOVA untuk menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan return saham antara bulan Januari dengan bulan selain Januari. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan return saham dan abnormal return pada masing-masing bulan tetapi hal ini tidak membuktikan bahwa anomali January effect terjadi di perusahaan yang terdaftar dalam Indeks LQ45 periode 2014-2018 karena tidak menunjukkan return dan abnormal return yang selalu positif bulan Januari dan tidak selalu lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan bulan lainnya. Dalam hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan untuk peneliti selanjutnya menambahkan variabel independen maupun dependen selain variabel yang ada dalam penelitian ini. Untuk perusahaan disarankan agar mempertimbangkan untuk meningkatkan keputusan investasi dengan memperhatikan anomali-anomali yang mungkin terjadi pada pasar modal Indonesia. Investor disarankan agar disarankan agar memperhatikan keputusan investasi dengan memperhatikan anomali-anomali yang mungkin terjadi pada pasar modal Indonesia dan tidak bergantung pada anomali pasar pada saat pengambilan keputusan. Kata kunci: January Effect, Return, Abnormal Return, Indeks LQ45

    Integracion de software de producción (PLM) con ERP SAP

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    La implantación y uso de los ERP en las empresas en los últimos años es cada vez mayor, sin embargo, la incorporación de esta tecnología en una empresa no siempre desplaza los sistemas existentes y estos deben ser adaptados para satisfacer los requerimientos del cliente. En este trabajo se presenta la integración de un sistema SAP con el sistema UtilApp, con el objetivo de eliminar procesos manuales y lograr un mejor flujo de información en las áreas involucradas. En todo este proceso fue utilizado uno de los componentes más poderosos de integración del mercado, como lo es SAP PI; esto fue gracias a que previamente contábamos con él a nuestra disposición. UtilApp es un software desarrollado inhouse en lenguaje .NET con componentes en Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Todo el proceso inicio con un levantamiento de requisitos funcionales y técnicos en compañía de los líderes de la operación del negocio, utilizando algunas de las técnicas que nos ofrece la metodología ágil, como lo es business model canvas. Posterior a ello, se ejecuta una etapa de desarrollo e implementación, para finalmente realizar y evidenciar una prueba integral de todos los componentes utilizados. Dentro de los resultados encontrados post a la implementación, hallamos, la anulación de errores generados por la manipulación de los datos por parte de las personas, además de un tiempo de espera extremadamente reducido en la generación y disponibilidad de la información.Ingeniero de Sistemaspregrad