472 research outputs found
WIMP Dark Matter Searches With the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
Astronomical and cosmological observations support the existence of invisible matter that can only be detected through its gravitational effects, thus making it very difficult to study. Dark matter makes up about 27% of the known universe. As a matter of fact, one of the main goals of the physics program of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider of the CERN laboratory is the search of new particles that can explain dark matter. This review discusses both experimental and theoretical aspects of searches for Weakly Interacting Massive Particle candidates for dark matter at the LHC. An updated overview of the various experimental search channels performed by the ATLAS experiment is presented in order to pinpoint complementarity among different types of LHC searches and the interplay between the LHC and direct and indirect dark matter searches
Convolutional neural network based decoders for surface codes
The decoding of error syndromes of surface codes with classical algorithms may slow down quantum computation. To overcome this problem it is possible to implement decoding algorithms based on artificial neural networks. This work reports a study of decoders based on convolutional neural networks, tested on different code distances and noise models. The results show that decoders based on convolutional neural networks have good performance and can adapt to different noise models. Moreover, explainable machine learning techniques have been applied to the neural network of the decoder to better understand the behaviour and errors of the algorithm, in order to produce a more robust and performing algorithm
Tau Lepton Identification With Graph Neural Networks at Future Electron–Positron Colliders
Efficient and accurate reconstruction and identification of tau lepton decays plays a crucial role in the program of measurements and searches under the study for the future high-energy particle colliders. Leveraging recent advances in machine learning algorithms, which have dramatically improved the state of the art in visual object recognition, we have developed novel tau identification methods that are able to classify tau decays in leptons and hadrons and to discriminate them against QCD jets. We present the methodology and the results of the application at the interesting use case of the IDEA dual-readout calorimeter detector concept proposed for the future FCC-ee electron–positron collider
Quantum Diffusion Models
We propose a quantum version of a generative diffusion model. In this
algorithm, artificial neural networks are replaced with parameterized quantum
circuits, in order to directly generate quantum states. We present both a full
quantum and a latent quantum version of the algorithm; we also present a
conditioned version of these models. The models' performances have been
evaluated using quantitative metrics complemented by qualitative assessments.
An implementation of a simplified version of the algorithm has been executed on
real NISQ quantum hardware.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure
Long-lived particles anomaly detection with parametrized quantum circuits
We investigate the possibility to apply quantum machine learning techniques for data analysis, with particular regard to an interesting use-case in high-energy physics. We propose an anomaly detection algorithm based on a parametrized quantum circuit. This algorithm was trained on a classical computer and tested with simulations as well as on real quantum hardware. Tests on NISQ devices were performed with IBM quantum computers. For the execution on quantum hardware, specific hardware-driven adaptations were devised and implemented. The quantum anomaly detection algorithm was able to detect simple anomalies such as different characters in handwritten digits as well as more complex structures such as anomalous patterns in the particle detectors produced by the decay products of long-lived particles produced at a collider experiment. For the high-energy physics application, the performance was estimated in simulation only, as the quantum circuit was not simple enough to be executed on the available quantum hardware platform. This work demonstrates that it is possible to perform anomaly detection with quantum algorithms; however, as an amplitude encoding of classical data is required for the task, due to the noise level in the available quantum hardware platform, the current implementation cannot outperform classic anomaly detection algorithms based on deep neural networks
Nearest neighbours graph variational autoEncoder
Graphs are versatile structures for the representation of many real-world data. Deep Learning on graphs is currently able to solve a wide range of problems with excellent results. However, both the generation of graphs and the handling of large graphs still remain open challenges. This work aims to introduce techniques for generating large graphs and test the approach on a complex problem such as the calculation of dose distribution in oncological radiotherapy applications. To this end, we introduced a pooling technique (ReNN-Pool) capable of sampling nodes that are spatially uniform without computational requirements in both model training and inference. By construction, the ReNN-Pool also allows the definition of a symmetric un-pooling operation to recover the original dimensionality of the graphs. We also present a Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) for generating graphs, based on the defined pooling and un-pooling operations, which employs convolutional graph layers in both encoding and decoding phases. The performance of the model was tested on both the realistic use case of a cylindrical graph dataset for a radiotherapy application and the standard benchmark dataset sprite. Compared to other graph pooling techniques, ReNN-Pool proved to improve both performance and computational requirements
Fast Neural Network Inference on FPGAs for Triggering on Long-Lived Particles at Colliders
Experimental particle physics demands a sophisticated trigger and acquisition
system capable to efficiently retain the collisions of interest for further
investigation. Heterogeneous computing with the employment of FPGA cards may
emerge as a trending technology for the triggering strategy of the upcoming
high-luminosity program of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In this context,
we present two machine-learning algorithms for selecting events where neutral
long-lived particles decay within the detector volume studying their accuracy
and inference time when accelerated on commercially available Xilinx FPGA
accelerator cards. The inference time is also confronted with a CPU- and
GPU-based hardware setup. The proposed new algorithms are proven efficient for
the considered benchmark physics scenario and their accuracy is found to not
degrade when accelerated on the FPGA cards. The results indicate that all
tested architectures fit within the latency requirements of a second-level
trigger farm and that exploiting accelerator technologies for real-time
processing of particle-physics collisions is a promising research field that
deserves additional investigations, in particular with machine-learning models
with a large number of trainable parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 table
Observation of the γγ→ττ process in Pb+Pb collisions and constraints on the τ-lepton anomalous magnetic moment with the ATLAS detector
This Letter reports the observation of τ-lepton-pair production in ultraperipheral lead-lead collisions Pb+Pb→Pb(γγ→ττ)Pb and constraints on the τ-lepton anomalous magnetic moment a_{τ}. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.44 nb^{-1} of LHC Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment in 2018. Selected events contain one muon from a τ-lepton decay, an electron or charged-particle track(s) from the other τ-lepton decay, little additional central-detector activity, and no forward neutrons. The γγ→ττ process is observed in Pb+Pb collisions with a significance exceeding 5 standard deviations and a signal strength of μ_{ττ}=1.03_{-0.05}^{+0.06} assuming the standard model value for a_{τ}. To measure a_{τ}, a template fit to the muon transverse-momentum distribution from τ-lepton candidates is performed, using a dimuon (γγ→μμ) control sample to constrain systematic uncertainties. The observed 95% confidence-level interval for a_{τ} is -0.057<0.024
Search for resonant WZ production in the fully leptonic final state in proton–proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for a WZ resonance, in the fully leptonic final state (electrons or muons), is performed using 139 fb - 1 of data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The results are interpreted in terms of a singly charged Higgs boson of the Georgi–Machacek model, produced by WZ fusion, and of a Heavy Vector Triplet, with the resonance produced by WZ fusion or the Drell–Yan process. No significant excess over the Standard Model prediction is observed and limits are set on the production cross-section times branching ratio as a function of the resonance mass for these processes
Measurements of W+W- production in decay topologies inspired by searches for electroweak supersymmetry
This paper presents a measurement of fiducial and differential cross-sections for W+W- production in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb - 1 . Events with exactly one electron, one muon and no hadronic jets are studied. The fiducial region in which the measurements are performed is inspired by searches for the electroweak production of supersymmetric charginos decaying to two-lepton final states. The selected events have moderate values of missing transverse momentum and the ‘stransverse mass’ variable mT2 , which is widely used in searches for supersymmetry at the LHC. The ranges of these variables are chosen so that the acceptance is enhanced for direct W+W- production and suppressed for production via top quarks, which is treated as a background. The fiducial cross-section and particle-level differential cross-sections for six variables are measured and compared with two theoretical SM predictions from perturbative QCD calculations
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