86 research outputs found

    Role of Proteome Physical Chemistry in Cell Behavior.

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    We review how major cell behaviors, such as bacterial growth laws, are derived from the physical chemistry of the cell's proteins. On one hand, cell actions depend on the individual biological functionalities of their many genes and proteins. On the other hand, the common physics among proteins can be as important as the unique biology that distinguishes them. For example, bacterial growth rates depend strongly on temperature. This dependence can be explained by the folding stabilities across a cell's proteome. Such modeling explains how thermophilic and mesophilic organisms differ, and how oxidative damage of highly charged proteins can lead to unfolding and aggregation in aging cells. Cells have characteristic time scales. For example, E. coli can duplicate as fast as 2-3 times per hour. These time scales can be explained by protein dynamics (the rates of synthesis and degradation, folding, and diffusional transport). It rationalizes how bacterial growth is slowed down by added salt. In the same way that the behaviors of inanimate materials can be expressed in terms of the statistical distributions of atoms and molecules, some cell behaviors can be expressed in terms of distributions of protein properties, giving insights into the microscopic basis of growth laws in simple cells

    A trajectory approach to two-state kinetics of single particles on sculpted energy landscapes

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    We study the trajectories of a single colloidal particle as it hops between two energy wells A and B, which are sculpted using adjacent optical traps by controlling their respective power levels and separation. Whereas the dynamical behaviors of such systems are often treated by master-equation methods that focus on particles as actors, we analyze them here instead using a trajectory-based variational method called Maximum Caliber, which utilizes a dynamical partition function. We show that the Caliber strategy accurately predicts the full dynamics that we observe in the experiments: from the observed averages, it predicts second and third moments and covariances, with no free parameters. The covariances are the dynamical equivalents of Maxwell-like equilibrium reciprocal relations and Onsager-like dynamical relations. In short, this work describes an experimental model system for exploring full trajectory distributions in one-particle two-state systems, and it validates the Caliber approach as a useful way to understand trajectory-based dynamical distribution functions in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Reply to C. Tsallis’ “Conceptual Inadequacy of the Shore and Johnson Axioms for Wide Classes of Complex Systems”

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    In a recent PRL (2013, 111, 180604), we invoked the Shore and Johnson axioms which demonstrate that the least-biased way to infer probability distributions {pi} from data is to maximize the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. We then showed which biases are introduced in models obtained by maximizing nonadditive entropies. A rebuttal of our work appears in entropy (2015, 17, 2853) and argues that the Shore and Johnson axioms are inapplicable to a wide class of complex systems. Here we highlight the errors in this reasoning

    Measuring Flux Distributions for Diffusion in the Small-Numbers Limit

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    For the classical diffusion of independent particles, Fick's law gives a well-known relationship between the average flux and the average concentration gradient. What has not yet been explored experimentally, however, is the dynamical distribution of diffusion rates in the limit of small particle numbers. Here, we measure the distribution of diffusional fluxes using a microfluidics device filled with a colloidal suspension of a small number of microspheres. Our experiments show that (1) the flux distribution is accurately described by a Gaussian function; (2) Fick's law, that the average flux is proportional to the particle gradient, holds even for particle gradients down to a single particle difference; (3) the variance in the flux is proportional to the sum of the particle numbers; and (4) there are backward flows, where particles flow up a concentration gradient, rather than down it. In addition, in recent years, two key theorems about nonequilibrium systems have been introduced:  Evans' fluctuation theorem for the distribution of entropies and Jarzynski's work theorem. Here, we introduce a new fluctuation theorem, for the fluxes, and we find that it is confirmed quantitatively by our experiments

    Markov processes follow from the principle of Maximum Caliber

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    Markov models are widely used to describe processes of stochastic dynamics. Here, we show that Markov models are a natural consequence of the dynamical principle of Maximum Caliber. First, we show that when there are different possible dynamical trajectories in a time-homogeneous process, then the only type of process that maximizes the path entropy, for any given singlet statistics, is a sequence of identical, independently distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, which is the simplest Markov process. If the data is in the form of sequentially pairwise statistics, then maximizing the caliber dictates that the process is Markovian with a uniform initial distribution. Furthermore, if an initial non-uniform dynamical distribution is known, or multiple trajectories are conditioned on an initial state, then the Markov process is still the only one that maximizes the caliber. Second, given a model, MaxCal can be used to compute the parameters of that model. We show that this procedure is equivalent to the maximum-likelihood method of inference in the theory of statistics.Comment: 4 page