85 research outputs found

    Controlling the optical creation of gold nanoparticles in a PVA matrix by direct laser writing

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    We report about the study on the physical features of gold nano-particles (GNPs) created by 2-photons photo-reduction Direct Laser Writing in a Poly-Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) matrix doped with HAuCl4. We drop cast a film of the PVA+ HAuCl4 onto a glass substrate, in which we create 1D gratings made by stripes of GNPs with a single laser sweep. We show that the stripe width increases with the laser power and the exposure time. We also analyse the influence of the exposure time over the created nano-particles size distribution and density and we show that by suitably adjusting the exposure time it is possible to maximize the frequency of a given diameter. By comparing the experimental results with a polymerization “voxel” model, we are able to evaluate the effective cross section for 2- photons absorption of our material

    A 3-dimensional transnasal endoscopic journey through the paranasal sinuses and adjacent skull base: a practical and surgery-oriented perspective

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    An endoscopic approach through the transnasal corridor is currently the treatment of choice in the management of benign sinonasal tumors, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, and pituitary lesions. Moreover, this approach can be considered a valid option in the management of selected sinonasal malignancies extending to the skull base, midline meningiomas, parasellar lesions such as craniopharyngioma and Rathke cleft cyst, and clival lesions such as chordoma and ecchordosis. Over the past decade, strict cooperation between otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons and acquired surgical skills, together with high-definition cameras, dedicated instrumentation, and navigation systems, have made it possible to broaden the indications of endoscopic surgery. Despite these improvements, depth perception, as provided by the use of a microscope, was still lacking with this technology. The aim of the present project is to reveal new perspectives in the endoscopic perception of the sinonasal complex and skull base thanks to 3-dimensional endoscopes, which are well suited to access and explore the endonasal corridor. In the anatomic dissection herein, this innovative device came across with sophisticated and long-established fresh cadaver preparation provided by one of the most prestigious universities of Europe. The final product is a 3-dimensional journey starting from the nasal cavity, reaching the anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae, passing through the ethmoidal complex, paranasal sinuses, and skull base. Anatomic landmarks, critical areas, and tips and tricks to safely dissect delicate anatomic structures are addressed through audio comments, figures, and their captions

    Micronucleus formation induced by biomass burning particles derived from biomass burning induce high micronucleus frequency in Tradescantia pallida assay (TRAD-MN)

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    Manual harvesting is usually done after to sugar cane burning which is responsible for seasonal emission of air pollutants in Brazil and it is believed to be responsible for deleterious health effects in exposed populations. The mutagenic potential of sugar cane burning harvesting particulate and particle surrogates of residual oil fly ash (ROFA) were evaluated in assays measuring micronuclei (MN) in the pollen mother cells of Tradescantia pallida (TRAD-MN). Micronuclei frequencies in TRAD-MN to sugar cane burning residues (SCBR) at doses 0.3 and 0.03 mg/mL were respectively 2.18 ± 0.35 and 5.53 ± 1.04, whereas to ROFA from incinerator and ROFA from an electrostatic precipitator installed in one of the chimneys of a steel plant, MN frequencies were, respectively, 3.43 ± 0.7 and 4.90 ± 1.07. Significant differences were detected among the groups (p < 0.001), demonstrating that SCBR was at least as genotoxic as the fossil fuel derived particles. The results suggest that the burning process to harvest sugar cane should be better controlled. Keywords: pollution, burning particles, micronuclei, Tradescantia pallida . Partículas derivadas da queima de biomassa induzem alta frequência de micronúcleos no ensaio de Tradescantia pallida (TRAD-MN) Resumo A coleta de cana-de-açúcar manual é geralmente realizada após a queima, a qual é responsável pela emissão sazonal de poluentes atmosféricos no Brasil e acredita-se que este seja responsável pelos efeitos deletérios a saúde da população exposta. O potencial mutagênico da queima de cana-de-açúcar e partículas oriundas de resíduos em cinza de óleo queimado (ROFA) foi avaliado em ensaio que mede a freqüência de micronúcleos (MN) em células mãe de grão de pólen de Tradescantia pallida (TRAD-MN). A freqüência de TRAD-MN em resíduos de queima de cana de açúcar (SCBR) nas doses de 0.3 e 0,03mg/mL foi, respectivamente de 2,18 ± 0,35 e 5,53 ± 1,04, enquanto para ROFA de incinerador e ROFA de um precipitador eletrostático instalado em uma chaminé de uma indústria siderúrgica, a freqüência de MN foi, respectivamente, 3,43 ± 0,7 e 4,90 ± 1,07. Diferença significante foi observada entre os grupos (p<0,001), demonstrando que SCBR foi ao menos tão genotóxico quanto às partículas derivadas de combustíveis fósseis. Os resultados sugerem que o processo de queima de cana-de-açúcar no período da safra deveria ser mais bem controlado. Palavras-Chave: poluição, partículas de queimadas, micronúcleos, Tradescantia pallida

