4,243 research outputs found
From effective actions to actual effects in QED
The construction of low-energy effective actions in QED for several types of
external conditions is reviewed. Emphasis is put on the application of these
effective actions to a variety of physical effects which represent a
manifestation of vacuum polarization. Soft-photon interactions with external
electromagnetic fields and/or a heat bath are described, pair production at
finite temperature is discussed, and finally a glance at photon-neutrino
interactions is provided.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, Talk given at "QED 2000", the 2nd workshop on
frontier tests of quantum electrodynamics and physics of the vacuum, Trieste,
Italy, Oct. 5-11, 200
Chiral phase structure of QCD with many flavors
We investigate QCD with a large number of massless flavors with the aid of
renormalization group flow equations. We determine the critical number of
flavors separating the phases with and without chiral symmetry breaking in
SU(Nc) gauge theory with many fermion flavors. Our analysis includes all
possible fermionic interaction channels in the pointlike four-fermion limit.
Constraints from gauge invariance are resolved explicitly and regulator-scheme
dependencies are studied. Our findings confirm the existence of an Nf window
where the system is asymptotically free in the ultraviolet, but remains
massless and chirally invariant on all scales, approaching a conformal fixed
point in the infrared. Our prediction for the critical number of flavors of the
zero-temperature chiral phase transition in SU(3) is Nf^{cr}=10.0\pm
0.29(fermion)[+1.55;-0.63](gluon), with the errors arising from
approximations in the fermionic and gluonic sectors, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, updated discussion of the uncertainties in the
gauge secto
Running coupling at finite temperature and chiral symmetry restoration in QCD
We analyze the running gauge coupling at finite temperature for QCD, using
the functional renormalization group. The running of the coupling is calculated
for all scales and temperatures. At finite temperature, the coupling is
governed by a fixed point of the 3-dimensional theory for scales smaller than
the corresponding temperature. The running coupling can drive the quark sector
to criticality, resulting in chiral symmetry breaking. Our results provide for
a quantitative determination of the phase boundary in the plane of temperature
and number of massless flavors. Using the experimental value of the coupling at
the tau mass scale as the only input parameter, we obtain, e.g., for N_f=3
massless flavors a critical temperature of T_cr ~ 148 MeV in good agreement
with lattice simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; references added, results updated and discussion
expanded (matches PLB version
Critical Schwinger pair production
We investigate Schwinger pair production in spatially inhomogeneous electric
backgrounds. A critical point for the onset of pair production can be
approached by fields that marginally provide sufficient electrostatic energy
for an off-shell long-range electron-positron fluctuation to become a real
pair. Close to this critical point, we observe features of universality which
are analogous to continuous phase transitions in critical phenomena with the
pair-production rate serving as an order parameter: electric backgrounds can be
subdivided into universality classes and the onset of pair production exhibits
characteristic scaling laws. An appropriate design of the electric background
field can interpolate between power-law scaling, essential BKT-type scaling and
a power-law scaling with log corrections. The corresponding critical exponents
only depend on the large-scale features of the electric background, whereas the
microscopic details of the background play the role of irrelevant perturbations
not affecting criticality.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Global surpluses of spin-base invariant fermions
The spin-base invariant formalism of Dirac fermions in curved space maintains
the essential symmetries of general covariance as well as similarity
transformations of the Clifford algebra. We emphasize the advantages of the
spin-base invariant formalism both from a conceptual as well as from a
practical viewpoint. This suggests that local spin-base invariance should be
added to the list of (effective) properties of (quantum) gravity theories. We
find support for this viewpoint by the explicit construction of a global
realization of the Clifford algebra on a 2-sphere which is impossible in the
spin-base non-invariant vielbein formalism.Comment: 6 page
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