18 research outputs found
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Exploring the factors affecting home energy retrofit adoption - a case study of the EcoENERGY retrofit program
In the wake of the global financial crisis, the Canadian government created the EcoENERGY Retrofit for Homes program with the stated goal of “Encouraging homes to become more energy-efficient, reduce emissions produced through energy use, and contribute to clean air, water, energy, and a healthy environment for Canadians." However, results varied considerably nationwide. An early review of this data suggests that retrofits were not adopted with
spatial or temporal uniformity.
Population data on were obtained from the 2006 and 2011 censes and the National Household Survey; these were then matched with household pre- and post-retrofit data from the EcoENERGY Retrofit program. Multiple linear regression analysis of the retrofit adoption rate was conducted at the finest spatial resolution common to these datasets.
This preliminary analysis suggests that income, non-condominium properties, and high shelter costs (greater than 30% of household income) had a significant positive correlation with adoption of retrofit measures at a 99.9% confidence level. Meanwhile, renter-occupied units and participation in the workforce were negatively correlated. Seasonal variation was also observed, with the majority of retrofits occurring in winter months. Further, spatial
variation at both the city and neighbourhood level suggests a greater degree of program customisation is required to ensure uniform building stock improvement.
The findings fit with an emerging pattern that grant programs can be effective at delivering high volumes of savings but have a limited market impact in the post-funding period; ~25% of energy advisors were laid off after the conclusion of the initial program end date of March 2011, tied to a sharp decline in the number of energy audits. This study reinforces the importance of the upfront cost barrier and consistent federal-level support. However, retrofit program design may need to provide different grants in different municipalities to address specific community needs
Effects of rotation on stellar spectra
ix, 69 leaves : col. ill. ; 29 cm.Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 67-69).Models have been produced to study the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and absorption lines for rapidly rotating B stars. A fully implicit 2D stellar structure and evolution code was used to generate the rotating structure models. The code PHOENIX was then used to generate non-LTE stellar atmospheres and spectra. An integrator code, CLIC, then created SEDs and absorption lines as viewed from 10 inclination angles. The SEDs were used to create a series of inclination curves, defining a rotating star's possible positions on an HR diagram. It was found that uniform rotation creates a relatively straight line parallel to the main sequence. The line extends in length and moves away from the main sequence as the rate of rotation increases. Differential rotation creates a more extended and complex inclination curve. The effects of differential rotation on line profiles was explored. It was found that differential rotation creates a very different profile from uniform rotation, especially when viewed closer to the pole. Both the SEDs and line profiles were used to test the limits of von Zeipel's theorem against more realistic models. The SEDs produced appreciably different inclination curves for rotation rates greater than around 0.76 of critical rotation. The difference in the line profiles produced by von Zeipel's models and the more realistic models were small
Retrofit information challenges and potential solutions: Perspectives of households, retrofit professionals and local policy makers in the United Kingdom
Rapidly scaling up energy retrofit for existing buildings is critical to help meet climate targets. Information is frequently identified as a key barrier to residential retrofit. This paper explores the role of information sharing in accelerating retrofit market transformation, through interviews and photo elicitation with homeowners (N = 9) and two workshops with stakeholders (N = 33) in a local authority retrofit project in Gloucestershire (UK). Findings are thematically analysed and suggestions for future local and national policy action are identified. The research finds that even for engaged, knowledgeable homeowners, accessing appropriate information is still a significant retrofit barrier. Two themes around the nature of information and information delivery are identified and key issues include information overload, a lack of context-specific information and in-person engagement, and a need for trustworthy, local information sources. Local authorities have potential to act as trusted intermediaries for structured, relevant retrofit information but require support from national governments to increase capacity and resources at local levels. National governments also have a critical role in providing clear and consistent messaging and leadership on the importance and benefits of retrofit. Policies around financial incentives are not sufficient alone and must be accompanied by strategies to overcome informational and other barriers if retrofit is to be accelerated in this decisive decade for climate action
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Participation in domestic energy retrofit programmes: key spatio-temporal drivers
The Canadian government created the EcoENEGY Retrofit for Homes programme (2007–12) to improve residential energy efficiency and reduce emissions produced through energy use. The uptake of retrofits varied both spatially and temporally. This research examines spatio-temporal patterns of retrofit adoption to understand the drivers behind participation in the grant programme and assess how future grant-based programmes might improve the uptake of efficiency measures. Temporal analysis demonstrated continued growth of programme participation over its original period of availability, and this accelerated once the programme was extended for an additional year after its original closure date. However, some spatial correlations weakened, which may be attributable to changes in programme design during the extension period. Seasonal variation was also observed, with spikes in retrofit activity occurring in winter. A regression analysis for conversion rates in Ontario and British Columbia displayed significant positive correlations for high shelter costs (>30% of household income) and households occupied by usual residents (regular occupants). Population density, median property value (only in Ontario) and units that were recently occupied demonstrated negative correlations. Spatial variation at both the city and neighbourhood levels suggests a greater degree of programme customisation is required to ensure uniform building stock improvement.
