35 research outputs found
Study on generation of attosecond pulse with polarization gating
Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of PhysicsZenghu ChangIt is still a dream to image the dynamics of electrons in atoms and molecules experimentally. This is due to the fact that such motion takes place in an ultra-short time scale; for example, an electron moves around the Bohr orbit in about 150-as (1 as = 10 -18 s), and pulses much shorter than this limit are not currently available to probe such fast dynamics. In recent years, an isolated single attosecond pulse has been produced by extracting the cutoff of harmonic spectrum driven by a laser pulse as short as ~ 5fs (1fs =10-15 s). But, these pulses are still too long in order to make the dream come true. Here, we study the possibility of generation of a much shorter and wavelength tunable single attosecond pulse by using polarization gating.
In the experiment, we compressed ~30fs pulses from the laser amplifier down to ~6fs and characterized them. These linearly polarized pulses were converted to ellipticity varying pulses, and by exploiting the property of the strong dependence of the harmonic signal with the ellipticity of the laser, an XUV supercontinuum was produced in the harmonic spectrum which could support 60-as pulses. The bandwidth of such a supercontinuum, and therefore the duration of the attosecond pulses, is limited mainly by the currently available energy of the driving laser pulses at few cycle limits. In this project, we present an approach which allowed us to scale up the energy of such pulses by a factor of 1.5 in “Hollow Core Fiber / Chirped Mirrors Compressor”.
Finally, in order to temporarily characterize the attosecond pulses we designed and built an “Attosecond Streak Camera”. Most of such cameras to date are limited to measuring a 1 dimensional energy spectrum and have only a few degrees of acceptance angle. Our camera is capable of measuring 2d momentum of the photoelectrons with large acceptance angle, for example ~ 65o at the photoelectron of energy ~15 eV. Recently, we observed the sidebands in addition to the main peaks in their laser assisted XUV photoelectron spectrum. The single attosecond pulses, after being characterized with this high speed camera, can be used to explore the dynamics of electrons at the attosecond scale
High harmonic generation from Bloch electrons in solids
We study the generation of high harmonic radiation by Bloch electrons in a
model transparent solid driven by a strong mid-infrared laser field. We solve
the single-electron time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) using a
velocity-gauge method [New J. Phys. 15, 013006 (2013)] that is numerically
stable as the laser intensity and number of energy bands are increased. The
resulting harmonic spectrum exhibits a primary plateau due to the coupling of
the valence band to the first conduction band, with a cutoff energy that scales
linearly with field strength and laser wavelength. We also find a weaker second
plateau due to coupling to higher-lying conduction bands, with a cutoff that is
also approximately linear in the field strength. To facilitate the analysis of
the time-frequency characteristics of the emitted harmonics, we also solve the
TDSE in a time-dependent basis set, the Houston states [Phys. Rev. B 33, 5494
(1986)], which allows us to separate inter-band and intra-band contributions to
the time-dependent current. We find that the inter-band and intra-band
contributions display very different time-frequency characteristics. We show
that solutions in these two bases are equivalent under an unitary
transformation but that, unlike the velocity gauge method, the Houston state
treatment is numerically unstable when more than a few low lying energy bands
are used
Preparing faculty for problem-based learning curriculum at Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal
Introduction: Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) in Nepal has adopted problem-based learning (PBL) as principal pedagogy to foster attributes predefined for its medical graduates. This study evaluates reaction of participants in PBL tutor-training program focused on PBL process and its assessment. Methods: An orientation program was organized separately for 24 faculty members and 45 higher secondary science majoring students prior to conduction of real-time PBL tutorial sessions. Faculty’s reaction as PBL tutors was collected before and after the orientation program using a 13-item self-administered questionnaire. Internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire items and outcome of the training program were assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, coefficient of variation, Shapiro-Wilk test, paired t-test and adjusted effect size for dependent samples. Results: The pre-test internal consistency reliability was high (0.89) whereas it was acceptable (0.69) for post-test. The average score increased from 26.50 to 34.55 and standard deviation decreased from 5.39 to 2.70 between pre- and post-test. Difference between post- and pre-tests total scores followed normal distribution and suitable parametric test (paired t-test) revealed the difference was highly significant (p< 0.0001). The adjusted effect size was high (1.65) for small dependent samples. Conclusions: The faculty training for PBL and assessment was helpful  in implementing PBL pedagogy at PAHS.  Keywords: Nepal, PAHS, Problem based learning, Process assessment, Tutor training program Â
Validating a problem-based learning process assessment tool in a Nepalese medical school
