51 research outputs found

    Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus

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    Fundamental properties of the planet Venus, such as its internal mass distribution and variations in length of day, have remained unknown. We used Earth-based observations of radar speckles tied to the rotation of Venus obtained in 2006-2020 to measure its spin axis orientation, spin precession rate, moment of inertia, and length-of-day variations. Venus is tilted by 2.6392 ±\pm 0.0008 degrees (1σ1\sigma) with respect to its orbital plane. The spin axis precesses at a rate of 44.58 ±\pm 3.3 arcseconds per year (1σ1\sigma), which gives a normalized moment of inertia of 0.337 ±\pm 0.024 and yields a rough estimate of the size of the core. The average sidereal day on Venus in the 2006-2020 interval is 243.0226 ±\pm 0.0013 Earth days (1σ1\sigma). The spin period of the solid planet exhibits variations of 61 ppm (∼\sim20 minutes) with a possible diurnal or semidiurnal forcing. The length-of-day variations imply that changes in atmospheric angular momentum of at least ∼\sim4% are transferred to the solid planet.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, supplementary information. Submitted to Nature Astronomy on October 14, 202

    Determining asteroid spin states using radar speckles

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    Knowing the shapes and spin states of near-Earth asteroids is essential to understanding their dynamical evolution because of the Yarkovsky and YORP effects. Delay-Doppler radar imaging is the most powerful ground-based technique for imaging near-Earth asteroids and can obtain spatial resolution of <10 m, but frequently produces ambiguous pole direction solutions. A radar echo from an asteroid consists of a pattern of speckles caused by the interference of reflections from different parts of the surface. It is possible to determine an asteroid’s pole direction by tracking the motion of the radar speckle pattern. Speckle tracking can potentially measure the poles of at least several radar targets each year, rapidly increasing the available sample of NEA pole directions. We observed the near-Earth asteroid 2008 EV5 with the Arecibo planetary radar and the Very Long Baseline Array in December 2008. By tracking the speckles moving from the Pie Town to Los Alamos VLBA stations, we have shown that EV5 rotates retrograde. This is the first speckle detection of a near-Earth asteroid

    Mercury's Moment of Inertia from Spin and Gravity Data

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    Earth-based radar observations of the spin state of Mercury at 35 epochs between 2002 and 2012 reveal that its spin axis is tilted by (2.04 plus or minus 0.08) arc min with respect to the orbit normal. The direction of the tilt suggests that Mercury is in or near a Cassini state. Observed rotation rate variations clearly exhibit an 88-day libration pattern which is due to solar gravitational torques acting on the asymmetrically shaped planet. The amplitude of the forced libration, (38.5 plus or minus 1.6) arc sec, corresponds to a longitudinal displacement of ∼450 m at the equator. Combining these measurements of the spin properties with second-degree gravitational harmonics (Smith et al., 2012) provides an estimate of the polar moment of inertia of MercuryC/MR2 = 0.346 plus or minus 0.014, where M and R are Mercury's mass and radius. The fraction of the moment that corresponds to the outer librating shell, which can be used to estimate the size of the core, is Cm/C = 0.431 plus or minus 0.025

    Radar Observations and the Shape of Near-Earth Asteroid 2008 EV5

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    We observed the near-Earth asteroid 2008 EV5 with the Arecibo and Goldstone planetary radars and the Very Long Baseline Array during December 2008. EV5 rotates retrograde and its overall shape is a 400 /pm 50 m oblate spheroid. The most prominent surface feature is a ridge parallel to the asteroid's equator that is broken by a concavity 150 m in diameter. Otherwise the asteroid's surface is notably smooth on decameter scales. EV5's radar and optical albedos are consistent with either rocky or stony-iron composition. The equatorial ridge is similar to structure seen on the rubble-pile near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 and is consistent with YORP spin-up reconfiguring the asteroid in the past. We interpret the concavity as an impact crater. Shaking during the impact and later regolith redistribution may have erased smaller features, explaining the general lack of decameter-scale surface structure.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Icarus: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WGF-5207B2F-4/2/d87cd2ae4da00c2b277e2dc79a532c4
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