67 research outputs found
Sensitivity analysis of numerically determined linear stability boundaries of a supercritical heated channel
Synthetic data: A convergence between Innovation and GDPR
This paper investigates the role that synthetic data could potentially play in generating a convergence between the protection of the fundamental right to personal data protection on the one hand and innovation and data sharing on the other. Synthetic data as an expression of privacy-enhancing technologies could be a useful means to foster data sharing and reutilisation, a crucial aspect of the Open Science approach. Despite the multiple applications, of which the paper offers an overview, there are still two major challenges that the analysis underlines: (i) difficulties in communication between legal experts and tech practitioners; (ii) legal uncertainty, due to the fact that European authorities and policymakers have not yet clearly expressed themselves on synthetic data. The intent of the paper is to propose an introductory analysis of the state of the art on synthetic data and its use, which enables one to envisage future developments. Methodologically, by adopting the perspective of tech practitioners, the paper intends to contribute to the legal debate on technology and the protection of data protection and privacy, with particular reference to the relationship with innovation and data sharing
Size-fractionated PM10 monitoring in relation to the contribution of endotoxins in different polluted areas
Cytotoxic response in human lung epithelial cells and ion characteristics of urban-air particles from Torino, a northern Italian city.
Inflammation response and cytotoxic effects in human THP-1 cells of size-fractionated PM10 extracts in a polluted urban site.
X-ray spectroscopy of the z=6.4 quasar J1148+5251
We present the 78-ks Chandra observations of the quasar SDSS
J1148+5251. The source is clearly detected in the energy range 0.3-7 keV with
42 counts (with a significance ). The X-ray spectrum is
best-fitted by a power-law with photon index absorbed by a gas
column density of .
We measure an intrinsic luminosity at 2-10 keV and 10-40 keV equal to , comparable with luminous local and
intermediate-redshift quasar properties. Moreover, the X-ray to optical
power-law slope value () of J1148 is consistent
with the one found in quasars with similar rest-frame 2500 \AA ~luminosity
(\AA). Then we use Chandra data
to test a physically motivated model that computes the intrinsic X-ray flux
emitted by a quasar starting from the properties of the powering black hole and
assuming that X-ray emission is attenuated by intervening, metal-rich () molecular clouds distributed on kpc scales in the host
galaxy. Our analysis favors a black hole mass and a molecular hydrogen mass , in good agreement with estimates obtained from previous studies. We
finally discuss strengths and limits of our analysis.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, MNRAS in pres
XMM-Newton 13H Deep field - I. X-ray sources
We present the results of a deep X-ray survey conducted with XMM-Newton,
centred on the UK ROSAT 13H deep field area. This region covers 0.18 deg^2 and
is the first of two areas covered with XMM-Newton as part of an extensive
multi-wavelength survey designed to study the nature and evolution of the faint
X-ray source population. We have produced detailed Monte-Carlo simulations to
obtain a quantitative characterisation of the source detection procedure and to
assess the reliability of the resultant sourcelist. We use the simulations to
establish a likelihood threshold above which we expect less than 7 (3%) of our
sources to be spurious. We present the final catalogue of 225 sources. Within
the central 9 arcmin, 68 per cent of source positions are accurate to 2 arcsec,
making optical follow-up relatively straightforward. We construct the N(>S)
relation in four energy bands: 0.2-0.5 keV, 0.5-2 keV, 2-5 keV and 5-10 keV. In
all but our highest energy band we find that the source counts can be
represented by a double powerlaw with a bright end slope consistent with the
Euclidean case and a break around 10^-14 cgs. Below this flux the counts
exhibit a flattening. Our source counts reach densities of 700, 1300, 900 and
300 deg^-2 at fluxes of 4.1x10^-16, 4.5x10^-16, 1.1x10^-15 and 5.3x10^-15 cgs
in the 0.2-0.5, 0.5-2, 2-5 and 5-10 keV energy bands respectively. We have
compared our source counts with those in the two Chandra deep fields and
Lockman hole and find our source counts to be amongst the highest of these
fields in all energy bands. We resolve >51% (>50%) of the X-ray background
emission in the 1-2 keV (2-5 keV) energy bands.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, MNRAS accepte
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