Introductions: The newly established Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) has incorporated the measurement of non-cognitive skills and behaviors into the summative assessment in the setting of problem based learning (PBL). This study was conducted to validate a PBL process assessment tool for PAHS.Methods: A list of 72 items of student behaviors observable in PBL tutorials was compiled from literature review. They were categorized under ten broad dimensions consistent with predefined PAHS Graduate Attributes. A series of PBL project committee meetings and expert inputs refined the list of 72 items to 47 and categorized them under eight dimensions. These 47 items, each with a 4-point rating scale, formed the Tutor Assessment of Student Tool (TAS-Tool). Twenty-four trained faculty members used the TAS-Tool to evaluate the performance of 41 senior high school students in PBL tutorials. Results: The internal-consistency of the TAS-Tool was very high rona’s .. eoal of to inonsistent ites furter increased it to 0.975. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation applied to the remaining 45 items gave seven components and explained 69.47% of the variation between the components. These seven components (% variation) were: Immersed in the Tutorial Process (20.16%); Professional (12.71%); Communicator and Team Leader (11.25%); Critical Thinker (8.77%); Reflector (6.22%); Creative (5.95%), and Sensitive (4.41%).Conclusions: TAS-Tool was found to be reliable and valid instrument deemed applicable in formative PBL process assessment at PAHS starting with the pioneer cohort of medical students. Further validation of TASTool through longitudinal study with PAHS students is required for summative purpose.Keywords: factor analysis, problem based learning, summative assessment, tool validation, Nepa
Orientation dependence of temporal and spectral properties of high-order harmonics in solids
We investigate the connection between crystal symmetry and temporal and spectral properties of high-order harmonics in solids. We calculate the orientation-dependent harmonic spectrum driven by an intense, linearly polarized infrared laser field, using a momentum-space description of the generation process in terms of strong-field-driven electron dynamics on the band structure. We show that the orientation dependence of both the spectral yield and the subcycle time profile of the harmonic radiation can be understood in terms of the coupling strengths and relative curvatures of the valence band and the low-lying conduction bands. In particular, we show that in some systems this gives rise to a rapid shift of a quarter optical cycle in the timing of harmonics in the secondary plateau as the crystal is rotated relative to the laser polarization. We address recent experimental results in MgO [Y. S. You, Nat. Phys. 13, 345 (2017).1745-247310.1038/nphys3955] and show that the observed change in orientation dependence for the highest harmonics can be interpreted in the momentum space picture in terms of the contributions of several different conduction bands
Attosecond synchronization of extreme ultraviolet high harmonics from crystals
The interaction of strong near-infrared (NIR) laser pulses with wide-bandgap
dielectrics produces high harmonics in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) wavelength
range. These observations have opened up the possibility of attosecond
metrology in solids, which would benefit from a precise measurement of the
emission times of individual harmonics with respect to the NIR laser field.
Here we show that, when high-harmonics are detected from the input surface of a
magnesium oxide crystal, a bichromatic probing of the XUV emission shows a
clear synchronization largely consistent with a semiclassical model of
electron-hole recollisions in bulk solids. On the other hand, the bichromatic
spectrogram of harmonics originating from the exit surface of the 200
m-thick crystal is strongly modified, indicating the influence of laser
field distortions during propagation. Our tracking of sub-cycle electron and
hole re-collisions at XUV energies is relevant to the development of
solid-state sources of attosecond pulses
Laser waveform control of extreme ultraviolet high harmonics from solids
Solid-state high-harmonic sources offer the possibility of compact, high-repetition-rate attosecond light emitters. However, the time structure of high harmonics must be characterized at the sub-cycle level. We use strong two-cycle laser pulses to directly control the time-dependent nonlinear current in single-crystal MgO, leading to the generation of extreme ultraviolet harmonics. We find that harmonics are delayed with respect to each other, yielding an atto-chirp, the value of which depends on the laser field strength. Our results provide the foundation for attosecond pulse metrology based on solid-state harmonics and a new approach to studying sub-cycle dynamics in solids
Anomalous nonlinear X-ray Compton scattering
X-ray scattering is typically used as a weak linear atomic-scale probe of matter. At high intensities, such as produced at free-electron lasers, nonlinearities can become important, and the probe may no longer be considered weak. Here we report the observation of one of the most fundamental nonlinear X-ray–matter interactions: the concerted nonlinear Compton scattering of two identical hard X-ray photons producing a single higher-energy photon. The X-ray intensity reached 4 × 1020 W cm−2, corresponding to an electric field well above the atomic unit of strength and within almost four orders of magnitude of the quantum-electrodynamic critical field. We measure a signal from solid beryllium that scales quadratically in intensity, consistent with simultaneous non-resonant two-photon scattering from nearly-free electrons. The high-energy photons show an anomalously large redshift that is incompatible with a free-electron approximation for the ground-state electron distribution, suggesting an enhanced nonlinearity for scattering at large momentum transfer