37 research outputs found
Therapeutic Targeting of Acute Myeloid Leukemia by Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin
Simple Summary Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (GO) is a drug approved for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It targets leukemic cells that express the CD33 molecule on their surface and brings the toxic agent calicheamicin inside the cell to kill it. Several studies have shown that AML patients can benefit of the addition of GO to chemotherapy during induction regimens, pre- and post-transplantation. Moreover, some disease features have been addressed or are under investigation for their capacity to predict response to GO, with the future aim of selecting AML patients that can mostly benefit of GO treatment. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a complex hematological malignancy characterized by genetic and clinical heterogeneity and high mortality. Despite the recent introduction of novel pharmaceutical agents in hemato-oncology, few advancements have been made in AML for decades. In the last years, the therapeutic options have rapidly changed, with the approval of innovative compounds that provide new opportunities, together with new challenges for clinicians: among them, on 1 September, 2017 the Food and Drug Administration granted approval for Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (GO) in combination with daunorubicin and cytarabine for the treatment of adult patients affected by newly diagnosed CD33(+) AML. Benefits of GO-based regimens were also reported in the pre- and post-transplantation settings. Moreover, several biomarkers of GO response have been suggested, including expression of CD33 and multidrug resistance genes, cytogenetic and molecular profiles, minimal residual disease and stemness signatures. Among them, elevated CD33 expression on blast cells and non-adverse cytogenetic or molecular risk represent largely validated predictors of good response
Efficient mitochondrial biogenesis drives incomplete penetrance in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy is a maternally inherited blinding disease caused as a result of homoplasmic point mutations in complex I subunit genes of mitochondrial DNA. It is characterized by incomplete penetrance, as only some mutation carriers become affected. Thus, the mitochondrial DNA mutation is necessary but not sufficient to cause optic neuropathy. Environmental triggers and genetic modifying factors have been considered to explain its variable penetrance. We measured the mitochondrial DNA copy number and mitochondrial mass indicators in blood cells from affected and carrier individuals, screening three large pedigrees and 39 independently collected smaller families with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, as well as muscle biopsies and cells isolated by laser capturing from post-mortem specimens of retina and optic nerves, the latter being the disease targets. We show that unaffected mutation carriers have a significantly higher mitochondrial DNA copy number and mitochondrial mass compared with their affected relatives and control individuals. Comparative studies of fibroblasts from affected, carriers and controls, under different paradigms of metabolic demand, show that carriers display the highest capacity for activating mitochondrial biogenesis. Therefore we postulate that the increased mitochondrial biogenesis in carriers may overcome some of the pathogenic effect of mitochondrial DNA mutations. Screening of a few selected genetic variants in candidate genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis failed to reveal any significant association. Our study provides a valuable mechanism to explain variability of penetrance in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy and clues for high throughput genetic screening to identify the nuclear modifying gene(s), opening an avenue to develop predictive genetic tests on disease risk and therapeutic strategies.TelethonAssociazione Serena Talarico per i giovani nel mondo and Fondazione Giuseppe Tomasello O.N.L.U.S.Mitocon OnlusResearch to Prevent BlindnessInternational Foundation for Optic Nerve Diseases (IFOND)Struggling Within Leber'sPoincenot FamilyEierman FoundationNational Eye InstituteUniv Rome, Dept Radiol Oncol & Pathol, Rome, ItalyUniv Bologna, Dept Biomed & NeuroMotor Sci DIBINEM, Bologna, ItalyUniv Bari, Dept Biosci Biotechnol & Biopharmaceut, Bari, ItalyBellaria Hosp, IRCCS Ist Sci Neurol Bologna, I-40139 Bologna, ItalyUSC, Keck Sch Med, Dept Ophthalmol, Los Angeles, CA USAUSC, Keck Sch Med, Dept Neurosurg, Los Angeles, CA USAUniv Trieste, Dept Reprod Sci Dev & Publ Hlth, Trieste, ItalyUniv Trieste, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo Children Hosp, Trieste, ItalyNewcastle Univ, Inst Med Genet, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU, Tyne & Wear, EnglandFdn Ist Neurol Carlo Besta IRCCS, Unit Mol Neurogenet, Milan, ItalyMRC Mitochondrial Biol Unit, Cambridge, EnglandFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ophthalmol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Psychol, Dept Expt Psychol, São Paulo, BrazilStudio Oculist dAzeglio, Bologna, ItalyOsped San Giovanni Evangelista, Tivoli, ItalyAzienda Osped San Camillo Forlanini, Rome, ItalyUniv Rome, Dipartimento Metodi & Modelli Econ Finanza & Terr, Rome, ItalyUniv Rome, Dept Mol Med, Rome, ItalyFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ophthalmol, São Paulo, BrazilTelethon: GGP06233Telethon: GGP11182Telethon: GPP10005National Eye Institute: EY03040Web of Scienc
Basic theory of F-bounded quantification
System F-bounded is a second order typed lambda calculus, where the basic features of object-oriented languages can be naturally modelled. F-bounded extends the better known system F , in a way that provides an immediate solution for the treatment of the so-called "binary methods". Although more powerful than F and also quite natural, system F-bounded has only been superficially studied from a foundational perspective and many of its essential properties have been conjectured but never proved in the literature. The aim of this paper is to give a solid foundation to F-bounded , by addressing and proving the key properties of the system. In particular transitivity elimination, completeness of the type checking semi-algorithm, the subject reduction property for fij reduction, conservativity with respect to system F and antisymmetry of a "full" subsystem are considered, and various possible formulations for system F-bounded are compared. Finally a semantic interpretation of sy..
Ostia antica e la foce del Tevere
International audienceThe paper presents the results of two archaeological operations held in 2015 at the mouth of the Tiber: the first one concern the discovery of the remains of the Roman quai in the left bank of the river near Torre Boacciana, Ostia, the second one is the recovery for the conservation process of the Roman shipwreck Isola Sacra 1 found in 2011 on the right bank.La communication présente les résultats de deux opérations archéologiques réalisées en 2015 à l'embouchure du Tibre: la première concerne la découverte d'un quai d'époque romaine en rive gauche près de la Tout Boacciana à Ostie, la deuxième concerne la dépose de l'épave romaine Isola Sacra 1 découverte en 2011 sur la rive droite
I resti animali di età romana rinvenuti in livelli del II-III secolo d. C. a Isola Sacra (Fiumicino)
International audienc