Policy relevance
Domestic retrofit will be a crucial component of every developed nation’s net zero strategy. For example, in Canada and the UK, houses account for 13% and 20% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, respectively. This paper explores trends in the most recently completed national retrofit programme in Canada, demonstrating rates of adoption across the programme, the effects of programme design modification, and the value of an understood programme brand and format for uptake. Further, when faced with tighter deadlines, there is a weakening of the relationship between adoption and spatially linked attributes such as population density, and duration of occupancy. Conversely, a strengthening of the relationship with levels of education and household costs was observed in some jurisdictions. The evidence in this paper strengthens the case for long-term, actively managed retrofit programmes to enable the skills base and consumer interest towards market transformation
Evaluating The Carbon Dioxide Sequestration In The Trees In The Temperate And Tropical Region (Work In Progress) Vol.2
Lessons for the UK Green Deal from the US BBNP
<p>How can programme design and strategy drive the decision actually to undertake retrofit upgrades? The US Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP) and the UK Green Deal both represent ambitious efforts to drive domestic retrofit markets. These programmes are compared and the differences in their conversion rates explored in the context of marketing, outreach and workforce engagement strategies. The impact of financial incentives is also explored. This paper supports the consensus that the US BBNP was successful against most of its stated objectives. The UK Green Deal, while slow to start, was gaining momentum before it was effectively ended. Semi-structured interviews with programme organizers give evidence that the Green Deal would have benefited from a more active approach to marketing and outreach, specifically emphasizing the distinction between the two. Marketing generates interest, but local outreach through word of mouth and personal referrals is needed to drive upgrades. The Green Deal did not sufficiently engage the workforce through an ongoing communication strategy and should have better facilitated both technical and non-technical skills development. The interest rate of the Green Deal is shown to be but one factor influencing participation, and can be effectively balanced through programme design in other areas.</p
Review of Intelligent Control Systems for Natural Ventilation as Passive Cooling Strategy for UK Buildings and Similar Climatic Conditions
Natural ventilation is gaining more attention from architects and engineers as an alternative way of cooling and ventilating indoor spaces. Based on building types, it could save between 13 and 40% of the building cooling energy use. However, this needs to be implemented and operated with a well-designed and integrated control system to avoid triggering discomfort for occupants. This paper seeks to review, discuss, and contribute to existing knowledge on the application of control systems and optimisation theories of naturally ventilated buildings to produce the best performance. The study finally presents an outstanding theoretical context and practical implementation for researchers seeking to explore the use of intelligent controls for optimal output in the pursuit to help solve intricate control problems in the building industry and suggests advanced control systems such as fuzzy logic control as an effective control strategy for an integrated control of ventilation, heating and cooling systems
Designing an ‘optimal’ domestic retrofit programme
<p>The US Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP) consisted of 41 different versions of thermal retrofit programmes with a common structure and objectives. This created a natural experiment in thermal retrofit programme design. This paper uses qualitative interviews with programme organizers measured against third-party programme performance data to create a model of 14 programme steps that were common to all BBNP grantees. This model uses the experiences of programme organizers to define best-practice principles associated with each programme step. Five themes emerge from the programme steps: (1) programme design: local market features and suitable programme structures; (2) marketing and outreach: the processes of creating awareness versus personal engagement – how community-based social marketing is a key strategy in driving demand; (3) workforce engagement: the skills gaps across the supply chain; (4) financial incentives: the merits of grants versus loans – how to use them in combination; and (5) data and evaluation: best-practice techniques for both programme evaluation and enabling iterative programme adjustments. These principles create a template for an ‘optimal’ programme model for retrofit programmes with stated objectives similar to the US BBNP. The potential and limitations in extrapolating this model to UK retrofit markets are considered.</p
Grants versus Financing for Domestic Retrofits: A Case Study from Efficiency Maine
Any attempts to limit the impacts of climate change must maximize the potential for energy efficiency in existing dwellings. Retrofitting the existing stock of aging and inefficient dwellings is a challenge on many fronts. A number of programs have been put in place to encourage domestic retrofits by reducing barriers such as the upfront costs and access to capital. While many such programs are delivering positive results, there is much uncertainty regarding what constitutes success, as well as the long term cost effectiveness of various approaches. Geographic, demographic, and programmatic differences frequently cloud the ability to make comparisons across programs. This work examines a case study from Efficiency Maine in the United States, in which a grant program transitioned to a financing program. The grant program was highly popular and delivered significant energy savings, but used considerable public funds. The financing program reaches fewer homeowners, but delivers larger retrofit projects per homeowner, and leverages private investment with smaller public expenditures. Which of the two programs can be considered more successful? This work explores the methods of assessing this question and offers the author’s perspectives
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Interstitial macrophages are a focus of viral takeover and inflammation in COVID-19 initiation in human lung
Early stages of deadly respiratory diseases including COVID-19 are challenging to elucidate in humans. Here, we define cellular tropism and transcriptomic effects of SARS-CoV-2 virus by productively infecting healthy human lung tissue and using scRNA-seq to reconstruct the transcriptional program in "infection pseudotime" for individual lung cell types. SARS-CoV-2 predominantly infected activated interstitial macrophages (IMs), which can accumulate thousands of viral RNA molecules, taking over 60% of the cell transcriptome and forming dense viral RNA bodies while inducing host profibrotic (TGFB1, SPP1) and inflammatory (early interferon response, CCL2/7/8/13, CXCL10, and IL6/10) programs and destroying host cell architecture. Infected alveolar macrophages (AMs) showed none of these extreme responses. Spike-dependent viral entry into AMs used ACE2 and Sialoadhesin/CD169, whereas IM entry used DC-SIGN/CD209. These results identify activated IMs as a prominent site of viral takeover, the focus of inflammation and fibrosis, and suggest targeting CD209 to prevent early pathology in COVID-19 pneumonia. This approach can be generalized to any human lung infection and to evaluate therapeutics