    Virtual unrolling and deciphering of Herculaneum papyri by X-ray phase-contrast tomography

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    A collection of more than 1800 carbonized papyri, discovered in the Roman 'Villa dei Papiri' at Herculaneum is the unique classical library survived from antiquity. These papyri were charred during 79 A.D. Vesuvius eruption, a circumstance which providentially preserved them until now. This magnificent collection contains an impressive amount of treatises by Greek philosophers and, especially, Philodemus of Gadara, an Epicurean thinker of 1st century BC. We read many portions of text hidden inside carbonized Herculaneum papyri using enhanced X-ray phase-contrast tomography non-destructive technique and a new set of numerical algorithms for 'virtual-unrolling'. Our success lies in revealing the largest portion of Greek text ever detected so far inside unopened scrolls, with unprecedented spatial resolution and contrast, all without damaging these precious historical manuscripts. Parts of text have been decoded and the 'voice' of the Epicurean philosopher Philodemus is brought back again after 2000 years from Herculaneum papyri

    Sinonasal mucosal melanoma: Molecular profile and therapeutic implications from a series of 32 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas are aggressive tumors with a poor clinical control by current treatments, raising the urgent need of novel strategies. METHODS: By fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), direct sequencing, and immunohistochemistry, we investigate the spectrum of molecular abnormalities in a cohort of 32 cases of primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas. RESULTS: We found that all primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas lack BRAF V600E mutation; in addition, they are characterized by somatic mutations of NRAS (22%) and KIT (12.5%), together with amplification of RREB1 (100%) and loss of MYB (76%). The large majority of cases showed KIT protein expression (96.9%). Among tumor suppressor genes, primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas showed loss of PTEN (48.1%) and p16/INK4a (55.2%). All tested cases showed expression of pAkt and pErk, suggesting a combined activation of PI3K/Akt and RAS-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. CONCLUSIONS: This molecular fingerprint strongly argues against the clinical efficacy of BRAF-inhibitors, but could candidate primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas to therapeutic strategies targeting RAS and KIT mutations or inhibiting PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway

    Virtual unrolling and deciphering of Herculaneum papyri by X-ray phase-contrast tomography

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    A collection of more than 1800 carbonized papyri, discovered in the Roman 'Villa dei Papiri' at Herculaneum is the unique classical library survived from antiquity. These papyri were charred during 79 A.D. Vesuvius eruption, a circumstance which providentially preserved them until now. This magnificent collection contains an impressive amount of treatises by Greek philosophers and, especially, Philodemus of Gadara, an Epicurean thinker of 1st century BC. We read many portions of text hidden inside carbonized Herculaneum papyri using enhanced X-ray phase-contrast tomography non-destructive technique and a new set of numerical algorithms for 'virtual-unrolling'. Our success lies in revealing the largest portion of Greek text ever detected so far inside unopened scrolls, with unprecedented spatial resolution and contrast, all without damaging these precious historical manuscripts. Parts of text have been decoded and the 'voice' of the Epicurean philosopher Philodemus is brought back again after 2000 years from Herculaneum papyri

    Virtual unrolling and deciphering of Herculaneum papyri by X-ray phase-contrast tomography

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    A collection of more than 1800 carbonized papyri, discovered in the Roman ‘Villa dei Papiri’ at Herculaneum is the unique classical library survived from antiquity. These papyri were charred during 79 A.D. Vesuvius eruption, a circumstance which providentially preserved them until now. This magnificent collection contains an impressive amount of treatises by Greek philosophers and, especially, Philodemus of Gadara, an Epicurean thinker of 1st century BC. We read many portions of text hidden inside carbonized Herculaneum papyri using enhanced X-ray phase-contrast tomography non-destructive technique and a new set of numerical algorithms for ‘virtual-unrolling’. Our success lies in revealing the largest portion of Greek text ever detected so far inside unopened scrolls, with unprecedented spatial resolution and contrast, all without damaging these precious historical manuscripts. Parts of text have been decoded and the ‘voice’ of the Epicurean philosopher Philodemus is brought back again after 2000 years from Herculaneum papyri


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    Experimental results are reported concerning the possibility of reducing and even suppressing chaoticity in a bistable magnetoelastic beam system by means of parametric periodic perturbations. The experimental parameters are chosen such that a strange attractor is observed. Then a parametric perturbation is added. When its frequency approaches some resonant value, laminar phases are observed of increasing duration up to complete regularization of the motion at exact resonance